Let's do the Disclaimer dance!!! *Ripped this off Kit-koi's quote!* Our 
favourite manga-ka Yoshihiro Togashi sama is responsible for most of 
the characters in this story. Other extras are just a passing image in 
my mind, Just use your imagination and imagine them whatever you like! 

Yaoi? June? Shonen-ai? Uke Seme? Slash? You guess! Yep! It's all here! 
No lemon scenes though. Umm… there is. It's the last part. But then 
again, I love to remind you that this story stands perfectly on it's 
own without the supportive LEMON scene. It's only for demented people 
like me. In General, it goes… 5 chapters + 1 LEMON chapter. Wakatta ne?

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


		The Way Destiny Talks, Is The Way We Obey.
 	               (A Triangle's Love Story)

 				Chapter 2

 	Shuuichi passed up the notes and sat for the Chemistry test the 
next day. It was quite easy as his brother had helped him study 

 	Three hours after that, they had a 15 minutes break. Shuuichi was 
sitting by the window gazing out to the horizon. A boy came up to him. 
"Oi, daijobu?" he asked and took a seat in front of Shuuichi. Shuuichi 
looked and nodded at his best friend, Miura.

*Just imagine that Miura looks like… one of the Gundam pilots, Quatre 
Raberba Winner, maybe? He's the only blonde there*

 	"Oi, don't think I knew you for only two days. Your face spells 
problem," he laughed.

 	Shuuichi rolled his eyes and sighed. "Well… what if… you… I mean… 
there's this someone you like… but this someone is going out with your 
brother? What would you do?" asked Shuuichi. 

	"This 'you' is you right?" asked Miura. Shuuichi shook his head. 
"Yeah, yeah… anyway… what would I do?" Miura thought. "I mean… if this 
someone doesn't even know you like him. Is it possible?" asked 
Shuuichi. Miura took note about Shuuichi referring 'this someone' as a 
'him'. "So, you always see him?" asked Miura.

 	Shuuichi stood up and lunged forward, nearly touching their 
noses. "How did you know it's a guy?" he exclaimed in a whisper. Miura 
smiled. "You said it was a him…" he trailed off. Shuuichi sighed and 
sat back down. "It's okay… anyway, how does he look like?" asked Miura.

 	"He's about my height and he's damn cute!" Shuuichi smiled 
broadly. Miura laughed. "Since when do you find yourself liking him?" 
he asked, still chuckling. 


 	"Kuwa-chan!" exclaimed Botan. Kuwabara turned and smiled as the 
blue haired girl skipped towards him. "Can you do me a favour?" asked 
Botan. "What is it?" asked the big guy. Botan took out the package she 
was to give to Hiei. 

 	"I can't find Hiei anywhere… anyway, if you see Kurama, give this 
to him and tell him to give it to Hiei. That should do it. But give it 
within 24 hours okay?" reminded Botan. "Why?" asked Kuwabara. "Well… I 
dunno… Koenma told me to do that. And it's already 3 hours past. So… it 
leaves you 21 hours," she smiled. "Okie, buh-bye!" with that she 

 	"Uh, ma-matte! Oi! Stupid ferry girl!" cursed Kuwabara. "Where am 
I suppose to find Kurama?" sighed Kuwabara. 

 	Then a familiar figure met his eyes. "Oi, Shuu-chan!! C'mere!" 
hollered the big guy. Shuuichi blinked and smiled as he saw his 
brother's friend. 
 	When Shuuichi reached Kuwabara, Kuwabara handed the package to 
him. "Here… give this to your brother," he told the boy. Shuuichi 
frowned in confusion. "What's inside?" he asked, shaking it. Kuwabara 
shrugged. "Actually it's suppose to be for Hiei. Just give it to your 
brother… he'll give it to Hiei," said Kuwabara.

 	"Why can't I just give it to him?" asked Shuuichi. "Whatever… 
just make sure it reaches his hand in 20 hours," said Kuwabara and 
walked away, waving his hand. 

 	Shuuichi smiled. :… What a good excuse! Thank god! …:  


 	Kurama was in the kitchen eating when Shuuichi finally arrived 
home, he had been walking around finding the perfect words to converse 
with Hiei later.

 	Kurama eyed the weird package in his brother's hand. "What's 
that?" he asked. Shuuichi blinked and quickly hid it behind his back. 
"Um… nothing important," he replied. Kurama nodded and stood up, he had 
finished his lunch and walked to the sink to wash his bowl and 

 	"Is Hiei-san coming later?" suddenly Shuuichi asked. Kurama 
paused after he closed the tap. "Why?" he asked. Something is 
definitely fishy around here, he could sense it. "Um… just asking. I 
suppose he would be here in the evening, ne?" asked Shuuichi. Kurama 
shrugged. "No idea, Shuu-chan… but I'll tell you if he comes," with 
that Kurama disappeared into his room.


 	Kurama looked at the clock on his wall. It stated 5.15 pm. He 
sighed. Rummaging into his closet, he changed into a casual checked 
shirt and trouser. In his mind, to clear things up in his crowded mind. 
Homework had been piling up like the Empire State building and he 
definitely needed a break.

 	Kurama ran into Shuuichi who's in his towels on the way to the 
living room. "Niichan, chan I use your bathroom? The heater in mine is 
screwed up," informed the boy. Kurama nodded. "Sure," he smiled and 
went out.

 	Shiori got a glance at her son. "Where are you going, Shuu-chan?" 
she asked. "Out to the park kaasan, need a break," he hollered. Shiori 
nodded and resumed her gardening in the evening sun.


 	The shower was on. Hiei dropped in lithely on the floor in 
Kurama's room. The window wasn't shut and the bathroom shower's 
running? Weird. Hiei decided to check it out.

 	He didn't bother to knock and just budge in. Shuuichi too was 
surprised. In the mist of warm vapour, he thought it was Shiori who 
entered the bathroom. "Kaasan, did you knocked?" he asked, rubbing his 
eyes to clear the vision.

 	"You're using Kurama's bathroom?" asked a low deep voice. 
:… Hiei! …: Shuuichi's mind exclaimed, forgetting that he hadn't 
anything around him. "Yeah, he told me that I could use it, and--" but 
Hiei had went out in the middle of Shuuichi's statement. Shuuichi 

 	Moments later, Shuuichi came out of the bathroom with a towel 
around his waist. He saw Hiei lying on the futon and felt a tinge of  
jealousy. He wished Hiei would come and lie on his futon instead. And a 
thought crept over his head.

 	The package…

 	"Hiei-san, there's something I wanted to give you," he told the 
koorime. Hiei frowned. "What?"

 	"Follow me," said Shuuichi as he gestured Hiei to his room.

 	Hiei frowned but decided to follow the boy out of Kurama's room, 
into another which was different from Kurama's one. This one was in a 
shade of blue while Kurama's one was in a light shade of peach… or was 
it pink? Kurama's stuff was neatly placed on shelves and table but 
Shuuichi's one was all over the room. It's neat, but not as neat as 
Kurama's one.

 	Hiei looked at the boy who's bending on the table, taking out 
something from his drawer. Once Hiei had a look at what Shuuichi 
produced, he frowned. "Koenma gave you this?" he asked, reaching for 
it. "Well… you can say that… actually, he gave it to Kuwabara-san and 
he asked me to give it to niichan so that he could give it to you 
but…," Hiei shot up a glance at Shuuichi when he was still talking, 
then he disappeared. 

 	Shuuichi arched a brow. "Um… Hiei? Hiei-san? Where are you?" he 
searched around the room, but nothing was in his interest.


 	"-And poof! He's gone," Shuuichi had a brother-to-brother talk 
later that night with Kurama. Kurama frowned. "Why didn't you give it 
to me, then?" asked Kurama, eyeing his brother. Something was 
definitely going on with Shuuichi this few days. 

 	"I… umm… I thought…," Kurama smiled and patted his back. "Never 
mind about that. Hiei would be somewhere around," Kurama smiled and got 
up. "Just don't think about it okay?" Kurama gently pushed his brother 
and tucked him into bed. He gave his brother a light kiss on the cheek 
and walked over to the door. "He'll be around," Kurama smiled trying to 
convince his brother as well as himself as he switched off the lights 
and shut the door behind him. 

 	Shuuichi sighed. Even though his brother kept telling him not to 
worry, he knew that his brother was angry at him for keeping the 
package a secret from him. Shuuichi bit his lips. :… The look in his 
eyes before he went out… was… was as if… he was worried and …: Shuuichi 
closed his eyes… it's his fault… it was all his fault.

 	Kurama closed his eyes. He redecorated his things on the shelves, 
tables, bed and showcases. He needed to do something to rest his mind 
off Hiei.


 	Shuuichi walked into the kitchen and saw his kaasan and tousan. 
"Ohayo," he greeted and took a seat. Shiori and Kazuya nodded and 
resumed to what they were doing. "Niichan wa doko no?" he asked. Shiori 
smiled and placed the glass of milk in front of him. "He went out early 
today, Shuu-kun. Why?" asked Shiori as she sat down next to him.

 	Shuuichi shook his head. "Er… nothing… nothing…," he mumbled and 
gulped his milk. 

 	Kurama blinked at the calculus book he was facing. The pen in his 
finger was twirling around a few times. To the left… to the right… back 
to the left… back to the right…

 	He had came earlier to school today. Most of the people hadn't 
arrived yet. So there's only Kurama in the quiet class. He decided to 
come early, not wanting to face his brother. He was mad at him, but at 
the same time couldn't bring himself to scold the innocent boy. Okay, 
he might have been caught smoking a few times but he's still a young 
boy. He'll know what life is when he gets older. 

 	So, he decided to come to school rather than look at him at 
breakfast and maybe slipped his tongue on something and started to 
scold him.

 	Suddenly the door was slid open harshly. Two guys appeared. One 
with short hair and the other one, longer. The guy with shorter hair 
was pushing the other one to the wall.

 	 "Omae! How many times I told you that you're not allowed to go 
there!" the boy with short hair exclaimed, pinning the other one on the 
wall. The boy with longer hair winced in pain as he was slammed harshly 
onto the wall. "But Takeshi asked me to go with him, gomen," he said, a 
softer voice that the other one. 

 	"You're my boy! And when I tell you not to do something, you 
don't do it! It's dangerous there! You want to get your asshole fucked 
up for nothing?!" the boy with shorter hair exclaimed. 

 	"I… I am sorry… I was… I was just trying to help him," said 
Shiota, the longer haired boy softly. Koji slammed his fist on the 
wall. "Damn! If you really was raped yesterday, what do you suppose I 
would do?! If I wasn't in time yesterday? Damn it! Damn!" he slammed 
his fist again on the wall. 

 	Shiota was now streaming with tears. "Go… gomen," he lunged 
forward and sobbed on Koji's shirt. Koji sighed. He patted his lover's 
soft hair. "I'm sorry too… but did you know how hard it was to track 
you guys? How worried I am? Did you know how angry I was when I saw the 
big jackass pinned you on the table and ripped off your trousers trying 
to screw you off!? I didn't want you to get hurt," Koji tilted Shiota's 
chin and looked into his glassy eyes.

 	Shiota nodded. "… I was stupid to go there…," he sniffed. Koji 
laughed. "Actually I ripped off his trousers back and kicked him out of 
that place… that'll teach him to come to our place again! Hah!" Koji 
said proudly.

 	Shiota nodded. He hugged his lover and kissed Koji soundly on the 

 	Kurama looked at them. His classmates. He didn't knew that Koji 
and Shiota was… umm… gay. ^_^;

 	Suddenly Shiota blinked and parted the kiss abruptly. Koji 
frowned. "Nan da yo?" he asked. 

 	Shiota ran over to Kurama and sat in front of him. "Please, 
Minamino-san. I beg you, not to tell anyone about this," he clasped his 
hands together. Koji walked up to them and eyed Kurama who's still 

 	Kurama smiled. "I didn't see anything," he assured them. 
"Besides, I know how you felt Koji," Kurama sighed, his mind drifted to 
Hiei who had disappeared without a word. 

 	Shiota saw the change in Kurama's mood. "Doushite? Something 
wrong?" he asked. Kurama shook his head. "My special friend is also 
missing. Except that… I don't know where he is and all. It bothers me," 
he sighed. "So… that explains why you're early," said Koji, taking a 
seat next to Kurama. 

 	Kurama smiled. "Actually, I came early cause I don't want to 
scold my brother for it. He has something to do about his disappearance 
but I can't bring myself to scold him. He's just a kid," Kurama stared 
at his book, blank. 

 	"I bet this 'his' of yours would come back safe and sound," Koji 
gave Kurama a few soothing pats on the back. Kurama nodded. "Yeah, 
he'll be alright… I just hope he comes back before Valentines Day," 
Kurama said softly.

 	Kurama came back from school via his window. He didn't want to 
meet anyone in the house this afternoon. He wanted to finish his 
homework and set up a searching party for Hiei later in the afternoon. 
He would call Yuusuke-tachi later.

 	As soon as he landed on the floor, his eyes suddenly set their 
gaze on the futon. A fire demon was occupying it. A sleeping fire 
demon. "Hiei!" Kurama exclaimed and ran over to the koorime, hugging 
him from the back. 

 	"Hiei stirred. "Okaeri yo," he mumbled. Kurama kissed the fire 
demons face all over. "Where were you? Why didn't you tell me where you 
were going?" he asked, containing his joy.

 	Hiei smiled. "Mukuro wanted something from Koenma and the stupid 
toddler wanted me to deliver it to her. That's why I was gone," Hiei 
smiled and yawned, stretching his little mouth wide open. 

 	"Niichan? You're inside?" asked a voice accompanied by a few 
knocks. "Hai, matte," said Kurama and got off Hiei, he went to the door 
and opened it. "Hiei's here," Kurama smiled. Shuuichi widened his eyes. 
"Honto ka?" he asked, pushing himself inside. 

 	There Hiei was, face flushed, on his brother's futon. A tinge of 
jealousy instantly hit him, but he tried to keep his cool. "So, where 
were you?" he asked, sitting next to Hiei.

 	Kurama shut the door and walked into the bathroom to wash his 

 	"I went to see my aunt," Hiei lied. "Oh…," Shuuichi nodded. "I 
was so worried," Shuuichi smiled. 

 	Kurama came out and brushed his hair. "You redid your room?" 
asked Hiei, standing up eyeing the changed positions of all Kurama's 
decor. Kurama chuckled. "Well, I needed to do something else other than 
worry about you too much," Kurama put down the brush.

 	Hiei reached for a small fragile mobile. A tear-gem was hanging 
lithely from the mobile. One of the many prized delicate items that 
Kurama possessed. And no one was supposed to touch it!

 	Kurama smiled and looked contentedly at the mobile in Hiei's 
hand. Both had the same expression. As if appreciating something 

 	Shuuichi frowned and nearly pouted. Why didn't his brother scold 
Hiei? A week ago when he had tried to touch the mobile, Shuuichi-
niichan was so angry at him that he didn't talk to him for 2 days! And 
why didn't Hiei get the same reaction from his brother? This is not 

 	"You did this?" asked Hiei softly. Kurama nodded. "Why didn't I 
saw it before?" he asked the fox spirit. Kurama chuckled. "Because you 
are not observant enough…," Kurama replied softly and smiled at Hiei. 
Shuuichi slammed the door with a bang.

 	He hated his brother. He had the fame, the beauty, the 
intelligence, the charm… and most importantly he had got Hiei. Shuuichi 
slumped on his bed and slammed his fist on his futon a few times in 

	"Your brother's mad about something?" asked Hiei, placing back 
the little mobile on the shelf. Kurama shrugged and pulled Hiei to bed 
with him. They laid there for a moment in silent. 

	"I don't know why but… I think Shuu-chan likes you," Kurama 
nuzzled Hiei's hair. Hiei blinked but kept his silence. 

	Kurama turned and laid on his stomach, supporting his upper body 
with his arm. He looked at Hiei in his eyes. "I really think so," 
Kurama sighed and laid his head gently on Hiei's chest. "So?" Hiei 
finally said something.

	"Well… I don't want him to… you know… but I don't want him to be 
upset with me. It'll be just a matter of time before he understands," 
Kurama said, eyes closed savouring Hiei's scent. 

	"I want to ask you a favour," Kurama started. "Please stay for 
dinner," he requested.

	Hiei shrugged. "Sure, but why?" he asked, biting his lips as 
Kurama's hand reached to touch his private parts. "I'll think of 
something," Kurama looked up and smiled, he straddled Hiei's hips and 
leaned down to give the koorime a kiss.

	RRRRRRinng!! RRRiiingg!!

 	"Moshi-moshi… ah, Shuu-chan ka? matte yo," Shiori put the 
receiver in between her hands and hollered for Shuuichi. "Shuu-kun! 
denwa!" No answer. "Shuuichi Hatanaka! Denwa da yo!"

	A long faced boy with messy hair appeared from the hallway and 
took the phone. "What?" he answered in it.

	A girl's voice was on the other end on the line. "Shuu-san, I'm 
just calling to remind you that we need newspapers tomorrow." Shuuichi 
rolled his eyes. "What? You think I'm deaf? I don't need you to remind 
me of those silly things!" with that he slammed the phone.

 	Shiori, who was just nearby dusting he showcase blinked. "Didn't 
you think that was a bit harsh? Poor girl, she might have felt a bit 
hurt," said Shiori, walking nearer to Shuuichi. Shuuichi hugged his 
step-mother. "I'm sorry, I just…," Shiori patted his back soothingly. 
"I know… it's hard to be a kid sometimes," she assured him.

	Kurama threw Hiei his trousers. "Get in those," he told the 
koorime. "Why?" asked the fire demon still lying limp on the bed, face 
pretty flushed. Kurama slid on his own shirt and sat on his desk. "I 
would be doing some homework. Why don't you go down and make us 
something to eat in the kitchen? I remembered that I just stocked up a 
tub of ice-cream in the freezer," Kurama winked. 

	Hiei smiled. He got into the trousers and walked to Kurama. 
"What?" asked the redhead, opening his English book on the table. "You 
were the one who unbuckled these belts. So you're suppose to buckle it 
back!" Hiei told the fox, a sly smile was on his face.

	Kurama chuckled. He buckled the belts, but his eyes kept it's 
gaze in Hiei's stomach. Those curve was…

	Kurama jumped on Hiei and gave the fire demon a wet sloppy kiss.

	"Okay, now you've got me. Go and get the dessert," Kurama brushed 
Hiei's hair back into place.

	Hiei chuckled deeply. He always had his way with Kurama. The door 
was shut and Kurama shook his head. :… Little sly koorime …:

	Hiei walked to the kitchen passing the living room and saw 
Shuuichi gluing his eyes on something. 

	Decided that he had lot's of time to spare, he walked over to the 
boy. "What're you doing?" he asked. Shuuichi snapped up his head and 
blinked. "Hiei!" he exclaimed. Hiei rolled his eyes. "Yeah it's me," he 
sat next to the boy.

	"Are you mad at me?" asked Hiei, taking out his katana and 
started to polish it, cleaning away any stain of dried blood on it. 
Shuuichi shook his head. "It's someone else that I was angry at," 
Shuuichi snorted and crossed his arms on his chest, leaning against the 

 	"Your brother?" Hiei guessed. Shuuichi wanted to say yes but… 

	"Nah, one of the guys in my class," Shuuichi lied. "Oh…," Hiei 
replied. "Can you imagine that… you know… we like the same person and 
he tends to get that person's attention more than me! He has everything 
for god's sake! Beauty, brains and all, why can't he just leave this 
one person for me? If you were me, what would you do?" Shuuichi turned 
to look at Hiei.

	Hiei blinked. Definitely what Kurama said was affirmative. "I 
would just kill him off," Hiei stood up. "I'm making some dessert. Want 
some?" he offered, without waiting for an answer Hiei went into the 
kitchen. Shiori had seemed to be out of the house. 

	He took out the tub of ice-cream and put it into three ice-cream 
cups. He knew Shuuichi was coming. If he really liked him, he was sure 
to accept his offer. 

	Just as he thought, within 3 seconds Shuuichi appeared. "I think 
I'm hungry," he mumbled. Hiei put the remaining ice-cream back into the 
freezer. "You knew I was coming?" asked Shuuichi. Hiei shrugged and 
gave him one of the ice-cream cups.

	Shuuichi was so happy. "Thank you, Hiei-san!" he exclaimed and 
dived into the ice-cream. 

	Hiei blinked and sat across from the boy. "Shuuichi?" suddenly 
Hiei called. Shuuichi immediately looked at the fire demon. "So, do you 
hate your friend very much for liking the one you like?" he asked, 
tactfully avoiding any trace that would make Shuuichi know that he 
already knew what's going on.

	Shuuichi snorted. "If I could kick his ass, I would," he spitted 
and resumed his treat. Hiei nodded.