

The Golden Moon Awards is similar to the Golden Globe Awards. Instead, I'll be giving out awards for different types of sailormoon web sites out there. It'll give a chance for several unknown sites to be recognized along with several other sites. You can nominate a site now. There are approximately 31 categories presently. Each category  recognizes each type of sailormoon web sites out there.

Nominations began now. You can nominate as many sites as you want. No more than two sites per category though. The sites that you nominate should follow these requirements

- The site should be under the appropriate category or it will be disqualified
- The site shall contain NO stealing images, content, or design
- No Direct linking

Before nominating, please read the requirements for each category!!


The nominees will be notified on November 6, 1999. Then, each nominee can place a banner on their site which link directly to the voting page. On December 31, 1999 -- The winners for each category will be posted. Awards will be passed out.. Hopefully, this will be an annual award ceremony. With the help of the viewers, I think the Golden Moon Awards can be somewhat special.


On November 6, 1999, all the nominees will be tabulated. Then, I will interview each of the finalists. I do need help with that area so click here to see if you can help me.

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