The Decks


Do you want to buy a deck? Unfortunately for you, they don't print the card names that are in each deck. So how are you gonna find out? Chansey will tell you, of course!



18 Fire Energy

1 Ninetails

2 Vulpix

1 Arcanine

2 Growlithe

2 Charmelion

4 Charmander

10 Grass Energy

4 Nidoran

4 Weedle

2 Tangela

1 Lass

2 Energy Retrival

1 Energy Removal

1 Switch

1 Gust of Wind

3 Potion

1 PlusPower



16 Phycic Energy

1 Mewtwo

2 Drowzee

2 Jynx

2 Haunter

3 Gastly

1 Kadabra

3 Abra

12 Electric Energy

4 Pikachu

3 Magnemite

1 Computer Search

1 Proffesor Oak

1 Defender

1 Super Potion

1 Potion

2 Switch

2 Gust of Wind



12 Water Energy

1 Gyarados

2 Magikarp

3 Starmie

4 Staryu

16 Grass Energy

2 Ivysaur

4 Bulbasaur

1 Beedrill

2 Kakuna

4 Weedle

2 Bill

2 Gust of Wind

2 Switch

2 Super Potion

1 Potion



16 Fighting Energy

1 Hitmonchan

3 Onix

3 Sandshrew

2 Machoke

4 Machop

12 Water Energy

2 Wartortle

4 Squirtle

3 Staryu

2 Farfetch'd

1 Professor Oak

1 PlusPower

1 Gust of Wind

1 Super Energy Removal

4 Energy Removal


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