The Cast of Fushigi Yugi

          Yuuki Miaka
          Yuuki Miaka is a 15-year-old junior high school girl who is transported to the ancient China of the "Universe of the Four Gods" book. She soon becomes the priestess of the red phoenix. Miaka is rather dim at times, but is also loyal and a good friend. She is loved by two main male characters, Tamahome and Hotohori, but only truly loves Tamahome. She and Tamahome are the main love interest story in this series.

          Tamahome is one of the Suzaku no Seishi. He is 17 years old and quite a businessman. Tamahome has superhuman strength, and thus is a well-skilled fighter and martial artist. He is the one who first finds Miaka, and also is in love with her. Although he at first only appears to be interested in money, his true feelings for Miaka are revealed, as well as the reason he cares about money so much. His sign is "oni," meaning "ogre," and is located on his forehead.

          Hotohori is the emperor of the southern region, or Konan Country. He is also in love with Miaka, although she does not return his affection. Likewise, he does not return the affections of Nuriko, who is in love with him. He is 18 years old and his swordsmanship and leadership skills are extremely strong. His sign means "star" and is located on his neck.

          Nuriko is seemingly the only "female" seishi of Konan Country, but actually "she" is a cross-dresser. He is a strong character in both personality and physical prowess. He acts cruelly towards Miaka, but it is later discovered that he is this way because he loves Hotohori. Since Hotohori loves Miaka and not him, he feels jealous and at one point tries to move in on Tamahome to make Miaka jealous. He calls himself Kourin and is 18 years old. Nuriko's sign is "willow" and is located on his chest, above the heart.

          Tasuki is a foul-mouthed, ill-tempered ex-bandit. The former leader of the Mt. Leikaku bandit gang, he is 17 years old and uses a flame-throwing iron fan known as a tessen. He likes to fight and drink, and says that he hates women, but he does care about his fellow seishi and Suzaku no Miko. His sign is "wing" and is on his forearm.

          Chichiri seems young with his high-pitched voice, yet he is actually the oldest of the seven Suzaku Seishi, as he is 24. He wears a mask that is always smiling to hide the painful scar on his left eye, which also conceals a painful past. Chichiri is a wandering monk and can perform magic for he trained for 3 years with Taitsukun, the overseer of the world. His character is "water well" on his knee.

          Mitsukake is very quiet and keeps to himself. He is very skilled as a healer, and has the power to heal once a day. He isolated himself when his lover, Shoka, died. The seishi find him hiding outside of a small mountain village in the woods acting as a doctor. He comes out of hiding to join the other seishi once they discover him and settle his past turmoil. His character is "sadness" and it is found on his palm. He spends a great deal of time with his cat, Tama-neko.

          Chiriko is 13 years old and very small. Despite his small stature, he is very adept at solving problems. He spends his free time studying for civil service exams, in which he scores very high. He is the last seishi to be discovered, and is mistaken for one of the Seriyuu Seishi at first. He then arrives and saves the Suzaku Seishi by countering Amiboshi's attack. His sign is "stretching," which is located on his foot.

          Kouji is Tasuki's best buddy and two years his senior, at age 19. As if Tasuki isn't enough, try the two of them together. Kouji became leader of the Mt. Leikaku bandits when Tasuki decided to join Miaka's crew. He has a habit of knocking on the door and answering it himself. Like Tasuki, he's a drunken bandit, yet he doesn't proclaim to hate women. He's not a Suzaku Seishi, but he deserves an honorable mention.


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