Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 7

Hiei’s is Up to Something

  Kurama came home with his parents out for the evening with his stepbrother. He went to his room and took a shower. It was hard for him to let himself shout at Hiei like that. It felt like thousands of knifes cutting through his heart.

  Did he really mean to shout at Hiei like that? He closed his eyes and let the shower spray his body and wash off the dirt together with the guilt; it worked. Maybe he wanted to shout at Hiei after all. Blame the loneliness and sorrow he felt that day on him.

  He stepped out of the shower and got into a yukata. The night was kind of cold. He sat on his bed and looked at his school bag. It was already packed yesterday so he needn’t to worry about it.

  Suddenly the bell rang. Kurama got up, thinking it was his family coming home. :… Early… wonder what did they do? …: he thought gingerly as he walked to the door.

  The first thing that happened was something hugging his leg tight. “Kuramama!” Hiei exclaimed. Kurama frowned at Yuusuke who was right in front of the redhead. He sighed and bent down to peel Hiei’s hands off his legs. “Go inside,” he made Hiei go into the house and shut the door behind him.

  Yuusuke smiled. “Kurama, have anyone told you that you look beautiful in that?” Yuusuke pointed at the yukata, it showed everything the boy has; the perfect curve and height framing the boy’s long legs and small waist.

  “What’re you doing?” Kurama asked. “Bringing your love home?” Yuusuke took a wild guess. “Wrong. Bringing trouble home,” Kurama snorted. Yuusuke shook his head. It was the first time he saw Kurama angry and irritated like this. “I’m sorry but Genkai told me that it’s good to have him here for the night. You can send him over to the temple tomorrow morning,” Yuusuke told Kurama.

  “I don’t want him here! What good is he here if I can’t handle him? He’s so stubborn and ignorant!” Kurama sighed. “Kurama, he ran after you and fell, bleeding his knees. Don’t leave him, he was so scared,” Yuusuke told Kurama. “I’m not leaving him forever! I’m just leaving him there until the weekend comes! At first I wanted to just leave him there for school hours but he doesn’t want the bargain so it’s better for him to get adjusted if he was at the temple for a longer period,” Kurama looked away from Yuusuke’s eyes.

  Inside, Hiei was thinking of how to ‘touch’ Kurama so that he won’t leave him.

  “Keep him busy while he was in Genkai’s temple. Get him a Playstation,” Yuusuke suggested. “What? And have you playing truant everyday as well just to play with him? Forget it. Besides I don’t have money. The only way to get that thing and its CDs is to starve myself,” Kurama grunted.

  Yuusuke looked at his watch. “Ah, I need to go now. Don’t worry too much. You can just send the boy to Genkai’s tomorrow. Ja!” with that Yuusuke walked away from Kurama’s house. “Ma…matte Yuusuke! Yuusuke!” Kurama gritted his teeth. He punched the door and knocked his head on the door.

 Kurama sighed and walked inside, closing the door behind him. Hiei looked at Kurama and followed the boy silently as Kurama walked into his room. Hiei followed and shut the door, locking it by accident.

  Kurama went straight to the closet to take an extra pillow and blanket. He placed the blanket on the floor and the pillow on top of it.

  Kurama pointed to the bed. :… If you’re that sensitive you can have the bed …: Kurama said mentally. “Change and go to sleep on the bed Hiei,” Kurama said in an orderly tone, throwing Hiei a pair of old pajamas that belonged to him when he was a child. Hiei blinked and took off his clothes, slipping on the ones that Kurama just gave him and climbed onto the bed without a word.

  He eyed the redhead closely as Kurama took a book from the shelf and opened it. He was thinking of how to ‘touch’ Kurama the way Genkai-baasan meant.

  And he didn’t want to do the hugging and shaking hands because it was dumb and inappropriate. He wanted to do the ‘there are more’ things to prove that he loves Kuramama, and to prevent Kuramama from leaving him again. But he didn’t know what to do.

  Eventually something popped in his head but he didn’t know if Kuramama would like it or not. Or even from where did that idea come from. It just came as if something told him to do that and Kuramama will love him more.

  :… I won’t know until I try …: he closed his eyes, undressing under the sheets.

  Kurama was reading his biology textbook to past time. He leaned on the side of his bed and sat on the blanket he put out just now.

  Suddenly Hiei got off the bed. Kurama turned and frowned. “I thought I told you to go to bed. And why did you took off your clothes?” Kurama narrowed his eyes at the naked boy. He had decided not to be lenient to Hiei so that he wouldn’t get too attached to him. Of course it hurt but it was for the best at the time being.

  Hiei ignored Kurama’s order and knelt in front of Kurama. He reached out to take away Kurama’s book and put it aside. :… First I have to tell Kuramama that I love him …: a voice in his head told him to. He flipped open Kurama's yukata to expose his legs. “Kuramama…” Hiei started, he was now in between Kurama’s legs with both of his hands on Kurama’s knees.

  “What is it Hiei? It’s late now and you should go to bed,” Kurama closed his eyes. “I love you Kuramama,” he said. Kurama bit his lips. “I do too Hiei but…” Kurama was interrupted. He felt the sash around his waist was loosened, quickly he opened his eyes.

  “Hiei? What are you doing?” Kurama asked, he was a little alarmed. Hiei looked up into Kurama’s emerald gems but his hands were still unwinding the sash until it fell aside. “I am sorry I didn’t let you touch me,” he said. Kurama narrowed his eyes, but still speechless. He was curious about what Hiei was to do, but also afraid the same time to know exactly was it the same thing that was in his mind.

  “Go to bed, Hiei,” Kurama managed to say. Hiei shook his head. “I am not going anywhere until I touch you Kuramama,” he said, a determined tone in his voice.

  It was what Kurama thought he was going to do. Hiei opened Kurama’s yukata and the boy’s torso and private parts were exposed to him. He somehow found it pleasurable and nice. Kurama frowned. He wanted to get up and slap Hiei but his muscles just wouldn’t budge from where he was. He was totally stunned.

  Hiei reached up touch Kurama’s bare chest. His hands skillfully glided down those smooth muscles to Kurama’s flat stomach. Hiei closed his eyes and lowered his head until his mouth felt Kurama’s semi-hard on member.

  “Hiei…” Kurama bit his lips as Hiei licked the tip of his rod. “Damn… who taught you this?” Kurama asked. Hiei didn’t answer but to just open his mouth and put Kurama’s dick in the furthest he could take into his mouth. He was bobbing it up and down until Kurama was crying. “Hiei!” Kurama exclaimed. Now he really couldn’t do anything. This 5 year-old Hiei was as skilled as the normal Hiei.

  Kurama finally gave in and shot right into Hiei’s warm mouth. The latter drank every bit of it.

  Kurama panted heavily. He felt as if he had committed a sin. He felt as if he raped a child even though it was the other way round. Kurama looked at Hiei who was still sitting in between his legs.

  Kurama narrowed his eyes and raised his hand.


  He slapped the boy’s face right then and there. Kurama got up and took his sash, tying it back around his small waist. He walked out of the room and head for the kitchen.

  Hiei sat there, shaking. :… Kuramama didn’t like it … he’ll hate me forever now… he’ll sure send me away… I can’t let him …: Hiei stumbled up in a panic. :… I can’t let him have me sent away …: Hiei thought.

  He went into the kitchen and found Kurama drinking a glass of water and his face was wet. Hiei walked up to him and hugged his long legs. Kurama sighed inwardly. “Why did you do that?” he asked the boy. Hiei closed his eyes and buried his face on Kurama’s ass.

  “Because I love you and I don’t want you to send me away,” he answered. Kurama was silent. “I know you are angry at me because I don’t let you touch me just now,” Hiei spoke softly.

  “Hiei, who taught you to do what you just did?” Kurama narrowed his eyes. Hiei shook his head. “I don’t know… something in my head told me that you like that but I think you don’t,” Hiei sighed. :… The hell I didn’t! …: Kurama kept a straight face. “I didn’t say that I didn’t like it,” he said softly thinking that Hiei didn’t hear him. But the boy did.

  He bent down and picked Hiei up, placing him sitting on the counter. “I am not leaving you Hiei. It’s just that I need to go to school and you can’t come with me. So you have to stay for a while at Genkai-baasan’s. I promise to pick you up after school,” Kurama smiled. Hiei blinked and inched closer until their nose touched.

  He stuck out his tongue and ran it along Kurama’s slightly parted lips. Kurama kissed the tongue and Hiei slipped inside, kissing the redhead hungrily.

  Kurama then realized what he was doing and pushed Hiei away. “Who told you to do that?” he asked, alarmed. Hiei shrugged. Kurama closed his eyes. :… maybe it was the Hiei inside him …: he sighed.

  Kurama opened his eyes and carried Hiei. “Let’s go to bed,” Kurama sighed.

  He tucked the boy into bed. And settled himself on the bed he made on the floor. Then he heard sniffles. “Hiei, are you all right?” he asked. “Kuramama still mad at me…” he uttered his words between his sniffles.

  Kurama sat up and turned to him. “No, I am not,” he denied. “Then why don’t you want to sleep with me?” Hiei asked. Kurama closed his eyes and got up on the bed. “Okay, now I’m sleeping with you. Go to sleep,” Kurama sighed.

  Hiei snuggled up close to hug his lover. The voice in his head was right. Kuramama did like it and he wasn’t going to leave him at Genkai’s for the whole week.

  Kurama looked at the child in his arms. He closed his own eyes and sighed.

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