Nyx could no longer wait. The Otakus had been gathered. All awaiting her order. But she was still waiting for Celly to call for back-up.

"KUSO!" She thought. Where was Millie when she needed him? She needed him now to find Celly and check on her. "What if..." she stopped herself before finishing the thought. "NoWay!"

Celly was too powerful to be beaten.

And the battle rages on...

As Celly and Susanne battled it out... Mille had wanndered into town... trying to find his Nyx.

Silently he stayed there, watching. he could do nothing, it was beyond his power to interfere in this fight. The two Otakus, one with a chocolate aura and the other whose aura was unseen were comencing in battle.

Both were strong warriors, each gaining the upper hand at several intervals of the fight.

Castle Anthrax:

Nyx clentched her fists and shut her eyes. She could no longer stand this waiting --- this PATIENCE!!!!

"Millie? Where in Hades are you, baka dog!" She said out loud, but under breath.

"Nyx?" Millie's voice echoed in her mind.


The wolf was reading her thoughts.


"Where the hell are you--I've been going nutts here--first I get sucked into--"

But he cut her off. "Save it." he snapped.

Nyx realized something spectacular...she was seeing through Millie's eyes! "What the--??" She stooped herself when she saw -- Celly seemingly powerless behind her shield. "Celly!"

"Who?" asked Millie.

But Nyx did not answer. She could wait no longer. Celly was in trouble, real trouble. "Time to whup ass!"

She knew that she could not risk a massive attack batallion charging into the city or falling out of the sky as it might possibily go. This had to be solo.

"Mistress Nyx!" called Bob. "Where are you going?"

Nyx yanked open her Hammerspace and drew out a PHOSPHOROUS GUN. She eyed it with great affection.

Millie felt her emotions and rolled his eyes. "It's a gun, baka! Sheesh."

"Hey," Nyx said with contempt, "leave me be. It's gorgeous." She gazed at her reflection in the cold metal. "Hehe, I need a hair cut."

"Nyx-sama..." it was Bob.

"What?" Nyx turned to him, the nuzzle of the gun inches from his face. "I'm going to find Celly." With that she zipped up her Hammerspace and entered the Mobuis Continuim(tm). "Okay, Millie. Lead the way."

Mean while... back in the Alley...

>>Celly stopped caring anymore. She fed off her own anger, pain, fear and rage. She stood up with a muted roar, her BBBoD disappearing from her grip. Her hand twisted and something *new* fitted itself in her grip.

Celly leveled the SuperOni Ki Blaster (TM) at Susanne's chest. "Yamete," she whispered... and fired.<<

Nyx blasts seemingly from out of the brick wall and lands on Celly, knocking her off her feet and the two of them roll to the ground, smacking into a couple of wooden crates.

Celly glared at Nyx, her eyes had stone, soul-less depth to their liking. "You fool!" Susanne took the opportunity to pound in another blast. Nyx and Celly snap their head in Susanne's direction, in a classic freeze frame moment.

"KUSO!" cried Nyx as the blast ripped through in between she and Celly, knocking them both in opposite directions.

"Teemmee!" Miliie shook his head.

The dust cleared and Nyx and Celly, both were on the ground, motionless. Susanne, weakened by the battle found it wise not to gloat over her victory. Instead she ducked out of the alley.

"See!" she said, as she towered over Celly's collapsed body.

Celly moaned a bit and twisted about, cusing under her breath.

"See what you made me do?" cried Susanne.

The blame, the blame, once again. It fused her strength, but it was not enough. Celly grasped at Susanne's leg as the other poised to go. "You may have triumphed in this battle, but you have not won the war....I have yet begun to fight....!" Then she fell back on her butt.

Susanne knew this would not be their last meeting.

Celly looked over at Nyx.

"Eh, baka! Get up!" But Nyx was not moving.

"Nyx? Hey, you okay?" Celly crawled over to her, gently shaking her.

"Kuso! You can't die ... it's not allowed!"

"She's not dead." A smooth, deep, silk, masculine voice spoke from behind her.

Celly glanced over her shoulder at...a Bishounen. Or a man damn fit to be called one.

The man crossed over to Nyx and lifted her in his arms.

He was very physiqued man with a broad chest, powerful arms, narrow hips and the strong muscular legs of a track athelete. His dark brown hair was cut shot and wavy. His eyes were dark depthless pools of black water. He sported black jeans, a short sleeve, spandex shirt, showing off his well chilsled body.

"Need help?" he extended his hand to Celly and brought her to her feet.

"Who are you?" asked ccelly, attempting to regain her train of thought as her eyes kept falling on his arms and the tightness of that shirt!

"My name is Milton Zameal. I'm Nyx's protector."

"You're Millie?" Celly's jaw dropped. "She calls you Millie?"


"Um..is she?"

"Crazy, wacko... impulsive... yes, but dead? No." Milton brought her forhead against his, he clasped her hands in his, tightly. chi into her body.

Celly witnessed his eyes glow a deep ominous blue as the spirit of the wolf passed into her body. He lay her on the ground, gently and stepped back.

"Wait till she gets a load of you!" cried Celly.

Milton smiled. "She won't." With that he shifted back into the grey wolf.

Nyx began to stir and wake. "Man, did anyone get the liscence plate of that truck?"

to be continued...