Nyx sighed as she sipped her double mocha frappacino. Caffeine... sweet, glorious caffeine... Ah, the caffeine buzz was starting to come over her. "God, I'm so glad we aren't doing anything right now," she sighed to herself. "What a perfect time to relax..."

The Mori was devoid of patrons at the moment, seeing as how it was the middle of the day and the regular customers did not come until night. Nyx stretched out on a sofa as her thoughts wandered. Wandered to a certain person... a girl... THE GIRL... Nyx's free hand idly traced over the scar along her throat. "Soon... soon... I'll get you for this... soon..." Nyx chuckled to herself. She couldn't wait for the moment until she saw Chichiri no Otaku again.

Suddenly, Nyx felt like a blanket had been thrown over her, smothering her. She dropped her cup of coffee as her hands flew to her chest, and it shattered on the ground. The breath rasped in her throat. "Wha--what the hell...?!?" she gasped. What was this feeling?!? Something had gone wrong. It was like when she sensed other Otakus, but this, this HURT.

The doors to the Mori slammed open. Nyx's head swung in the direction of the crash.

"CE-KO!" Dionysus roared. "CE-KO! DOKU DA?!?"

Nyx's eyes widened as the Buzz hit her, as well as this funky feeling. She recognized the girl who had come into the Mori behind Dionysus. She had seen her picture on the viewscreen in Castle Anthrax. "Hotohori no Otaku..." she murmured. The black-haired girl with a white... thing... on her shoulder seemed to be in pain too. Nyx had little time to think, as Dionysus had ran straight to her and shook her shoulders.

"Where? Where is she?!?" He was frantic.

"Offices..." Nyx managed to gasp out. Dionysus quickly let go of her and ran up the stairs, kicking Celly's office doors open. Nyx managed to follow after him, along with Remy and P-kun. The feeling was leaving, and they were halfway up the stairs when they saw Dionysus take a few steps into the office and they all heard his words.

"Oh... Oh kami-sama..." he whispered. Nyx, Remy and P-kun took the last few steps at a run and slid to a halt beside Dionysus. Remy gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth. She quickly turned away from the room and squeezed her eyes shut. P-kun tried to console her, but he was deeply shocked as well.

Nyx alone took in the surroundings with an unflinching eye.

Blood covered a majority of the office. It was everywhere. Dionysus slowly rocked back and forth, cradling Celly's body in his arms as he vainly tried to stop the flow of blood that came from her wrists. His immaculate white outfit was stained badly, but he refused to stop his efforts to save Celly. The Otaku herself was pale, but her eyelids twitched at Dionysus' touch. Celly opened her blue eyes wearily.

"... itooshi... I tried... onii-sama... I don't... don't want... to fight... anymore... atashi wa... aishiteru..."

A letter opener glistened silver in a puddle of blood near Celly's hand.
