The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty

Chapter 1

A fanfic by Bulma Briefs

 Birds scattered nervously; leaving the trees rustled in confusion as a young boy hurried himself up the stairs to Genkai’s Temple. The sweat stained face showed how anxious he was, his long luxurious red hair flowed along as the wind blew it harshly.

  As he reached the top, he paused for breath.

  His eyes darted to the door on the right part of the temple. It was brightly lighted, showing that there were people in it. He started pacing to the room and nearly missed his steps on the stairs as he opened the door in a huff.

  His eyes looked around. There were 4 people in total in that room. “Kurama,” said the youth with black greenish hair. Kurama nodded. “I came as fast as I could. What happened?” he asked.

  Kuwabara smiled. “It’s nothing big,” he said from within Yukina’s care, she was carefully bandaging his arm. “We just got attacked by a few youkais on the way here,” he continued.

  “Itetetetete! Baasan! Itai yo!” Yuusuke complained as the lady applied a little bit too much of a pressure to the youth’s right thigh. “You should be able to bare that!” she said and applied more pressure to his poor thigh.

  “But Hiei got a big wound. Didn’t knew what was wrong with him that made him so careless,” Yuusuke shrugged. Kurama blinked. “Hiei? Kare wa doko no?” he asked, looking around for the Jaganshi.

  Suddenly the door opened. A very tired koorime entered the room with lidded eyes and a pile of blood stained clothes in his hands. Attired only in a pair of shorts, the koorime put the clothes in his arm next to Yukina who requested to wash it for the fire demon.

  Kurama looked shockingly at the koorime’s blank expression. With cuts and slashes like that, he was still able to retain that vacant look. The fox blinked and sighed. Hiei rubbed his face with the back of his hands smearing more blood on his face.

  “Hiei,” called the fox spirit softly. Hiei turned to look at the emerald gems of the redhead. Kurama advanced himself nearer to Hiei and reached out to touch his arms. “Let me help you,” he said softly.

  Hiei narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “I’d be okay,” he replied absent mindedly as he walked to the door. “Hiei!” Kurama exclaimed in a whisper. The fire demon froze and turned. “Don’t bug me, I’m in a very sour mood,” with that he intended to walk out of the room, but his sore arm was suddenly grasped by a pair of strong hands.

  He winced in pain as Kurama’s hand rubbed on his opened wounds. “Don’t go, let me help you,” he pleaded; his eyes were pure and gentle. “Mind your own business baka, and let me go!” Hiei latched his arm off from Kurama’s grip. Although it hurt, he did it. More blood oozed out from his wounds.


  Everyone in the room was quiet. Including the fire demon that was about to curse. He did not dare to open his mouth or to turn around. He was sure that the pure anger that was emitted by the redhead was towards him and that was a new experience, for the gentle fox spirit never did such a thing. “You hate everyone don’t you?” was the redhead’s question.

  Silence was his answer.

  “Well hate all you want!” he gritted his teeth and spitted it out before anyone could say anything. Kurama ran out of the room shutting the door behind him.

  Every pair of eyes was set upon the fire demon. “What are you all looking at me like that for?” he demanded. “He was just trying to help,” Kuwabara reasoned. “Shut up,” Hiei snapped. “Hiei, he was really trying to heal your wounds! Look at yourself! You’re horrible! You look as if you killed a cow and swam in its blood!” Yuusuke scolded the fire demon.

  “What do you care?!” Hiei snapped. “I care, if it involves Kurama. He’s a very good friend and I do not allow such attitude to be presented to him!” Yuusuke snapped back.

  The room was quiet once again.

  “Hiei-san… please go and see Kurama,” Yukina said, twisting the word a little so that she didn’t need to say the word ‘apologize’.

  “You guys are a bunch of busybodies,” he uttered as he left the room.

  Hiei closed his eyes. The redhead was really trying to help. But he couldn’t allow it.


  Lately he had developed a weird feeling. He felt really uneasy when the fox was around. He felt uncomfortable knowing that the emerald gems were set onto him. He felt weird having these reactions towards his touches.

  That’s why it was best for him to stay away. He was afraid, very afraid.

  The door opened and slammed shut as Kurama walked in and passed his mother. He went straight to his room without even a greeting. “Shuuichi?” she called after her child softly but Kurama didn’t hear her.

  Shiori shrugged. It might be something that happened in school. Then she smiled; it might be some teenager stuff. Some poor girl must be having a fight with her son. Her child was getting more matured. Let him solve his own problem. “I will help if he needs it,” she promised herself. Her son was always the sweet and independent type. Dislike having people worried all over for him, but love to worry all over people.

  Kurama locked his door and leaned against it. He didn’t remember being this angry before in his life. Being humiliated like this before in his life. Well, it might not be something humiliating but it was certainly something that did a good job in breaking his heart.

  Kurama looked around. Twilight was crawling its way to cover the daylight. What was done cannot be undone. Hiei had rejected him openly meaning there wouldn’t be any chance left for him. He wouldn’t go and beg the fire youkai. His ego as a youko wouldn’t allow it.

 And time didn’t allow him to do so.

  A soft knock was heard on his window. Kurama turned around. Botan was smiling and bobbing lightly up and down on her oar. Kurama opened the window and let the ferry girl inside. She smiled and nodded. Kurama sighed. “Is there nothing to do to stop it?” he asked. Botan closed her eyes. “I dunno Kurama… but Koenma-sama wants to see you now,” she patted the back of her oar.

  Kurama nodded and opened the window following the ferry girl into Reikai.

  As busy as things could be outside, the inside of Koenma’s office was serene and quiet. Botan bowed and excused herself. Koenma pushed away all the things he had on his big table and sat on it cross-legged facing Kurama.

  “I’ll have your body in Genkai’s temple. You’ll go there when I send Botan to you okay? That’ll be a sign to you that you have a few hours before that ritual starts,” Koenma said softly.

  Kurama opened his eyes. “How long does it take until I wake up?” Kurama asked. Koenma sighed. “It’s either one week or never. Depends Inari-sama himself. I bet he will help you,” Kurama sighed. “Exact percentage?” Koenma let out a heavy sigh. “12% chance of reviving,” he said softly.

  Kurama snickered softly. “So there is a chance that I might not wake up at all?” Kurama asked. Koenma nodded. Kurama ran a hand through his hair. Being a youko trapped in a human’s body is sure a hassle.

  “I already told Genkai about this and she agrees not to tell anyone else. We have already used the 3 people limit. So no one else should know what’s happening or the chances of you reviving will drop to 0%,” Koenma explained. Kurama nodded.

  The world seemed dull and cold these days. Kurama looked up to the skies and sighed. It would be a while. Dying once again. What will it be like? Will his soul transfer into another body? Or would his soul just queue up in Reikai for judgements?

  The park was deserted. He needed time to think. To think about a problem being kept to himself, with no one to understand him, to be a lonely soul.

  “Konnichiwa, Minamino-san,” a soft alto greeted the redhead. Kurama looked up. The sun was glaring but he could make out who was it that greeted him good day. A soft smile spread on his lips. “Konnichiwa, Kirishima-kun,” he patted the empty seat next to him as a silent gesture for the blonde boy to sit down.
  “Fancy meeting you here,” he smiled. Kurama nodded once as he forced back a tear. He can’t possibly be crying in front of a friend. “So, how are you?” Kurama asked. Kirishima smiled. “Not that bad," he beamed. "Ne, Minamino-kun… want to go catch some lunch together?" he asked. Kurama shook his head. "Why not? Up on a diet program? You're thin enough," Kirishima joked playfully. Kurama chuckled lightly. "Nope, just have something on my mind. Don't seem to have the appetite," he smiled weakly. Kirishima shrugged. "Oh well, I tried… hehehe…" he joked. Kurama smiled. Then Kirishima widened his eyes. "Ne, Minamino-kun, guess what?” he suddenly beamed. “What is it?” Kurama smiled. “I found this,” he showed Kurama a small piece of artifact.

  Kurama blinked. He looked straight into Kirishima’s eyes. Alarmed. “Where did you find it?” he demanded. Kirishima frowned. “Why? What’s wrong?” he asked. Kurama held Kirishima’s hand. “You have to tell me where you find it!” he insisted. “Well, near the woods behind Sara Yashiki High,” he shrugged. “We have to put it back there!” Kurama pulled Kirishima’s hand.

  “But why? It’s beautiful I want to keep it,” Kirishima frowned in confusion as Kurama pulled his hand.

  “BECAUSE IT IS MINE!!!” a strange voice erupted from the earth, creating a small havoc of tornado which swept some leaves up from the ground.

  “Oh my god,” Kirishima gaped. Kurama stood in front of the stunted boy and opened his arms in a protective gesture. “RETURN IT TO ME!!!!!” the voice demanded before slowly showing itself visibly. “It’s a monster, Minamino-san!” Kirishima gulped. Kurama nodded.

  “Throw him the artifact!” Kurama shouted, fighting the noisy harsh wind. Kirishima nodded and tossed the artifact towards the dark shadow that was slowly gaining shape, a fairly large shape.

  It evolved into a multi-tentacle monster. “YOU PAY BECAUSE YOU TOOK MY PRECIOUS TREASURE!!!” it roared as two of its tentacles picked up the artifact and the others slapped Kurama. The redhead closed its eyes shut as the tentacles slapped some gooey stuff on him. He landed on the ground with Kirishima softening it for him.

   The slime seeped into his eyes as pain engulfed him. "THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR STEALING WHAT THAT BELONGS TO ME!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!" The monster laughed inanely as it disappeared back to the ground. A sick silence was through in the park for the moment.
  Kirishima woke up. He tried to move but his limbs were paralyzed by something. He straightened up and tried to move Kurama gently. The redhead was unconscious and his eyes were stained with blood and some slimy stuff. "Minamino-san! Get up! Oh my god!!" He quickly got his bearings right and tried to carry the redhead on his shoulders.

  He took a step at a time to get out of the park. Stopping willing taxis to get them to any hospital but as he walked further, his steps weakened and finally he crumbled down to the ground, he could faintly hear some familiar voices.

  "Kirishima! Kurama!!!"

  "What happened?" Yuusuke asked. Kuwabara shrugged. "I was there the same time as you were, how could I know any more than you do?" Kuwabara rolled his eyes. He shifted next to Kirishima and hugged his friend. "Be steady Kirishima, Yukina will help you once she's finished with Kurama," Kuwabara breathed in nervously.

  Yukina looked up from her position. Her eyes were weak and her brows are knitted in a frown. She looked at Kuwabara, Kirishima and then Yuusuke. Her lips trembled slightly as she shook her head. "His eyes… I can't do anything with his eyes," Yukina choked at her words. It seemed hard for her to say anything more.

  After spending some time healing Kirishima who seemed to have some minor injuries, Yukina was sent to rest. The three plus Genkai was watching over Kurama. Secretly, Genkai was worried about Kurama's ritual, which could take place anytime now and now doesn't seem to fit the occasion. He couldn't possibly survive it if it happened now; the percentage will drop from 12% to 0%.

  "Genkai-baasan… what are we to do about Kurama?" Yuusuke asked, his own forehead were bathed with sweat. Genkai let out a heavy sigh, she couldn't tell the kid about Kurama's problem. They had already finished the quota of 3 people.

  She slowly shook her head. "Wakarimasen… gomen nasai…" she uttered gravely. Yuusuke frowned. There was nothing out of the knowledge of this old lady. He didn't trust her, her eyes were lying, and he could see it. But there must be a reason behind all this. There must be…

  Hiei frowned. He looked up from the stream he was bathing in. The sudden chilly air that breezed through wasn't something very fancy in this time of the night. Something seemed wrong; he put on his attire and flitted away to Genkai's temple in a flash. The moon was full, but it was dark and cloudy. Not a good sign. Not a single sound was heard when his feet landed quite gracefully on the grounds of the sacred temple. The air around was tense; he flexed his muscles to relax himself.

  His feet immediately carried him to Yukina's room. He softly almost inaudibly slid the door open and step in. He took his place next to his darling sister, observing her close. The very dim lights of the full moon coming out from behind the thick clouds illuminated her pretty face. He could see her sleeping, but not quite peacefully. The heaving of her chest suggested that she was tired. Hiei frowned; maybe she healed someone today. But the question is who?

  He smiled. At least his sister was safe and sound. Maybe just a little bit tired, but against all that, she looks fine. The Jaganshi made soft slow steps to the door and slid it back open; making his lithe body through the small opening he made and slid it back shut.

  He looked around. The clouds went back to covering the moon, which seemed willing to be shadowed. Something was still wrong and it was in this area. He frowned and walked along the corridor, making his way, observing the quiet empty rooms that he passed. He walked, step by step making as least sounds as possible until he reached the back part of the temple where he saw a particular room at the back which was lit dimly by a lamp. His senses told him to head towards that room as that was just what he did.

  He stopped by the door and observed. He could see shadows inside, a couple of them. Something was really wrong, the air felt most tightly here. Without even thinking of the human ethics of knocking, he slid open the door to find 4 person sitting around a lying figure. And he didn't like the fact what his eyes were going to bear to him. Kuwabara covered the figure's face, but the body frame looked so damned familiar.

  Genkai was the only one awake it seemed. The others were snoozing while sitting. They were so tensed that they didn't bother to find comfort anymore. "What took you so long, Hiei?" was the greeting phrase given by the old lady. Hiei was silent as he took steps nearer to reveal the person who was lying there. Fact had proven his instincts correct as he saw the familiar red tresses that had been haunting his dreams, thoughts and fantasies framing that beautiful face spread lavishly on the pillow.

  That pale face seemed to glow in a gravely hue by the lights of the lamp which was also seemed to be the only source of radiance in the room. The fact that they were in a windowless room at the back of the temple surrounded by trees as old as time itself; big, old and dark; didn't help at all.

  "Ku…rama…" that small pucker of mouth uttered somberly. The koorime slowly turned his gaze to the old lady after looking for quite some time at the beautiful redhead. "What happened?" he asked erratically, his own voice failing him.

  "Suwaru kudasai…" was what the old lady said before opening any stories to the heart-ragged koorime. He seemed very unstable, very keen to even point his katana which was in his very convenient grip if he knew anyone in the room was responsible for what happened to the akai-iro no kami bishounen.

   Hiei didn't want to argue; he wanted to know what was going on. He took no objections and sat down, trying hard to calm himself.

  "Kurama was attacked in the park," Genkai started, she noted his tension and the tightened grip of his fist firmly on his lap. "He suffered quite an injury, mainly in the eyes…" she paused. Hiei's brows were knitted into a deeper frown. Genkai could see he wanted to talk, but she quickly resumed her explanation. "Yukina did her best on healing him, he is fine now… But no one knows what will happen to his bright crystal emerald eyes," Genkai said it in a poetic way as to kick Hiei back to his senses.

  She could see the boy cared for the beautiful redhead bishounen, but he didn't want to admit it. Maybe there's even love somewhere in there, but not nurtured as the fire demon was closed to about anything. Maybe this would make him realize that love existed and could at least return the love that the poor and suffering redhead who didn't have much time gave before it's too late.

   Hiei frowned. Those bright emerald orbs that were always smiling at him in a warm cozy beam, those cheerful green eyes that were always giving him hints of love and care, those lively verdant gems that were always showering him with delicious dreams and fantasies… will not be opened ever again?

  "What will happen to his eyes?" he blurted out, almost in unaffectionate manner. The lady knew he was closed. He cared, but did not allow it to show. She decided to lay a small white lie. But she herself wouldn't know what would happen to those gems of Kurama. "Kurama might be blind," she announced.

  Hiei's eyed widened considerably. "Poor kid," he said, near casually. Genkai blinked. "Poor kid?" she echoed in confusion. Hiei sighed. "Not my problem," he said out loud although deep inside he was perturbed, would even lunge forwards and cry out loud for Kurama to wake up and show him again those shiny eyes. "Not my problem…" Genkai echoed in mere amusement. Her louder than average voice had woken Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Kirishima up.

  Genkai nodded. "This is what you say to your friend…" she trailed off, mild annoyance could be heard in her tone. Hiei looked up from Kurama when the others got their bearings into place and started to concentrate on what Genkai was saying. "This is what you say to most likely the only person in the three worlds that poured out his heart to you, shower you with unconditional love and affection, give his personal and immediate attention to you when you are even slightly wounded… when he is sick…" Genkai snorted bitterly. "What a wonderful creature you created, god…" she shook her head and stood up, leaving the room.

  Before she left the room, she paused. "Will you only open up when he dies?" with that, she shut the sliding door with a slight rage of anger.

  Everyone who was in the room looked at Hiei. The Jaganshi was stunt. He didn't move a muscle. She knows. Everyone knows. How could they possibly know? Was Kurama that obvious? He felt a certain pain causing a heartache starting in his chest.

  :… "Will you only open up when he dies?" …: that sentence kept ringing in his mind. His right hand flew up to his chest.

  "Boy, she was angry…" Kuwabara rubbed his eyes. Kirishima blinked as he looked back to Kurama. The redhead was still sleeping soundly. Yuusuke blinked. "… when he dies…?" he trailed off, deep in thoughts.  Yuusuke came to the conclusion that Genkai knew something, and she's hiding it. "She's very seldom this angry…" he said aloud but then his attention was averted to Hiei as he saw the black clad guy holding his chest in a weird unfamiliar manner.

  "Kuwabara, get Yukina," was what Yuusuke said before holding the failing koorime which seemed weak in his arms.

  Yuusuke blinked. "Heart attack?" he asked. Yukina shook her head and smiled weakly. Her soft hand ran through the hair of the now sleeping Jaganshi. "His heart is now having difficulties to…" then Kuwabara cut her words. "Pump blood?" he asked. Yukina shook her head and Yuusuke awarded Kuwabara with a not-so-light nudge on his guts. "Let her finish," Yuusuke snapped. Kuwabara nodded and paid attention.

  "His heart is trying to digest the new feelings," she smiled. "What new feelings?" Yuusuke asked. "Worries, fear, care and most likely love as well," she explained. "Love?" Kuwabara's voice rang. "Hiei loves someone?"

  Yukina smiled. "Most likely," she repeated. Yuusuke frowned. "Why must he fail now? Can't he just put these feelings aside? We need him to help cure Kurama," Yuusuke sighed. "Yeah, Kurama doesn't want to eat," Kirishima voiced out. He had been silent for a while. "Now, now… how did you know that?" Kuwabara raised a questioning brow to him. "When I was at the park with him, I wanted to ask him out for lunch, but he said that he didn't have any appetite due to some things that was on his mind. He's in need of help," he explained.

  Yuusuke-tachi nodded. "This could be serious," Yuusuke said aloud.

  Kurama came around and stirred. He let out a soft moan and this attracted the attention of everyone in the room. "Kurama? Are you okay?" Yuusuke called, his fingers intertwined with his companion's for support. "We're all here," Kuwabara tried to cheer the situation up. Kurama let out another moan; his eyes were blinking while it's shut. "Kurama?" Yuusuke called.

  "Yuu…suke…?" Kurama managed. "Yes, Kurama it's me… can you open you eyes?" Yuusuke asked. Kurama frowned and shook his head. "It's sealed and it hurts," the redhead murmured weakly as rolls of tears escaped his closed eyes. Yuusuke could almost cry. His friend was hurt and he could do nothing but just to brush away those painful tears.

  Yuusuke cradled Kurama to his chest and nestled his head there. "Now Kurama, I promise you I'll find a cure for you… I promise you that!" Yuusuke said with determination. Kurama could feel Hiei's youki but the youkai spoke nothing. Since the redhead couldn't see, he could only be contented with his heart's presence.

  Yuusuke kept cradling the redhead until Kurama went back to sleep lulled by the pain in his eyes.

  Yukina went back to her room after crying a while, sharing Kurama's grief. Kuwabara and Kirishima had opened some futons to sleep on. "Are you not going to sleep, Urameshi?" asked the big guy. Yuusuke shook his head. "You go on ahead," he said, running his fingers in between those silky strands of red mane.

  He soon was asleep with Kurama cradled in his lap.

On to Chapter 2
Back to the Hallway of The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty
Back to Bulma's Manga Mansion