
These are either all self-insert (based on
a fanfic of my good friend Tavestry's), or they're
shonen-ai as Rowen (with Sage). I'm rather fond
of the shonen-ai stuff, but if you don't like it
don't read it!!! It's THAT Simple!! Don't worry,
it's marked, so if you want to avoid it, you can.

Technically Kivrin is NOT me - but she's so much like me (even in alternate universe incarnations) that I consider these pretty much Self-Insert. Just so you know.

Family - An "outtake" from Shin Yoroiden Samurai Troopers: Circles of Blood; Tavestry's really cool fic. Kivrin and Touma share some family bonding - at the GUN RANGE?! I know now they probably don't have gun ranges in Japan, but I didn't know it then. It's pretend, okee?? ^_^'' ~Finished~

Kivrin's first date in Japan Pointless really but I wrote it so here ya go. This would be Pre-Inazuma, of course. ~Finished~

The Tenku Men Get Drunk and Kiv gets pissed. ~Finished~

Lessons Kiv's back in college in Japan - and she's not the only one learning a thing or two. ~Finished~

Return to Life Fanfiction from Tavestry's unfinished SYST:POS storyline (Pillars of Sorrow ). She's got a whole series of her SYST stories. (Fanfiction based on fanfiction...oh honestly now...) ~Finished~

Escape More SYST:POS fanfic. Once again centered on Touma and Tenku-Chan. You have to have noticed a pattern by NOW. ~Finished~

Shonen-Ai Fics
All written by me, all about RowenxSage, because that was how I was used to thinking of them when I started writing them. Now that I think of them more as Touma and Seiji, I keep having to go back and translate it back into American. ^_^''

Read My Mind Sai helps Rowen 'fess up to Sage. ~Finished~

Lightning Kisses Rowen shows Sage the beauty of the storm. ~Finished~

Hoops of Steel - Part i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
- Are the armors alive? If they are, what do they think of Rowen and Sage's relationship? ~Finished!~

Hearts in Armor -
Part One Embracing Nothingness
Part Two Voices in My Head
Part Three A Certain Slant of Light
Author's Notes - Please Read! Fairly Important!
- Foolish pride threatens to destroy Sage and Rowen's relationship! ~Finished!~

Line of Duty -
First Chapter
- A couple of weeks after the events of "Hearts in Armor", Sage takes Rowen to meet his family; will the Date family accept their real relationship or will Sage be forced to choose between love and duty? ~In Progress~

Stay tuned for the next chapter of "Line of Duty", coming...ummm...at some point.

Wisdom's Sacrifice Index
Copyright: 2000 -
Site belongs to Jen Roberts, aka Socks, aka Lina No Miko. Do not mess with me buck-o. I don't take kindly to plagiarism.