Susanne and Tasuki no Otaku whirled around quickly, but not quickly enough. The BBBoD was swinging in a wide arc that pegged both Susanne in the side and Tasuki no Otaku, who tried to jump out of the way, in the leg. As the girls came crashing down to the ground, Celly grinned. "How do you like being on the receiving end? You made a mistake Hotohori no Otaku... you pissed me off!!!"

Celly swung again and Susanne barely had time to raise her Glaive to block. The two weapons locked and the two Otaku shoved against each other. Susanne's eyes glittered dangerously as well. "Been waiting for this one," she spat out, then tried to twist out of the way. She was nicked in the arm when, while the weapons were still locked, Celly morphed the BBBoD into her obscenely long, wickedly sharp Escudo sword. Celly jumped back to give herself more room to fight while Susanne clutched her wound with a free hand and protected herself with the Glaive.

"Down and dirty... just the way I like it," Celly smirked as she lifted her sword to bear again.

What Celly had forgotten was that Tasuki no Otaku was in the alley as well. Mercy quietly ignited her lightsaber. While she hated to stab people in the back , literally, there was no choice. This girl in the black and silver fuku was dangerous. As Mercy raised to strike, there was the sudden sharp crack of thunder and Mercy cried out, falling to the ground right behind Celly.

Celly whirled around. Susanne looked up. Mercy grabbed her shoulder which was bleeding. All three looked to the opposite end of the alley.

There, silhouetted by the setting sun was a girl in a trenchcoat. Nyx blew the wisp of smoke away from the recently discharged .45 she had in her hand. "Hey, Celly?" she asked. "I'm not late for the fun... am I?"

"Not at all," Celly replied with a grin and quickly crossed the distance between them. The two black haired girls faced the wounded blonde and the brunette. "Now this..." Celly started.

"... this is fun," Nyx finished.

They alley was soon filled with colored light which drove back the darkness of evening as four auras flared to life.
