Susanne heard her clock radio click on. After a few days of not being able to find a good station to wake up to, she decided she was glad that she had bought a clock radio that also had a tape player. Now, as the opening of "Got My Mind Set On You" played, she yawned and opened her eyes. It was seven thirty. She had an hour and a half to get dressed, eat, and get to class. And she expected that she'd a have some time to spare.

As the song was winding down, she rolled over and found herself looking right into a pair of light blue eyes.

The scream died in her throat and the only sound she made was a gasp, but she had also managed to jump up on her bed and throw the blanket over her Guardian. As she remembered the events of the last few days, she heard a low growl and she reached down and pulled the blanket off.

"Roger?" she said tentatively.

"You managed to wake up fast."

"Dammit, I'd have been scared enough to find someone else in my room! The tiger thing was a little unnecessary!"

"I apologize," Roger said, changing into a human. Then he grinned. "But you should have seen the look on your face!" He almost managed to dodge the pillow that came flying at him.

"Roger, you really don't have to follow me to class."

"Actually, I do."

"Whatever. But you know you can't stay in the classroom."

"I'll sit right outside the door."

"There's two entrances."

"Then you better leave by the same door you entered by."

"Sure, Rog."

"I mean it!" he called after her as she went into the lecture hall.

Susanne took her usual seat near the front but off to the side. Right now, she expected that Roger was going around and finding the other door, just so that he knew what he had to contend with. There was no place where on could stand and see both doors. Now, the question was, would Roger expect her to come out the other door, or would he be waiting faithfully where she had left him?

An hour and a half later, she still wasn't sure. She shouldn't have told him about the other door. She packed her bag and decided to take her chances with the door she had come in. Roger was probably walking back and forth, anyway.

She walked out amongst a group of people and saw Roger disappearing around the corner as he went to check the other door. Susanne quickly walked the other way. Finally. He'd probably find her soon, but she was anxious for a few minutes alone.

She was walking by one of the residence halls now. She heard laughing from a nearby window, and from another she could hear a U2 song. The weather was starting to warm up. It was really starting to feel like springtime, which both made her happy and made her realize how much she missed California.

Susanne was so caught up in thoughts, she almost didn't feel the presence as she approached the end of the brick building. She stopped mid-stride, wondering what she should do. She shook her head. "I am not fighting here," she thought.

"Celly!" she called. "I know you're there, come out!"