The Array.

Celly could only echo Nyx's statement. Jeez, that Anaera had some problems. You didn't slit people's throats! It was wrong! You shot them, or took their heads, or blasted them with energy, or skewered them on your blade, but you *didn't* slit people's throats and then leave them for dead! It was rather messy, and it meant that you didn't have the honor to make sure your enemy *stayed* dead. Of course, this was a hard thing to do anyway amongst the Otaku, but the point still remained. Celly leveled a glance at Nyx as they wandered through the labyrinth that was the Dweller's Array. So Nyx was one of the First Children... that made a lot of sense. Celly always knew that Nyx's aura had been off somewhat, but had fobbed it off to all the coffee the trenchcoated girl drank. But, one of the First Children! I never would have guessed. Walked off a cliff for her First Death, she thought grimly. Well hey, I guess you have to go somehow! Dying in battle is so passe!

"So Nyx..." Celly began. Nyx turned to face her. "Can we get outta this place anytime soon? I mean, you're healed and all. I know this place is paradise, but it's sort of... creepy."

Nyx nodded. "I know what you mean. I've been here plenty of times before, but I can never shake that feeling. So where will we go? Castle Anthrax?"

"Yeah. That's the safest place. Unless they've got Dimension-Walkers on their side, they ain't getting in. We need to plan out our strategy and go over the information we have on the other Otakus. I felt the other Hotohori no Otaku show up during the fight."

"Was that who it was? I thought it was Anaera."

"Nah. The other Hotohori no Otaku didn't get into the fight though... I wonder..."

"Do you think she'll be trouble?"

Celly looked down at the ground before answering. "I'm not sure. I don't know where she stands right now. But I can tell... she knows the Truth."

"The Truth?" Nyx asked. She was confused. Celly just giggled and scratched her head.

"Oh yeah... I'll have to tell you the Truth sometime. It's a Moderator thing. Remind me to tell you." Nyx nodded and Celly went on. "Well, are we ready to go?"

"Yeah--" Nyx broke off and looked around. "Hey! Where's Seth?"

Just then there was the sound of pounding feet. The two girls watched as the door at the end of the hallway slammed open as Seth came tearing out of it, screaming like a girl. His shirt had been ripped to shreds and his hair was messed up. His eyes showed hope when he saw Nyx, and then collapsed in her arms, panting heavily.

"Seth?!? What the hell...?" Nyx asked, shocked.

They could only hear Seth wheeze and gasp for air, mumbling something about the serving girls being devil- women from hell. Celly sighed, sweatdropping, while Nyx laughed.

"Hentai. I knew it would get you in trouble someday."

Celly turned from the hilarious scene and grasped the edges of HammerSpace, pulling open a portal. "Come on, minna. We've got work to do. You two first, I have to keep the portal open.""What *wheeze* the hell *pant* is that *gasp*?"

"It's HammerSpace," Nyx answered. "Don't be a wuss. Jump in after me."

Nyx leapt through the portal and Seth followed after a moment of hesitation. Celly was right behind him. Seth didn't particularly like falling into nothingness... until he looked up and enjoyed the view. He almost started to nosebleed, but managed to contain himself. Unfortunately, Celly caught him staring up her fuku. So did Nyx.

"Ecchi!!!" Celly yelled and kicked Seth in the head.

"Hentai!!!" Nyx yelled at the same time and punched him in the stomach.

Seth decided that he really, *really* didn't like falling into nothingness anymore.

Castle Anthrax.

The trio made there way into Castle Anthrax, heading to Special Ops and joking all the way. I guess it's true, Celly thought. Facing death really does make you appreciate life."So, how did you end up with this place?" Seth asked her.

Celly noted with a frown that his arm had found its way around her shoulders again. She shoved his arm off of her. "I have my secrets," she replied before frowning at him. "And can't you keep your hands too yourself? You're worse than Happosai!"

Nyx laughed as she swatted Seth's hand away from her waist. "I think that's a 'no.' I'm pretty sure that he was born hentai and will stay that way until he's dead."

Seth just put a lecherous smile on his face. "Well, can you expect any man to keep his hands to himself when surrounded by as lovely women as yourselves?" Nyx and Celly's eyes widened and Seth put his arms around both of their shoulders, grinning.

"Ooh... he's good..." Celly remarked.

They continued to make their way to the heart of Castle Anthrax.

Special Ops.
Castle Anthrax.

"Come on, Bob!" Dionysus exclaimed. "I know you have a recording of the fight that went down with the Otakus! Why won't you let me see it?"

Bob set his jaw and continued to look directly at his console. "I don't know what you're talking about, Dionysus."

"Like hell you don't! Those cameras see everything that happens in Bishounen World, *especially* the fights between the Otakus. Let me see the tape, Bob. Or at least tell me where the Otakus went. I have a job to do--"

"You don't have a job here anymore!" Bob retorted. "Don't you remember? You were relieved of your position as Guardian. You don't belong here."

"Of course I do! Do you think I give a damn about what the Guardian's Council thinks? I'm here because I was called by the Moderator herself. Now let me do my job."

"How do I know you're not lying? How do I know that you'll--"

"--KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!!" a familiar voice called out.

Bob and Dionysus turned around to see Celly enter Special Ops with Nyx and an unfamiliar man who sported a bright red hand print on his cheek.

"You baka hentai! I kept telling you to keep your hands to yourself! If you touch me again--"

"I'll make sure that you'll never again know the touch of a woman," Dionysus' cold voiced interjected.

All action in Special Ops halted as Celly leveled her gaze at Dionysus. Nyx and Seth had frozen as well, and Bob quietly slapped a hand over his face, groaning and leaned his back against the wall. Celly could only stare at the silver-haired man who stood no more than ten feet away from her.

"Dion...?" she whispered, tears filling her eyes. It can't be him, she told herself. I'm dreaming or one of Gen-chan's summoning cards got out again. Dion's not allowed back here anymore. I'm dreaming. It's a dream.

"Ce-ko," his smooth voice rumbled. "Kobito."

Dionysus quickly crossed the distance between them and embraced Celly tightly. Celly leaned into his embrace and tentatively wrapped her arms around him. She didn't notice or even care that Bob had suddenly straightened from his position against the wall or that Nyx and Seth were openly staring at the two of them in bewilderment. Kami- sama, if this is a dream don't let me wake up... she thought. Celly raised her head and focused her ice-blue eyes on Dion's silver-grey ones. Celly stroked her hand across Dion's cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin and hearing his heart beat rapidly in his chest. "Dion... you're here... honto... itooshi..."

"Hai, Ce-ko. Honto. I'm really here."
