Sound Asleep!
Nuriko looks so cuuuuuuuuuute! Lookit hiiiiiiiiiim!
Kickin' Ass
>:3 HaHA! I'm good!
And... o_O strong.
Holding A Fan
Wow... I wish I could look that good in a kimono...
You have to learn how to play it, dear.
Fighting Pose
I always liked this picture.
Always a woman, Nuri-chan, always a woman... -_-;
Man... you really did a number on Tamahome-kun.
*innocent look* He deserved it!
Like A Flower
Ah... my masculine side!
O_o; THAT'S your MASCULINE side?!
"No... Breasts..."
So THAT'S how Miaka-chan found out...
-_-; Let's not talk about this please...
Nuriko and Miaka
I've been told I look more feminine than Miaka.
Would you hit me if I told you they were right?
Out of the Closet!
Hehehehehe... poor, poor Nuriko-chaaaaaan!
Oh, shut up.
Don't I look pretty?!
Rub it in, why doncha?!
SD Nuriko
This is Nuriko, acting gay in SD!
I'm not gay!
Just the Eyes
Don't I have such pretty eyes...?
...no comment.
Taitsukun's Gauntlets
I kinda like those gauntlets...
>:/ MINE!
I think this title is pretty much self explainatory...
You got that right.
One Up
Just raisin' one finger!
And not the finger you think, for all you idiots out there...
Sitting Down
Ah... I love my hair!
I used to have hair like that... until Gen-chan dyed it... >_<
Another Flower Pic?
What is it with you and flowers?
*shrug* Just me, I guess.
All Dressed Up...
*sigh* With nowhere to go... *daydreams about Hotohori for a while*
Some pictures were found here.
It's another shrine to meeeee! Enjoy! ^_^