Standard disclaimers apply. All these cute characters were rightfully 
owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Jump Comics and Shueisha. I only own the 
storyline as it was inspired by the picture included in this fic. Have 

Yaoi? You’ll know after you read it… ^_^

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


 			         The Lagoon Incident

 	Kurama blinked at his new car. It was metallic red in colour and 
shone shiningly in the light. Mr. Hatanaka smiled pleasantly at him. 
"So, you like it?" he asked the redhead. Kurama smiled and nodded. "Yes, 
tousan. It’s so nice of you. Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu," he thanked him. 
Shiori went over to Kurama and hugged him. "You have to do something 
with that driving licence, ne?" she reminded him. "Kaasan…," Kurama 

 	Shuuichi jumped into the convertible on the passenger’s seat. 
"What about taking it for a test drive, niisan?" suggested Shuuichi. 
Kurama looked at his father and mother, they nodded in agreement and 
Kurama smiled. "Yoshi!"

 	"Where do you want to go?" he asked his brother, starting on the 
engine. "What about Yuusuke-san’s ramen shop for breakfast? I’m hungry," 
suggested Shuuichi. Kurama nodded and the both waved goodbye at their 
parents before speeding away to the lane where Yuusuke opened his stall.

 	Yuusuke stopped at his tracks as he saw a red convertible stop in 
front of his stall. "Wha… Kurama!" he exclaimed and rushed towards the 
new car. "Where didja get this baby?" he asked, running his hands on the 
shining hood. "Tousan gave it to him," said Shuuichi. 

 	Yuusuke nodded and grinned. "You lucky fox! Can I ride in it 
later?" he asked. "Sure. But first, we have to eat breakfast," said 
Kurama. Yuusuke laughed. 

 	"Keiko! Two bowls of ramen!" he shouted. "Yoshi," answered a sweet 
voice from behind the stalls. 

 	Kurama stepped out of his convertible. He was in boxers and a 
white short sleeved shirt. Shuuichi laughed at the sight of his brother. 
"Niisan, I didn’t know you wear boxers walking around town. Kurama 
blinked at himself then shrugged. His long and slim pale legs were 
perfect and it would be a good thing to expose them under sunlight once 
a while.

 	"You were the one who was so hurried that I forgot to get 
something more decent," accused Kurama and playfully pouted at his 
brother as they got a seat.

 	Yuusuke and Keiko came a few minutes later with two bowls of 
ramen. They sat next to Shuuichi and admired the red convertible. "Must 
be worth a fortune! You have to take us around town with that," said 
Yuusuke, wiping his hands. Kurama nodded. "Ramen, please!" someone 
hollered. "Err… someone’s hungry as well… we’ll be back," with that 
Yuusuke and Keiko went to the other guy who was famished for food.

 	Kurama blew softly on his ramen while Shuuichi just ate it boiling 
hot. :… He must have a numb tongue …: Observed Kurama.

 	Suddenly, there was a bump next to Kurama. He turned and saw Hiei 
who was slightly smiling at him. He sat next to Kurama on the long bench 
and took off his cloak.

 	"Morning," he told the fox as he folded his cloak aside. "Well, 
good morning Hiei!" smiled Kurama, pleased that Hiei appeared in the 
middle of the morning. "Morning Hiei-san!" exclaimed Shuuichi between 
his ramen. Hiei nodded in acknowledgement at Shuuichi and whispered at 
Kurama. "I’m hungry," he told the redhead. Kurama smiled and gave Hiei a 
peck on his cheek. "Wait here, I’ll get another bowl of ramen," said 

 	Hiei nodded and watched as Kurama stood up. His eyes nearly popped 
out of their sockets when he saw his fox’s legs. Kurama was wearing the 
shortest boxers he’d ever seen and his legs were exposed to everyone. 
Those long perfect legs. He looked around and just as he’d expected, 
everyone was looking at those beautiful flawless legs. 

 	Someone even whistled at Kurama. 

 	Took all of his will power to not just blast the idiot to hell. 
When Kurama returned to their table, he continued to eat his ramen. Hiei 
gave out a small fake cough. "Ehem, ehem," he started. Kurama turned to 
look at Hiei. "Something wrong?" he asked.  

 	Hiei moved a hand to put on Kurama’s thighs. "You’re showing 
everyone your assets," he told the fox in a whisper. Shuuichi was eyeing 
them. He was wondering what was Hiei whispering to his brother. 

 	Kurama bit his lips. "Umm… I was in a hurry. So I forgot to put on 
something decent," Kurama eyed Shuuichi. Shuuichi looked away and acted 
innocent by whistling away. :… Hiei-san is jealous! Hehe …:

 	Suddenly, there was a loud holler. "Oi! Minna! I’ve got tickets!" 
it shouted. Who was it if it’s no other than Kuwabara. He was running to 
the stall with his hands in Yukina’s who was crying for dear life. 

 	"I’ve got free tickets!" he shouted. Yuusuke got up to him. "To 
where?" he asked. "To The Lagoon!" Kuwabara shouted. "To the what?" everyone 

 	Kuwabara took a few deep breaths and gently pushed Yukina to sit 
next to Shuuichi while getting everyone’s attention. 

 	"I got free tickets to ‘The Lagoon’ water park! Let’s all go! 
It’ll be fun!" he exclaimed. Everyone had a certain gleam in their eyes, 
except someone though. "Hn, count me out," snorted Hiei. "Ou… Hiei… come 
with us!" said Kuwabara. "Yeah, Hiei-san!" agreed Shuuichi.

 	"I’m not going. You guys go," he told them all flatly. Kurama 
smiled. "Come on Hiei. You’ve never went to one of those before, It 
might be fun!" Kurama opened his mouth. 

 	As usual, once Kurama opened his mouth, Hiei would nod. "Um… 
okay," he agreed. 
 	"Ja! Let’s all go… erm?" Kuwabara’s gaze fell on the red 
convertible. "Whose is that?" he asked, pointing at the convertible. 
"Mine," said Kurama. "Yours?!" exclaimed Kuwabara and Hiei 
simultaneously. Everyone nearly laughed. Hiei and Kuwabara were 
exclaiming the same thing and their expressions were priceless! 

 	"Whoa…!" Kuwabara gaped for air. Hiei frowned. "Where didja get 
that?" he asked, trying to hide his astonished tone. Kurama smiled. 
"Tousan bought it for me. You know…" Kurama trailed off. Hiei nodded. 

 	"That’ll be great! We’ll all go on that piece of babe! Okay, 
Kurama?" asked Kuwabara. Kurama shrugged and smiled. "Sure. It’ll be 
good," he agreed.

 	"Pu…," suddenly said a voice. Yuusuke glanced at his pocket and 
saw his pet peeping out of his clothes. "Oh, Pu! Sure you can come!" he 

 	"Oi Keiko! I’ll be going out for a while!" exclaimed Yuusuke as he 
got in the convertible. Before Keiko could say anything, they’re gone.

 	"Where’re they going?" asked Atsuko, coming towards Keiko with a 
towel in her hand. Keiko shrugged. "Maybe on some investigation stuff," 
Keiko informed Yuusuke’s mother. 

 	Atsuko frowned. "Are you sure? It looks like they’re going for a 
picnic! You won’t think Kurama would fight in boxers right? Besides, 
Kurama’s stepbrother and Yukina were in that cool red convertible too! 
Definitely not investigating anything," mumbled Atsuko.  

 	Keiko dropped the empty plate she was holding.

 	She ran out of the stall and waved frantically at the roaring red 
convertible. "Yuusuke! Yuusuke! You come back here this instant! 
Yuusuke!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. But what’s the use?  

 	Soon, Kurama, Yukina, Hiei, Kuwabara, Yuusuke and Shuuichi were 
speeding through the highway. It was morning so the highway wasn’t 
really that packed so they had a smooth ride.

 	Yukina was having fun seating in the passenger’s seat next to 
Kurama, the others were at the back. Shouting their voice-boxes dry. 
Except Hiei of course. Kurama was keeping the speedometer in check so 
that they wouldn’t run over the 140km/h highway limit. 

  	"This is fun, Kurama-san," said Yukina enthusiastically. Kurama 
turned and nodded at the girl. Her hair was flowing with the wind and 
she could hardly keep her eyes fully open. 

 	"Wanna drive, Hiei?" suddenly Kurama asked. The others at the back 
stopped. "No," answered the youkai. He wasn’t that pleased on being 
dragged to a stupid ningen theme park. "Oh, come one Hiei! This is 
practically the most dreamt Ningenkai contraption and you don’t want to 
drive it?" asked Kuwabara. "I don’t know how to drive! You want me to 
bang the dividers or something?!" snapped Hiei. "Oh," said Kuwabara and 

 	"Don’t worry Hiei, come here," said Kurama. "Where.. erk!?" 
suddenly Shuuichi accidentally stepped on Hiei’s feet. "Gomen, Hiei-
san," Shuuichi uttered and continued shouting their lungs off together 
with Yuusuke and Kuwabara. 

 	"On my lap, come and sit on my lap," said Kurama, slowing down a 
little so that Hiei won’t go flying when he comes to the front. Hiei 
sighed. He had enough of shouting in his ears now and climbed over to 
the front, settling on Kurama’s lap. Now, he was between Kurama and the 
steering wheel. 

 	"Put your hands on the wheel," instructed Kurama. Hiei did as he 
was told and Kurama put his hands over Hiei’s smaller ones. Yukina 
looked at his brother and chuckled. "Wow… you’re driving, Hiei-niisan!" 
she said. Hiei looked at Yukina and smiled. 

 	"Now, it’s not that hard, ne?" asked Kurama. Hiei leaned more on 
Kurama. "Anyway… itoshii?" called Hiei. "Nan da?" enquired Kurama. "I 
can’t reach the gas pedals," mumbled Hiei. Kurama chuckled. "Don’t worry 
about that," he said and breathed in the faint pine scent in Hiei's 


 	The wind blew on their faces and they were already white when they 
reached the water park.  

 	Kuwabara rushed them to the entrance gate and handed 6 tickets to 
the ticket boy. The boy strapped a paper bangle around each of their 
wrist and opened the gate.

 	Yuusuke gaped at the place. They have to travel through a water 
tunnel to reach the main place. 

 	Sharks and other sea animals could be seen swimming around them. 
"Wow, this is cool," said Kuwabara. "Look, there’s a family of sea-
horses!" exclaimed Yukina as she clung to Kuwabara’s arm. Kuwabara 
smiled proudly and nodded. "That’s you, me and our little children," 
said Kuwabara. Yukina nodded though she didn’t understood what Kuwabara 
was referring to.

 	Kurama slumped a hand around Hiei's shoulders and leaned over to 
him. "Trust me… it’ll be fun," he smiled. Hiei rolled his eyes. "I’ll be 
waiting," he mumbled sarcastically. Kurama gave Hiei a peck. "Oh Hiei… 
don’t be so fusty," said Kurama, straightening up but his arm was still 
draped around Hiei. 

 	As they reached the other side, they came into a big room with a 
lot of lockers. A girl was standing by the entrance smiling at them. 
"Welcome to ‘The Lagoon’. You can put your belongings here and have 
fun," she informed them. All of them gave the girl a puzzled face.

 	"Well, inside this park you can wear a maximum of these clothes 
only," she gestured towards Kurama’s small white short sleeved shirt and 
boxers. "Oh…," they all nodded.

 	"You can also buy swimming suits there," the girl pointed at the 
other side where there’s a counter with a ‘SWIMMING ATTIRES’ sign on top 
of it. "Come Yukina, I’ll get you something nice," said Kuwabara after 
taking off his clothes leaving his boxers and white T-shirt, chucking 
everything else at Yuusuke for him to take care.

 	Yuusuke and Shuuichi also took off their trousers and left their 
boxers and white shirt on. Yuusuke opened a locker and chucked all their 
things in and put a 100 yen coin so that it’ll lock and he took out the 
key, wearing it on his wrist.

 	Hiei tugged on Kurama’s side locks, forcing the redhead down 
nearly banging their noses together. "I don’t have any boxers," he told 
Kurama. Kurama blinked at Hiei. He straightened up and took off Hiei's 
white scarf. Then his cloak. 

 	Hiei was wearing a white sleeveless T-shirt and his usual black 
trousers. He pulled the waist of Hiei's trousers and peeked inside. No 
boxers. Kurama looked back at Hiei and sweat dropped. "Hehe…," he 
chuckled. Kurama gave Yuusuke the cloak and pulled Hiei towards where 
Kuwabara and Yukina were.

      Yuusuke shook his head. "What was that about?" asked Shuuichi 
looking over Yuusuke’s shoulder at a few cute boys who just entered. 
"Most probably Hiei needing an underwear," Yuusuke chuckled. Shuuichi 
laughed. "Sometimes, when you start to think that Hiei-san is cool, 
he’ll do something that’ll make you think he’s funny," commented 
Shuuichi and waved back at a cute boy who waved at him.

 	Yukina turned around and saw her brother and Kurama. "Ah, Kurama-
san, Hiei-niisan. What’s wrong?" she asked. Kuwabara also turned to eye 
the two. "Hiei needs boxers. Do they have it here?" Kurama asked. 
Kuwabara turned and frowned at the shelves. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, 
they have em," he told Kurama. 

 	"Good morning, how can I help you?" asked a girl in a skimpy 
bikini behind the counter. "Err… one swimming suit for her," Kuwabara 
pointed at Yukina. "And one boxers for him. Make sure it’s not too big, 
okay," said Kuwabara, trying to tease Hiei. The girl nodded and turned 
around. Hiei got that and gritted his teeth. As much as Kurama tried to 
stop him from frying Kuwabara, Hiei managed to slid out a hand and 
pinched the carrot-top’s butt. 


 	Kuwabara rubbed his sore ass and eyed Hiei frantically. "Kisama!" 
he snarled. Hiei pouted at him and hid behind Kurama. Kuwabara blinked. 
Hiei actually looked ‘cute’ doing that. Instead of going after him, he 

 	"Kurama, he’s laughing at me," Hiei gritted his teeth. "I want to 
punch him," he told the redhead dryly. Kurama shook his head. "No, Hiei. 
Not in public. I don’t want to scrape Kuwabara off the floor," reasoned 
Kurama. Kuwabara couldn’t stop laughing that there were already tears 
welling up in his eyes. Yukina too, chuckled at his brother and his 

 	"Excuse me," said the girl behind the counter. Kuwabara turned and 
took the swimming suit and boxers, paying the girl a sum of money before 
going after the other three.


 	Yukina came out wearing a piece of sea-blue coloured swimming 
suit. "You look gorgeous, Yukina-chan!" exclaimed Kuwabara. Yukina 
blushed and bowed. "Doumo, Kazuma-san," she thanked him. 

 	Meanwhile, Kurama was pulling Hiei out from the changing room. 
"No, not going out in this!" Hiei gritted his teeth. Kurama sighed. 
"It’s okay Hiei, come on!" Kurama gave Hiei a last pull and…

 	A boy tugging on a shorter boy who was wearing nothing but an ‘S’ 
size boxers appeared, red faced.

 	"Kawaii!" exclaimed Shuuichi. Hiei immediately blushed. Yuusuke 
and the other’s chuckled. "It’ll be better if it was bigger," gritted 
Hiei. "No, it’s perfect," laughed Kuwabara. Hiei gave Kurama a pleading 
look as if to say ‘please-I-do-really-need-to-punch-him’. Kurama pulled 
Hiei to him. "Come on, itoshii… don’t be such a spoil sport. You look 
adorable," cooed Kurama.

 	Hiei rolled his eyes. "You wouldn’t say that if YOU were wearing 
this!" Hiei pointed at the boxers. The others were stifling giggles with 
red faces by now. 

 	To make matters worse, a few by-passers whistled at Hiei. "Sexy, 

 	That made it. "Um… I think you should wear this," said Kurama, 
taking Hiei's sleeveless shirt and slip it back on Hiei. Now, he’d look 
less obscene.  	

 	"Done already?" asked Yuusuke. Kurama nodded. Yuusuke and Kuwabara 
opened the door. Shouts and screams of excitement were heard. And the 
whole place was crowded by ningens! "I’m not going out there," uttered 
Hiei. Everyone looked at Hiei. "Oh come one, Hiei-san! It’ll be fun!" 
said Shuuichi and pulled him out to the park followed by the others.

 	"Wave pool!" exclaimed Yuusuke and Kuwabara as they ran towards 
the pool with gigantic waves with Pu clinging on Yuusuke’s hair for dear 

 	Kurama tapped on his brother’s shoulder. He handed him some money 
and pointed at a shop. "Go and get a camera," he told his brother. 
Shuuichi nodded and ran towards the shop.

 	Yukina, Hiei and Kurama walked towards the wave pool and Hiei 
frowned at it. "What’s this?" he asked. It looked like a beach only that 
it was indoors. "Umm… it’s called a wave pool. You take a float and 
that’s the big plastic rings that has a lot of air in it and run in 
there, just try to go in the furthest and don’t get pushed by the 
current. It’s fun, but…," before Kurama could continue anything more, 
Hiei was pulling him and Yukina, grabbing a float each and he rushed 
into the wave pool.

 	"Hiei, matte! Matte yo!" shouted Kurama as he went after the 
enthusiastic youkai, but it was useless. Hiei was so determined that he 
hadn’t heard Kurama. Or was it that the noisy waves had drowned his 
small voice? Kurama stopped in the middle of the wave pool and shrugged, 
he turned around and saw Yukina who seemed to be struggling with the 
strong waves trying to catch up with him. 

 	"Taihen da yo na?" he asked Yukina. Yukina smiled at him and 
nodded. "Chotto, Kurama-san," she replied. :… So much like Hiei yet so 
different …: Kurama thought and grabbed hold of Yukina’s float before 
she got pushed away again by the strong current.

 	Yuusuke and Kuwabara were competing to keep their distance the 
furthest in the wave pool. "I’m the furthest. So, I win," said Yuusuke. 
"No, my legs are longer. So they go the furthest. I win," said Kuwabara. 
Suddenly there was a sound. "Oi," it said, both turned and saw Hiei 
smiling at them. "I’m joining too," he uttered. Yuusuke and Kuwabara 
were puzzled, but then smiled. "Sugoi!"

 	Hiei paddled his legs so that he won’t get drifted by the pushy 
waves. "What’s the point of doing this anyway?" asked Hiei suddenly. 
Both Kuwabara and Yuusuke looked at him, then thought for a while. 
"Build up you legs muscles?" both Kuwabara and Yuusuke replied. Hiei 
frowned. Then nodded. "Good reason," and he paddled faster.

 	Suddenly there was no more wave. "What happened?" asked Hiei. "Oh, 
they stop every 45 minutes," said Yuusuke. Hiei frowned. He didn’t like 
it. He was enjoying the waves and how could they just shut it off like 

 	"Ooooiii!!!" Hiei called up the lifeguard who was sitting on the 
edge of the pool. "What are you doing Hiei?" asked Yuusuke. "I’m going 
to tell them to put the waves back on," Hiei told Yuusuke dryly. 
Kuwabara sighed. "Hiei, they’re stopping the waves for 15 minutes to 
regenerate the machine," explained Kuwabara. 

 	Hiei shrugged. 

 	"Where’s Kurama?" suddenly Hiei asked, the three still floating in 
the deepest part of the wave pool. Kuwabara and Yuusuke shrugged. "How 
should we know? You we’re the last one with them!" Kuwabara started to 
swim back to the ‘shore’ and saw Kurama, Shuuichi and Yukina lying down 
sun-bathing on the lazy chairs. Each wearing sunglasses.

 	Kurama’s wet perfect legs were glistening in the sunlight and 
everyone who passed by would sure take a double look at it. 

 	And Hiei didn’t like the fact that his lover was making himself an 
exhibit asset to everyone. He just left the float and made his way to 
Kurama. He jumped on the redhead and kissed his nose. In public. 

 	Kurama blinked and slid open his glasses as something very wet 
climbed on top of him. "Oh hi, Hiei. Back already?" he asked. Hiei 
stretched his own legs against Kurama’s and nodded. Kurama straightened 
up and Hiei slid down straddling Kurama’s hips, legs dangling on the 
sides of the chair. 

 	Kurama wrapped his arm around Hiei and smiled at the others. 
"Where should we go now?" asked Kurama, as he smiled for Shuuichi and 
the camera. 


 	A picture was taken, though Hiei wasn’t looking at the camera.

 	"The mushroom waterfall?" suggested Shuuichi. All of them nodded.

 	"Mushroom Waterfall?" echoed Hiei as they were making their way to 
the area. Shouts and screams from people sliding off the tall spiral 
tubes were heard and Hiei grimaced at one. :… Stupid ningens, screaming 
like crazy …: he complained.

 	Kurama nodded. "You have lots of mushrooms there that comes down 
like a waterfall?" asked Hiei. Kurama stopped at his tracks and looked 
at Hiei. "Of course not, Hiei!" chuckled Kurama. "Okay, now you’re 
laughing at me," Hiei stomped right to the front, walking right behind 
Shuuichi who was busy taking pictures of Kuwabara and Yukina, together 
with Yuusuke who’s practically spoiling the picture with odd poses.

 	Kurama caught up and laughed. "No, Hiei… it’s just that… well…," 
Kurama bent down and gave Hiei a peck on the cheek. "You’re sometimes 
soooo cute," cooed Kurama, pinching Hiei's cheeks. "You are treating me 
like a 5 year old," complained Hiei as they stopped in front of another 
big pool.

 	This one was shallow and had a lot of mushrooms in it. Water came 
out from the top of the mushrooms and poured out, the mushrooms act as 

 	Kuwabara dragged Yukina along and got under one of the mushrooms. 
They were giggling all the way and Yuusuke took Shuuichi with him. 

 	Kurama grabbed Hiei and pulled him under one yellow coloured one. 
"This is the mushroom waterfall," said Kurama. "I have eyes," Hiei 
uttered as he snuggled nearer to Kurama. Kurama draped and arm around 
Hiei and watched people walk by. 

 	One actually had time to peek at them and giggled. Oh, Kurama had 
a nice time coaxing the fire demon to not just blast them to hell.

 	Kurama started to stand up and Hiei followed suit, but then Kurama 
pushed Hiei back into the water. 

 	Hiei frowned and shook himself dry. He eyed Kurama who was 
practically laughing at him and lunged forward at the redhead, causing 
him to fell on his back.


 	Then Shuuichi came up to Kurama and got pushed by Hiei and he went 
crashing down in the water. He got back up and pushed someone who he 
thought was his brother or his friends, but it turned out to be an adult 
who has a big tummy. :… Ulp… that’s why he didn’t budge …: thought 

 	He looked at Shuuichi and frowned. "Erm," Shuuichi looked around 
frantically, everyone was gone. Even his brother. The man glared at him. 
"Gomen nasai," he mumbled and shot off to the other side.   

 	Suddenly, Yuusuke-tachi appeared from nowhere and laughed at him. 
Shuuichi first put on a serious face, but then he too started to crack.

 	"Hey, why don’t you guys, the Reikai Tantei take a photo?" 
suggested Shuuichi. Yuusuke nodded. "Poses everyone!" he exclaimed. 

	When Shuuichi was about to take the picture, he slipped and fell 
again in the water, even Hiei was laughing like an idiot now. Everything 
seemed funny to them. Even girls in bikinis. They said that they didn’t 
have enough money to buy cloths. Yuusuke grabbed Hiei, swinging his arms 
around his neck and took some water, trying to spray it a Shuuichi. Pu 
climbed up Yuusuke’s head and tried to smile. Kurama winked at the 
camera and lunged forward to press Pu down, making way for his face. 
Kuwabara just frantically waved at Yukina, saying "Wait Yukina-chan, 
we’ll take a picture after this!" and Hiei, being pulled by Yuusuke, 
just ‘smiled’ broadly and cherish the fun times that they were all 
having together.


 	"Yatta! One nice happy family pic!" exclaimed Shuuichi and 
laughed. Then Kuwabara, as promised, took a picture with Yukina.  

 	After that, Shuuichi suggested the spiral tube slides. Hiei 
blinked at the entrance. It was dark and scary. 


 	Another frantic cry was heard, a ningen had just slipped down. 
Hiei, Kurama and Shuuichi were queuing up on the right slide while  
Yuusuke, Yukina and Kuwabara were on the left slide.

 	Finally, it was Hiei and Yuusuke’s turn. The lifeguard smiled at 
Hiei. "Step on the platform," he told Hiei. Hiei gulped and turned to 
look at Kurama. Kurama gave him a thumbs up and bent down to kiss him on 
his forehead. "See ya down there," he told Hiei. Hiei smiled and turned, 
stepping on the platform as Yuusuke did. 

 	The life guard reached for the gate switch. "Ready?"
 	Both nodded. He pulled the lever and…


 	Went Hiei and Yuusuke. Cries were heard from both of them. "Cheh, 
stupid shrimp. I thought he won’t shout," laughed Kuwabara as Yukina and 
Kurama got on the platform.


 	Yuusuke and Hiei fell out of the tubes after turning and falling 
for some time. Yuusuke swam to the sides while Hiei still waited at the 
tube ending. He was waiting for Kurama to come down. "Oi, otoko! Get 
away, the next person would be…," the lifeguard didn’t even finish 
messaging Hiei and…


 	A redhead came out of the tube and squashed the poor boy down. 
Maybe even flat under the water. 

 	"Hiei!" shouted Yuusuke as he saw the poor koorime got squashed by 
Kurama who was coming down in 50 miles per hour. Lifeguards came 
crowding the place. Everyone rushed over the fence to see what happened 
as a lot of life guards made their way to the pool. 

 	Kurama opened his eyes when he felt something soft under him. 
Maybe even a crack. He looked beneath him and saw an unconscious Hiei. 
Kurama gasped and quickly gathered the koorime. 

  	"Hiei-san," sniffed Yukina as she rushed to Hiei and Kurama. But 
Yuusuke stopped her. "It’ll be okay, they’ll help him," said Yuusuke, 
wrapping his arms around Yukina. 

 	Lifeguards made their way into the pool and helped Kurama as he 
carried Hiei out of the pool. "What happened?" asked Kurama. "I don’t 
know, I think he’s waiting for you," said Yuusuke, patting Yukina’s back 
gently to soothe her. "What? I thought you were suppose to get him out 
of here!" Kurama started as the lifeguards deal with Hiei. Every one was 
watching them. 

 	"How should I know he was waiting for you?" retorted Yuusuke. "I 
tried to warn him but you came down too fast," interrupted a lifeguard. 
Kurama sighed. 

 	Kuwabara and Shuuichi came down and Kurama went to get them. "Is 
the boy his brother?" asked the lifeguard at Yuusuke. Yuusuke shook his 
head. "That one over there is his brother," Yuusuke pointed at Shuuichi. 
"This is his boyfriend."

 	The lifeguard blinked. But then digested the fact. 

 	Kurama bit his lips. Hiei was still not breathing. :… Hiei could 
survive fighting with youkais and everything but not amusement parks? Oh 
come on, Kurama …: he soothed himself. Then Kurama blinked. He hoped he 
didn’t puncture the youkai’s lungs by squashing him. 

 	The lifeguards gave him the last CPR, Hiei coughed out water. 
Every one clapped and Kurama-tachi let out a deep breath. He lunged 
forward, wrapping his arms around Hiei and kissed him all around his 
face. "Oh, Hiei… why were you so stupid?" sniffled Kurama, tears rolled 
out of his eyes. Hiei wrapped his arms around Kurama and bit his lips. 
"I wanted to wait for you, gomen."

 	The lifeguard started telling the others that they were lovers and 
whispers were heard around, but Kurama didn’t care. He gathered Hiei up 
and they all walked out the pool compound. 

 	They settled in the ‘Fish *n* Ships’ shop which were under the big 
umbrella. Yuusuke and Shuuichi went to order food. 

 	Kurama brushed the hair that was plastered on Hiei's face to the 
back and took out Hiei's shirt. He touched the place around his chest, 
knowing that something was wrong. He frowned. One, two bones were 
broken. "I know it’s painful Hiei, stop lying," uttered Kurama and 
gestured Yukina to come closer. 

 	He leaned to her and whispered. "He has two broken bones," Yukina 
blinked and crouched next to them. She put her gentle hands on Hiei's 
chest bones and nodded, channelling healing youki into it.

 	"Is he okay now?" asked Kuwabara, concern. Kurama nodded. "Should 
be, Yukina is reattaching the bones," he told Kuwabara. The big guy 
nodded and patted Pu who was hopping on the table.

 	Yuusuke and Shuuichi returned with mountains of chips and other 
junkies. "I thought we were eating real food?" asked Kuwabara, pointing 
at the chips. "We haven’t enough money, dope," uttered Yuusuke, knocking 
the carrot-top with his hand, the other hand stuffing chips.

 	Yukina smiled. "Done," she stood up walking back to sit next to 
Kuwabara. Kurama pulled Hiei so he was leaning on him. "I think I should 
loose a few pounds," uttered Kurama, breathing in Hiei's hair. Yuusuke 
blinked. "NO! Kurama, you will end up like a bamboo stick!" he retorted. 

 	Hiei nodded. "And I won’t want to drag you around when you get 
tired easily," mumbled the koorime. Yukina chuckled. "You’re very fine 
now. Anyway, you don’t even have an ounce of fat even if you want to 
loose em," said Kuwabara.
 	"Okay, okay," sighed Kurama.

 	After the chips, they all decided to go back. 

 	Kurama sent them back. Kuwabara and Yukina were sent to Genkai’s 
Temple. When they reached Yuusuke’s ramen stall, Keiko was waiting for 
him with a pan in her hand. "Erm, good luck," said Kurama as they sped 
off leaving Yuusuke getting a blow from Keiko.

 	Shiori and Mr. Hatanaka were sitting in the living room watching 
TV when Kurama, Shuuichi and Hiei came back. "Tadaima, kaasan!" hollered 
Kurama and Shuuichi. "Okaeri yo! Ah, Hiei-kun is here too!" Shiori 
started to get up and greet them. Shiori gave Kurama, Shuuichi and Hiei 
a hug.
 	"Where have you guys been?" she asked, sitting down next to her 
husband. "We went to the new water park, kaasan. It was great!" said 
Shuuichi. "Oh, so Hiei-kun went with you two also?" asked Shiori. 
Shuuichi nodded. "Yuusuke-san, Kuwabara-san and Yukina-san were also 
with us," Shuuichi told her, munching on the small potato chips on the 

 	Kurama stood up. "Sumimasen, Hiei had an accident kaasan. I want 
to check him up," said Kurama and pulled Hiei to his room. Shiori 
blinked. "What happened?" she asked. "Shuu-chan can tell," said Kurama.

 	Hiei put his cloak on Kurama’s chair and opened his trousers. 
Kurama was forcing him to undress so that he could see if anything else 
was hurt during the accident. 

 	Kurama knelt in front of Hiei and checked him through. Every 
single part of his body, turning him around. "I’m fine, okay? And you 
said it was fun," snorted Hiei. Kurama looked up at Hiei. He pulled him 
down gently, kneeling like him. "You angry at me?" he asked the koorime. 
Hiei shook his head. 
 	"I was so scared," Kurama uttered. Hiei bored into Kurama’s 
emerald eyes, but Kurama couldn’t face those ruby ones, he closed his 
eyes. Obviously, the fox was hurt. To make him feel better and prove 
that he was alright…

  	Hiei reached up and unbutton Kurama’s still damp shirt. Kurama 
snapped open his eyes. "What are you doing, itoshii?" he asked. "To 
prove that I’m alright, fox…"

Owari… ^_^

I did this in three days. In the festival holidays. The phone line was 
cut as I forgot to pay the bills. Took them three days to reconnect the 
phone line for me. 

Anyway, this is what came out… hope you guys enjoyed the story. C&C…

Bulma Briefs