Celly stretched and yawned as sleep left her. Her arm made its way to the other side of the bed, where Dion slept. She searched... and searched... and finally, with a start Celly opened her eyes to look at the other side of the bed.


Celly's internal clock told her that it was still early. She knew Dion's habits just as well as she knew her own. He liked to sleep in late, because of his job. Job? Celly wondered. What job does Dion have? I can't remember. Celly sat up in bed, but made no move to leave its warmth. Thoughts... memories... she couldn't remember again. Inwardly she cursed her flawed memory. If only I knew my past, who I was before... Why can't I remember?

The past few days, well, actually it was almost a week, had been heavenly. She and Dion had spent a lot of time together and those light-filled days had made her forget her flawed memory and her desires for fighting.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," Celly said to herself. "First, I want to find this 'Tamahome' guy... then I start the Mori... then I hunt the Otakus. Doshite? Why am I doing these things?"

Her eyelids felt heavy, and she began to doze off. More pleasant dreams and half-memories flitted through her mind.

Dark hair... kind eyes... Dion with a sword... a long silver dress... the view of the Earth from someplace else... the sound of music... warm hands... dancing... laughing... falling... caught by those hands... "Daijobu?"... "I'm alright..."... looking... searching... for who?... for him... mission?... purpose?... I want to be left alone... darkness... something smothering her... "No! No!"... "I won't let you!"... "You have no choice..."... "Leave me alone!"... "Fulfill your purpose..."... "Stay away from her!"... "You're the reason she's here..."... "No... no... no..."... "Don't take her away!"... "Help me! Onegai!"... "Stay strong! I'll find a way!"...

A thin trickle of tears made their way down Celly's cheek, though she was still caught in her sleep. Memories continued to pour into her mind. Her life before. Her mission here. Not the Moderator. Not the Otaku. Celeste. Tsukino Celeste. Memories which would be forgotten as soon as she awoke. Celly's lips formed words as she spoke in her dreams.

"Gomen nasai... failed... I've failed... I wasn't strong enough... I couldn't fight... Gomen nasai..."

A deep breath

."... Onii-sama..."
