![]() | ![]() If you want to know what the latest stories are, please check out the updates.
Friday 19 April 2002 Well, there are a few items of news. The most important is that the last time I checked, Lady Mars was alive. ^_^ (Let's keep in mind that the last time I checked happened to be in 2001.) She told me she has kept all the story files saved on her computer, which means the site can have pretty much a complete recovery!
Also, in a week my semester is over and I'll be going home. When I get there I will get to work on fixing the site. In the meantime I'll be taking finals. *cringe* Wish me luck!
Sunday 30 December 2001 On a sad note: it looks like most of the stories Generals Love once had are now gone for good. I've tried e-mailing many authors, telling them that all GL's story files were deleted and asking them to resubmit their stories. A few kind souls have done so. (Thank you!!) However, most have not. About half of the addresses I tried to e-mail have been deleted, meaning I have no way of contacting those authors. Other authors don't have copies of their stories anymore. Some flatly refused to resend their stories, saying they had lost interest in the General/Senshi romance. In any case, it looks like even after all the repairs are done, Generals Love will have only a fraction of the stories it had before Xoom deleted the files. (If you know any of the authors who had stories at GL, please encourage them to resubmit their stories. Also, I'm pretty sure you'll get karma points for sending copies of any GL stories you might have saved, to GeneralsLove@hotmail.com. I, for one, would consider it a humanitarian act of mercy. ^_~) Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who has offered to help out with the site. I really appreciate it! But unfortunately I don't feel right about changing much of the site without Lady Mars' permission. It's true that I haven't heard from her in a while, and her e-mail account has apparently been deactivated, but for right now I'm going to assume she's coming back. Based on that, I don't think it's my place to make major changes to the site, such as accepting affiliations/site sisters (Lady Mars has a policy about not participating in link exchanges) or changing the layouts without her approval. The only changes I plan on making are ones I have to make in order for the site to function. So if I turn down your request, please don't be offended, it's nothing personal. Eventually, once I have the site restored (comparatively) if I still haven't heard from Lady Mars, I'll probably take over complete responsibility for the site, and then decisions regarding GL will be up to me. If you offer to help me then, there's a good chance I'll accept.
Here's hoping you all have a happy New Year!
Sunday 23 December 2001
Tuesday 18 December 2001
Friday 7 December 2001 Friday 22 June 2001 A few quick notes. Please, remember to put all the important info on the subject line (title, ch. #, author, etc.), it makes updatin' go by quicker! Send ALL submissions to GeneralsLove@hotmail.com, not to MY address! The only things that should be sent to my or Venusian's direct email would be broken links, ideas, tidbits, whatever, etc. That's all I can think of right now. Later dudes! Again, sorry for the late update! Friday 1 June 2001 PS -- Italy was wonderful, for those who didn't know yet. ^^ I never thought I'd actually see all those amazing, famous works of art. Sunday 13 May 2001 I've learned something tonight. Hotmail NEVER works on a Sunday. For the past three Sundays, I've never been able to get into my mailbox. Tonight was no exception, so (eep) there were a few snags with the updating process. I had already downloaded the fics to my comp, so there was no problemo there. The only sitch I had was when it came to new fics and special requests. I didn't have the teasers to the new fics (hence, lonely titles in the archive indexes) and some authors asked me a few favors that I couldn't fulfilll due to the lack of no short-term memory. (sweatdrop) If I didn't repost or fix a link, etc., apologies! Blame it on Hotmail! I'll deal with it best I can during the week. While we're on favors, do one for me (and for you!) ;) If, while scrolling through the archives and such, you find a fic you wrote to be missing, your name not listed, no teaser, etc., etc., basically a prob, PLEASE let me know so that I can get on it asap. I noticed that some fics weren't in the title's index (and various probs of the like) and while I tried to fix it, I don't think I was able to get to all. So please, if you've submitted to GL, go take a look see and make sure everything is okely dokely. Okay, fanarts. They too are victimized by evil Hotmail. They're still in my email box, and I WASN'T able to download those yet. Once again, I want to apologize, especially to the artists who contributed, to whom I promised that I would post their fanarts LAST week. Eep!! I'm so so so sorry. Even if it kills me, they shall be posted by the end of the week. Just so everybody knows, these latest round of fanarts are FA-BU-LOUS. I WILL showcase them. I guess that's all I need to chatter about this week. I'm sure there's more but my poor, feeble mind can't grasp everything at once. ;) Thanks all for being patient, and for still coming back and being super supportive and great. I love GL and I'm glad you guys do too. Toodles! Sunday 6 May 2001 And mostly I'll miss her b/c the updates are up to me again. =D Which means that they can't be weekly, as they were w/ V. I DID swear to myself that I would update today, but Hotmail won't let me into my box where all of the fics and fanarts are. My deepest apologies to all, I know that you guys are desperately in need in fics, as portrayed through some vocal emails. ;) As God is my witness, I WILL update next weekend. I'd like to say that I'd be able to update during the week, but it seems VERY unlikely. Please bare w/ me. College has turned me into an old foggie. Till next Saturday. (I PROMISE!!!) Sunday 1 April 2001 Monday 26 March 2001 Other than the fanarts, there isn't much else. Mostly I did some small scale tinkering with the site, adding a link here, updating a link there... etc. I added one new quote to the "Love Quotes," and a new fic to the "Must Read" section. Other than that, that's all from me for now. I'll try not to make my next hiatus quite so long. If I have my way, I'll be back here again manana! Happy reading folks! 8 March 2001, 10 February 2001, 02 February 2001, A quick note: readers may notice some authors' stories are not wrapped at 70 characters or so, like the submission guidelines ask for. (Authors, please hit "enter" after about 70 characters, it makes your readers happy. ^^) This means that, if you want to read those stories, you have to scroll horizontally... a real pain. However, if you really do want to read the stories, but don't want to deal with scrolling sideways, you can select all the text of the story and copy it into a program that wraps text, like Word or Wordpad. It's much more pleasant to read that way. 31 January 2001, 21 January 2001, Aside from that, I don't think there's any site news... we had a lot of great stories sent in recently! As usual, if you find any mistakes anywhere in the site, please e-mail me. 2 December 2000, Without further ado, I present to you Venusian Goddess! She's responsible for this week's (er... month's.. hehe) update. If it weren't for her, you guys probably wouldn't be getting an update for awhile... *L* She's a really great assistant and an absolute sweetheart. I'm glad to have her a part of GL. She'll be taking care of updating the indexes and author's pages. Continue to send your submissions to GeneralsLove@hotmail.com. Any and all broken link info, please direct to dear Venusian and she'll get on top of it as soon as she can. Her email addy is VenusianGoddess@hotmail.com. A few important reminders. Don't forget to include all relevant info on broken links. Don't just say that the link to Wreath of Stars is broken. Also mention which page specifically... the author's page? the title index? etc... On submissions, PLEASE include the title, parts and your name in the subject line. A perfect example goes as follows --> Heavy Sword ch. 4, Lady Heartfire. This makes updates go by a lot faster. A lot of you guys have been doing it (mucho thanks) but some of you are still forgetting. Also, I'd like to reiterate a specific guideline to submissions. The stories have center around the Gens and Senshi. This whole site is dedicated just to them. We've been getting some fics that either have nothing to do with the gen/senshi, or where the gen/senshi have only small parts. There are a lot of other great places where you could send those fics, ASMR being one of them. But GL is for the gen/senshi. Try to keep that in mind. If you're sure if your fic belongs on the site or not, ask me or Venusian. We'll give the ok or not. Finally, the subject of fanarts... *sigh* I've finally gotten around to partially updating the fanarts. But alas, I failed to take seriously a Hotmail message telling me my account was oversized, and some of the fanart has been maliciously deleted. Please please please, if you sent me a fanart and you don't see it posted, please send it to me again. I got some really great work these past few months and I'd love to share it with everybody. Thanks. That's about all this week. Have fun. Did you guys all have a Happy Turkey day? Toodles. 9 November 2000 7 October 2000 Huge apologies for the not only late update this week, but a sloppy one too. I didn't have time to update the site completely, but I felt bad for leaving you guys high and dry so long that I did the best I could. On the updates page you'll see what's new, but I haven't gotten to updating the titles' or authors' indexes yet. And despite the fact that I've been getting great fanart this past month, I still haven't posted them yet. Apologies! I'll try next time. Also, a lot of you sent me links to websites that you have and I'll post them as soon as I can. FYI, the updates list is a complete mess and just so you know, there are some revisions and I didn't mention them all. The ones that I can remember off the top of my head or Shattered Dreams, Magic of Love, and Time of Avators. There may be more, but I'm in a real rush! As you can tell, I've been busy as a bee, especially now that I've become full-time student girl again. I haven't even had time to keep up with my fave fics! Legend of Serenity, Time of Avatars... even The Beast! Not to mention the fact that there are probably some really great new ones that I haven't had time to peruse either... *sigh* I really appreciate everyone who's been patient with me and supportive as well. I know I kept saying I'd update, and then I didn't. I know that if I were you, I'd be pretty ticked off, especially with all my hollow promises. I'll keep doing my best, I love this site too much to part with it! Till next time... hope it's not too far off... hehehe 26 August 2000 Nothing new to say except that please please please, when you submit, please provide the necessary info within the subject line. It helps a lot when I'm updating. I received a lot of fabulous fanart but that will have to wait for next week because I have to reload my photoshop. Part of the reason I was out of commision for so long was because of a computer meltdown. Anyhoo, I'm back online ready to fullfill all your fanfic needs. Oh, and yes, I've fixed the broken links. Read at your delight. *L* Later. 19 July 2000 If you'll notice, there's a section about what the fans think. That's you! The comments can be anything. Why you love 'em or hate 'em, why they go together or they don't, and anything else that comes to mind. I'll be doing the same for the others, but let's just stick to Ami and Zoi for now. My email is backlogged enough as it is. ;) Speaking of which, my apologies if I don't reply to your emails, or if it takes ages to do so. I have a million different projects on my hands right now! So enjoy what *little* entertainment I've provided for you and I'll be back next week. =) 13 July 2000 Generals Love © 1999-2001 Lady Mars. Read the Fine Print. |