Do you have a SM story or fanart that is based on the romances of the four inner senshi and the four generals? Would you like to submit it? Here are same basic rules I would like for you to follow.
Submitting Stories
- Please be sure that your file is a .txt file.
- I prefer for stories to be sent in an attached zip file, but it's alright with me if you cut and paste your fic into your email. I suggest Winzip for window users.
- Stories should be set to 70-80 characters per line. Here's a quick lesson to what I'm talking about:
- In your notepad program, type across the top 70-80 characters. This will act as a guide.
- Whenever you get to the end of your top line, press return.
A quick visual:
Stories that aren't formatted neatly look tacky and sometimes discourages readers from reading. Scrolling is a pain afterall. =)
- In your email, please specify the title, parts/chapters, the email you'd like to use, and, of course, your name/handle.
- On the subject line of your email, I would like for you to type in the title, parts/chapters and your name/handle. This will be of much help to me when I update.
- Also include a 3 to 4 line (please keep it short! don't need an essay) teaser or short summary along with your fic. I could do the teaser for you, but I may not always have time to read all of your fic in one night (even if I'd like to =) so the teasers I'd write would be most likely be based on the first few paragraphs or first part. The teaser only has to come to me the first time you submit your fic. Continuous submissions need not needless repitition.
- For now, no hentai's please. Though I have read some good hentai fics about the gens/sen, I'd prefer not to have them on my site just yet.
- I'll try not be too selective, but if I feel that a story is not what I am looking for, it will not be archived on this site. Please don't let this discourage you from submitting your fic.
Submit to GeneralsLove@hotmail.com
Submitting Fanart
You've read my pleas for general/senshi fanart, eh? *L*
- Artwork has to be either .gif or .jpg. No .art! Tip: Pictures as .jpg load faster but pics as .gif show up clearer.
- Send in a zip file if you can, or just attach it to your email. Once again, for you windowers, I recommend Winzip.
- In your email, please be sure to tell me your name/handle and the title of your art, *if there is one*.
Submit to GeneralsLove@hotmail.com
Sailormoon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation, Bandai & DiC.
Generals Love © 1999-2001 Lady Mars. Read the Fine Print.