::Before you read, just a couple of things... Ureshii= I'm happy/content/etc. Hanarete=leave And all those E words at the end basically mean choose. The rest I think you guys know. ^_^ happy reading minna!!::

*Yoi,* Remy sighed. Yes… this was how it should have been: how it should always be. *Ureshii yo.* She sighed again, welcoming the warm embrace of the sun at high noon. Raising her arm in a gentle arc, she carefully retrieved the flimsy wire sun glasses resting on the side table and pushed them in place. The padded lawn chair on which she lay groaned in protest with the slight movement. She shifted, trying to find that one, supine position where she could be thoroughly engrossed with her repose. She sighed again when she found it, turning her head and aiming a satisfied smile towards the burning sun. A slight breeze carelessly tossed her long black hair in idle directions and, in it's unconscious mirth, managed to free those few stubborn strands that refused to submit to the bright thread tied loosely behind her head. If she hadn't caught a glimpse of the turning, metallic fan just minutes before, she would have sworn that everything was entirely natural… that everything was… entirely… real.


There was something… in the bleak recesses of her mind that refused to let her live in this fantasy… in this lie… uso… uso… uso…

Remy laughed, hard. She could live in a lie… according to that damn book, she'd been living in one for eighteen years. Why stop now?? With that settled she ignored the chanting voices crying "uso" and continued to relax yet again.

*Remy-sama?* the warm chocolate-like voice brought her out of her reverie. She sat up abruptly, her body voicing its objection to the sudden loss of lethargy with a resonant crick. Who the hell was this person who dared disturb her when she was feeling so… so… good! Tearing off the wire frames shielding her cold gray stare, she turned toward the voice, with the intent of telling him just what she thought about hi-

The thought ceased… oh… my… God!! He was… he was…

*kirei na* she whispered.

*Your pink-lemonade snapple, Remy-sama.* He said, motioning towards the tall glass he held. She stared… at his hands… at his face…


*uhhhh… ummmmm… a…arigatou.* she stumbled on the words-Oh God, he was beautiful!- and reached for the offered beverage.

*Your kiwi strawberry snapple, Remy-sama* another voice, definitely male, stated. Remy's hand paused and dropped to her side as she turned slowly towards the new voice. Oh… my… God!! It was another one!! Somewhat different... short hair opposed to the long flowing black, a little older, perhaps... but just as beautiful. She stared again. She couldn't bring herself to do anything else.

*Hanarete* the chocolate voice commanded, *Remy-sama wants the pink lemonade. Your services are not, and never were needed. Hanarete!* he repeated.

*She wants the kiwi strawberry!* the other voice shot back.

*She NEEDS the pink lemonade!*

*Kiwi strawberry!*

*Pink Lemonade!*


They both turned towards Remy… and waited… waited for her response… she shrugged imploringly.

*You must chose*


*Erabinasai!* They shouted… *Erabinasai! Erabe yo!*

You must choose…

Erande kudasai…
Ima erabe… hayaku, hayaku… choose, now!!

What the hell was going on here!? What the hell did they want!? Damn it!! Choose WHAT!? A DAMN BEVERAGE?! No… this was not how it was supposed to be… this was HER dream God damn it!! Tears of frustration sprang to her eyes… she hated this lack of control. Why the hell was she crying over a BEVERAGE!! It was all too much… the chanting "uso"s… the chanting "Erabinasai"s… the chanting… the chanting…

*Yamete* she screamed and screamed…

*****The Bishounen World*****

P-kun groaned in relief when his charge finally stopped screaming and returned, once again, to her peaceful slumber. What the hell was going on?! When he left her, not more than ten minutes before, she slept with a contented smile spread across her face, as if she was dreaming about warm beaches, rich foods, and handsome men. His return, prompted by her echoing screams, left him dumbfounded. The screams he could easily dismiss… so she had a bad dream… lots of people get those… but what he saw… what was going on with her? Her aura, until about 2 seconds ago, was flashing like a faulty light bulb… what the hell did that mean!?

What the hell did it mean!?