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May 10, 1999

I'm turning the updates over to Sephiroth today.

Kathryn has added the You Know You Play Too Much... list today.   She is also prod to say that she got a perfect score on the parts of this page that were for class.

May 2, 1999

I launched the page today!!  Yay!!

It's not that big of a deal.  This is a project for one of your classes

Oooh...Just do your job and stop heckling me.

Very well.  Kathryn's new page has a number of things for you to look at.  There is fanfiction and such, information about the characters and their abilities, and ... what else?

Read the card.

<Looks at 3x5 card>  And she has valuable information to help you ... Do I have to say this?


<Sigh> To defeat me and save the Planet. 

Yup, that's right.  And unlike other failed attempts I am really going to try and update this page as much as I can. 

Too bad Final Fantasy VIII is coming out and no one will care.

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