Let's do the Disclaimer dance!!! *Ripped this off Kit-koi's quote!* Our 
favourite manga-ka Yoshihiro Togashi sama is responsible for most of 
the characters in this story. Other extras are just a passing image in 
my mind, Just use your imagination and imagine them whatever you like! 

Yaoi? June? Shonen-ai? Uke Seme? Slash? You guess! Yep! It's all here! 
No lemon scenes though. Umm… there is. It's the last part. But then 
again, I love to remind you that this story stands perfectly on it's 
own without the supportive LEMON scene. It's only for demented people 
like me. In General, it goes… 5 chapters + 1 LEMON chapter. Wakatta ne?

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


		The Way Destiny Talks, Is The Way We Obey.
 	               (A Triangle's Love Story)

 				    Chapter 5

 	Koenma looked at his watch. It was nearly 8 o'clock. And the 
piles on his desk were all gone. A record time he had finished it 
before midnight. He smiled to himself. then he remembered his promise 
to Hiei. :… Even if he is a stubborn youkai, he still is obedient. Not 
like some people …: he remembered Yuusuke's actions which were always 
breaking the rules.

 	He called up George. The blue oni came up to him and bowed. "May 
I be any assistance to you, Koenma-sama?" he asked. Koenma nodded. 
"Find Hiei and bring him to Kurama's room," Koenma told George. "But, 
Koenma-sama. Kurama-san is sleeping and I don't think it's appropriate 
to send any visitors over," George smiled.

 	Koenma gave the oni a look. George blinked and gulped. "Oh, okay 
then… as you wish," he said and walked to the door. "And another thing, 
George!" Koenma exclaimed before the oni went out the room. "Leave them 
alone. I don't want anyone near them for a 100 metres radius," Koenma 
smiled. George frowned and closed the door. :… This is sure one weird 
order! …: he shook his head.

 	"Now, where to find Hiei-san?" George looked around and saw onis 
walking around. He stopped one of them and asked. "You seen Hiei-san?" 
the other oni shook his head, but then raised his finger. "Ah! I think 
I saw him just now, near the gate," he told the oni. "Is he going 
somewhere?" asked George. 

 	The oni shook his head. "I don't think so…" he leaned closer to 
George. "…Kurama-san is still here," he grinned. George sweatdropped 
and knocked the oni's head. "Itai!" he exclaimed. "That'll teach you to 
be less busybody about people's personal life," George smirked and 
walked away.

 	As he entered the kitchen, a very familiar person walked past 
him. Not even acknowledging him with a bow or a nod. :… Hiei-san! …: he 
exclaimed in his mind. :… Now, what was he doing in the kitchen? …: But 
it didn't matter, he caught up with him.

 	"Sumimasen, Hiei-san," he stopped the youkai. Those red rubies 
eyed him with no interest. "What?" George gulped. :… Why is it so scary 
talking to him? …: "Umm… Koenma-sama asked you to come with me," he 
told Hiei. The youkai raised a brow. "Where to?" Hiei inquired. 
"Kurama-san's room," George answered. 

 	Well, that sure does it. Hiei nodded and followed the oni to 
Kurama's room. "May I remind you, Kurama-san's asleep. So please don't 
disturb him too much. It may not be good for his health and he's…" 
George stopped as his eyes dropped to Hiei's gaze. It spelled 'Shut-up-
or-I'll…' George gulped and opened the door.

 	Hiei nodded at him. "Thank you," he said softly as he closed the 
door. George smiled. :… He's not that bad after all …:

 	Hiei entered the room. It was slightly cold. A small bed-lamp 
shone the room creating a warm atmosphere. He walked closer to the bed 
where a redhead was sleeping comfortably. He looked so beautiful in the 
dim light. The beauty that illuminate the redhead seems pure and 

 	Hiei took a seat on the chair next to the bed. His eyes never 
left the redhead even for a second. 

 	He wanted to wake the fox, but didn't knew how. He placed his 
hands on the bed and rested his chin on it. Thinking about ways to wake 
up the fox without making him throw fits. 

 	Unconsciously, his hand reached out to brush the redhead's hair. 
Kurama's eyes slowly opened. He came to focus with a pair of ruby eyes. 
Hiei's eyes. He smiled wearily. "Hiei…" he called. Hiei smiled. "Still 
mad at me?" asked the fire youkai. 

 	"I was never…" Kurama paused. "I… No… I'm over it," Kurama 
straightened up. He ran his fingers through his hair to put it back in 
place. "Sorry Youko Kurama said mean things to you," Kurama closed his 
eyes and buried his face into his hands.

 	"I'm not offended," Hiei replied. "You know what?" suddenly Hiei 
asked. "What?" Kurama raised his head, to look at the youkai. Hiei 
looked at the bed sheets. "Koenma told me to give something to you…" he 
trailed away. Kurama listened. 
 	"I… I thought for the whole day. Yet… I couldn't think of 
anything that could be given to you," Hiei paused again and took 
Kurama's hand. "But, I hope you don't mind if I give myself to you…" 
Hiei uttered, his hands still holding Kurama's one but his eyes were 
set on the bed sheets. 

 	Kurama blinked. :… Hiei is giving himself to me? …: he thought. 
He put another hand on Hiei's and his own hand. He pulled them gently. 
Hiei looked up. "If you want to give yourself to me. I want to do the 
same," Kurama smiled. His eyes seem to sparkle in the dim light.

 	Hiei smiled a little and followed as Kurama pulled him up to sit 
on the bed with him. Kurama cupped the youkai's face and leaned closer 
to kiss the small mouth. 

 	Hiei closed his eyes and savoured the taste of Kurama's sweet 
mouth against him. It felt divine. Most importantly, it felt like… 

 	Kurama opened his eyes, it was blurry. Kurama smiled as he had 
his arms wrapped around his Hiei and Hiei had his arms around his 
middle. He closed back his eyes and hugged his youkai firmer.

 	Then something hit his head. 

 	"School!!!" He exclaimed. Hiei startled and nearly rolled off the 
bed. Kurama was in time to grab the youkai back to the safety of the 
bed sheets. He looked at the already showing morning sun. He slumped 
back on the bed.

 	"It seems like I'm going to cut a day of school," Kurama sighed. 
"I can't! There's a Biochemistry exam today! Hiei, tasukete yo!" Kurama 
closed his face with his hand. Then he looked at his watch. 6.45 a.m. 
If he's fast enough, he could reach school by 7.30 a.m. Suddenly Hiei 
got on top of him and looked into those green emerald orbs. "I'll tell 
your teacher a good excuse. Don't worry," He kissed the fox and jumped 
off the bed. 

 	Kurama smiled as the naked form of Hiei got dressed in front of 
him with his back facing the fox. Kurama had saw it all. For the first 
time in his life yesterday, he had saw the youkai naked and conscious. 
"Hiei, you have a bite mark on your ass!" It was quite fun to tease the 
youkai sometimes. Hiei looked at his back, but couldn't see it.

 	"Where?" he asked. Kurama jumped off the bed with bedcovers 
around him and hugged his fire youkai. "Let it be. After all, I'll be 
only one who knows. And if anyone else knows…" Kurama trailed off. Hiei 
hit him on the head. "Itai! Why did you do that for?" Kurama rubbed his 

 	"That's for thinking that I'm letting anyone else than you screw 
up my ass!" Hiei smirked. Kurama laughed and sat on the bed. He looked 
around for his own trousers and saw it on the bed lamp. He grinned and 
sweatdropped. :… Now how did that get there? …:


 	Koenma stopped them. "Kurama, Matte! How are you going to go back 
to Ningenkai??" asked Koenma. Kurama blinked, then sweatdropped. 

	 "Oit! Wait for me!" came Kuwabara, still putting on his school 
uniform with a piece of bread in his mouth. Yuusuke was not far behind 
him. Koenma grinned at Kurama. "Thought so that you wanted to go back 
today. I made Kuwabara and Yuusuke stay so you guys can go back 

 	Kurama looked at his watch. 7.26 a.m. "Hayai! We're going to be 
late!" Kurama hushed. 

 	Kurama munched on his bread and shouted. "Jigen-tou!" He slashed 
through the thin air and a dimension gate was created. 

 	"Good luck Kurama!" they exclaimed and Kurama ran as fast as he 
could to Meiow High. 

 	7.29 a.m. He reached the gate but nearly tripped off the ground. 
Hiei grabbed his hand and ran with him. 

 	7.31 a.m.…
 	"Hiei! I have to go to my locker to get my stuffs!" Kurama 
stumbled through the hallway to his locker. "You're going to be VERY 
late, baka!" Hiei shook his head.

 	Kurama took his pencil case, Biochemistry text book, calculator 
and specimen kit. 

 	Kurama looked again at his watch. 7.40 a.m.

 	The papers had been distributed when he reached his class and an 
unfamiliar old lady was sitting in the usual nice Mr. Nagawa-sensei's 
place. Kurama gulped. She looked as sulky as anyone could imagine and 
she's definitely not going to let him sit for this exam. He looked 
behind him, no signs of Hiei. :… Maybe he thought I was safe already, 
so he left …: Kurama frowned.

 	The redhead sighed and knocked on the door anyway. A serious 
expression turned to Kurama and frowned. "And who might you be?" she 
asked. "I'm Minamino Shuuichi," Kurama said politely. "And you're 
late?" she asked, focusing on Kurama. Kurama nodded. 

 	Before she could say anything else, someone shouted from outside 
the class. "Fire! The School's on fire!" everyone looked up from their 
exam paper. The lady stood. "Umm… class, I think we should all save 
ourselves first. The exam is postponed to tomorrow," she announced and 
rushed them out of the class. 

 	Kurama blinked. Something was wrong here. It was dark and 
unceremoniously cold outside. Why is there suddenly a fire? 

 	All of them crowded the field where a big flame was erupting… 
somewhat from the ground. And the flames were unusually dark in colour. 
Fire engines rushed over in less than 5 minutes.

 	"All students are to evacuate the school compound and go home 
right now as not to be in the way of the firemen!" an announcement was 
made. Noises were heard and all the students made their way to the 

 	Kurama frowned. Something was definitely fishy. He shifted the 
textbook in his hand and felt something drop from the skies next to 
him. He smiled. "Hiei, it was you!" Kurama turned. Hiei's eyes were set 
forward but a small smile was lit on his face. 

 	"Nice fire you did there," Kurama whispered. "I had to mix some 
Makai fire to make it big and scary," Hiei smirked. Kurama hugged his 
fire demon. "You saved my Biochemistry test!" 

 	"Let's run home!" Kurama chuckled. "Home?" Hiei echoed. "Yeah 
ho…" Kurama paused. He suddenly remembered than he didn't want to go 

 	"Oi! I thought you were doing your test?" asked a voice. Both 
turned and saw Yuusuke together with Kuwabara eating ice-cream smiling 
widely at them. 

 	"You guys cut school?" asked Kurama. Both nodded. "So did you!" 
Kuwabara chuckled. "The school's on fire," both Kurama and Hiei 
answered simultaneously. Then Kurama laughed, even Hiei let out a small 

 	Yuusuke and Kuwabara looked at the Meiow High School's direction 
and there was smoke. Kuwabara eyed Hiei who seemed to smell fishy. "And 
you had to do something with it?" Kuwabara pointed at Hiei. Hiei 
shrugged and rested his arms on his chest. 

 	"You burnt Kurama's school?" asked Yuusuke. "Just the field," 
Hiei answered. "For what?" Kuwabara blinked. 

 	Kurama laughed and told them the whole story.

 	"You are such a vandal, Hiei! Imagine how much Kurama's school is 
going to pay for those beautiful 'burnt' grasses?!" Yuusuke laughed. 

 	Hiei eyed Kuwabara's ice-cream and pinched Kurama's sides. "Ouch! 
What was that for?" Kurama asked. Hiei gestured him to come closer and 
Kurama leaned closer to Hiei. "I want ice-cream," he whispered. Kurama 
straightened up. "I'm going to go home, so… see ya guys later!" Kurama 
grinned. "Yoshi! Ja!" Kuwabara and Yuusuke waved, walking away.

 	Kurama stopped midway and looked at Hiei. "What?" asked the fire 
youkai. "What will kaasan say if we came back early?" he frowned. "The 
school's on fire?" Hiei smirked. Kurama chuckled and slapped Hiei's 
head playfully. "Oh, you're such a cunning little youkai!" he put his 
arm on Hiei's shoulder and walked towards his home.

 	Kurama looked at the door. It was somewhat cold. He frowned. "I 
don't…" Hiei sighed and pushed the youko inside the compound. 

 	Just as Kurama was about to touch the doorbell, the door opened. 
Kazuya Hatanaka was about to kiss his stepson right on the nose if he 
hadn't stop to turn. 

 	"AH! Shuu-kun!" exclaimed the man. Kurama blinked and smiled. 
Shiori rushed towards them and looked at her son. Her perfect baby. 
"Shuuichi!!" she exclaimed and threw her arms around the startled boy. 
"Where were you? Why didn't you came back? Did you know that I was so 
worried?" she sobbed.

 	Kurama kept his quiet, still didn't knew what to say. Shiori 
looked up at her son. Kurama was just about to say something when 
Shiori put a finger on his lips. "Shh… what's past is past, okay?" she 
smiled. Kurama smiled and nodded once.


 	"Anyway, why did you came home early? Didn't you go to school?" 
asked Shiori. "The school's on fire," Kurama answered coolly as he 
sipped a glass of milk. Hiei was rummaging the freezer to find his own 
creation of ice-cream he had left somewhere in Kurama's freezer a few 
days ago. 

 	Shiori blinked. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Of course, kaasan. We 
were just starting our test paper when it happened," Kurama smiled. 
Shiori rushed over to Kurama and checked him. "Are you alright?" she 
asked, anxious. Kurama nodded. "Only the field was on fire, kaasan. 
We're all safe," Kurama assured his mother. 

 	Shiori sat on the chair. "Don't scare me like that," she sighed. 
Hiei shut the freezer with a thud and carried the tub of ice-cream. He 
put it on the table. "Kaasan, do you want some?" Hiei suddenly asked. 
Kurama blinked. :… Hiei, calling kaasan… kaasan? …: Shiori nodded. 
"I'll try some," she smiled. Hiei walked over to get three ice-cream 

 	Kurama looked at his cup and narrowed his eyes at it. It looked 
like a swirl of blood-red jelly and black coloured cream. "What's this 
Hiei?" Kurama poked experimentally at the so-called ice cream. "Ice 
cream… what else?" Hiei put a mouthful of the item in his mouth. He 
closed his eyes and smiled, contented. 

 	Shiori ate her share and praised the little boy. "Now I know 
where did my strawberry jam went," she chuckled. 

 	Kurama sat on his own bed and closed his eyes. He savoured the 
feel of his own soft bed after leaving it for three days. "Oh, my bed… 
how I miss you so much!" Kurama laid on his stomach and spread his 
hands as if hugging his big bed. 

 	Hiei sulked at this and snorted. Kurama smiled. "Someone's 
jealous," Kurama straightened up and opened his top. He threw it at 
Hiei. The fire youkai smirked and lit up some fire in his hand. "If I 
burn this, what would you wear to school?" Kurama widened his eyes and 
lunged forward. "My precious clothes! Give it back!" Kurama grabbed it 
and played a little tug-of-war with Hiei.

 	"Hiei, let go! It'll tear!" Kurama narrowed his eyes. Hiei let go 
and Kurama fell on his back. The youkai laughed. "Stupid naïve fox!" he 
jumped on the bed and laid on Kurama's chest. Both, still laughing and 
worn out.

 	Kurama wrapped his hands around Hiei and kissed him gently on the 


 	"You go home first," Shuuichi smiled and touched Miura's cheek. 
The boy blushed and nodded. "Yoshi," he reached to kiss Shuuichi on the 
cheek. "I'm going to get some stuff for tomorrow's art class, okay? 
Ja!" Shuuichi walked his way to the art shop. 

 	Miura looked at his lover and smiled contentedly as Shuuichi 
disappeared into the shop. Just as he turned around, his stomach stung. 
Quite painfully. He winced but frowned… it disappeared after a few 
seconds, then he shook his head. "Nah, it wont be anything serious. 
Most probably something I ate," he shrugged and made his way home.

 	"Tadaima… gomen kudasai?" Miura called. But no one answered. He 
shut the door and slumped on the sofa. He opened the jar of cookie on 
the coffee table and munched on some cookies. He saw a piece of note 
slipped between the jar bottom and the table.

 	He pulled it out and read it. 

      "Miura, baby! 
          Kaasan and Kareen are at Osaka now for a business trip. Left 
some money near the kitchen counter and kaasan already stocked up the 
whole fridge. Have fun and wait for our return! Ja ne! 

   p/s : Will be back in a week!
                                               Kaachan! ^_^;

 	Miura smiled. :… Cool! …: but just as he wanted to put down the 
note, the stinging pain came back swirling around in his right side of 
the stomach. :… Shimatta! What's this? …: he winced. He had never felt 
this kind of a pain before.

 	"I hope Shuuichi is back already!" he reached for the phone and 
dialled the number of Hatanaka's resident's phone number. 


 	Kurama was licking his way up Hiei's chest when the phone rang. 
"Um, you picking that up?" asked Hiei after the ringing had reached 
it's fifth ring. Kurama looked up and nodded. He reached out to take 
the phone and answered it.

 	"Moshi-moshi," Kurama got up and sat on the bed, hands gathering 
Hiei close to him. 

 	"H… hello… Shuuichi?" asked a weary voice form the other side. 

 	"Umm… yeah? Who's that?" asked Kurama smiling as he twiddled 
his hand on the fire youkai's semi erected rod.

 	"It's me… Miu… ergh… Shuu-koi… tasukata yo! Onaka ga… itsuu yo!" 
said the voice. Kurama started a frown on his face. "Miura-kun? Is that 
you?" Kurama narrowed his eyes. Hiei blinked and looked at Kurama's 
sudden change of mood. 

 	"H… hai…," said Miura.

 	"Chotto… this is Shuuichi's older brother. I don't think he's 
back yet. But where are you now?" asked Kurama. 

 	"My… my house…," Miura answered.

 	"Okay, you just hang in there! We'll be right there!" with that, 
Kurama put away the phone and kissed Hiei quickly on the cheek. "Come 
on, Hiei! Shuu-kun's friend is in trouble!" Kurama got up and slipped 
into his trousers. While doing that, he tried to remember where was 
Miura's house. Once, they had walked home together from school with his 
brother and Kurama revived the memory of which lane it was and what 
turning to take.

 	Kurama looked at Hiei who was already dressed up. "Ikuzo! I'll 
tell kaasan first," he pulled the fire youkai with him.

 	"Kaasan! Kaasan!" Shiori appeared from the kitchen. "Nan da?" she 
asked, a smile on her face. But it instantly changed when she saw the 
expression on her son's face. "What's wrong?" asked the lady.

	 "Shuu-kun's friend is in trouble. I'm going over to help him. 
When he comes home tell him that Miura is in the hospital, okay?" 
Kurama gave his mother a quick kiss and went out the door where Hiei 
was already waiting.


 	Miura winced in pain. It felt like hell and it wasn't subsiding. 
"Shimatta… What's this?" he groaned in pain.

 	It felt like hours after he had hung up the phone. Shuuichi's 
brother said that he was coming. But he was still nowhere to be seen. 

 	Hiei frowned. Kurama said nothing but just sped towards 
someplace, a determined expression on his face.

 	At last, they arrived at Miura's house. "Miura-kun?" Kurama 
knocked on the door, one hand trying to open the door. But it was 
locked. No one answered. "Just open the door," Hiei frowned. Kurama 
nodded and supplied some youki to the door knob and the wood of the 
door responded. It opened in less than a second.

 	Both went in and saw a boy cringing on the sofa. "Miura-kun!" 
Kurama rushed towards to the boy and turned him over. The boy was 
covered with sweat and was shaking slightly. "I'll take you to the 
hospital," Kurama picked the lithe boy up. He was about Hiei's size but 

 	"Shuu-san… where's Shuu-chan?" asked the boy, his blue eyes were 
tired. "He's still not back. But I already told kaasan to inform him. 
Shimpai suru na," Kurama smiled. Hiei closed the door and nodded at 

 	Kurama gave Miura to Hiei and the youkai sped as fast as 
lightning. Kurama took a taxi to the hospital.


 	Kurama pushed open the door and looked to the left, then to the 
right. Then he saw a small figure near the window. Kurama rushed over. 
"Hiei!" he called. Hiei turned and opened his arms. "The boy turned 
blue when we were on our way. The doctor already took him in," Hiei 
told Kurama, his face on the redhead's heaving chest. 

	 Kurama hugged his lover and kissed his forehead. "Thank you," 
Kurama smiled. "I'm sure Shuuichi would appreciate what you did," 
Kurama smiled and they both took a seat in the waiting hall.

 	"Tadaima!" exclaimed a voice. Shiori came out of her room and 
frowned with a serious face. "Kaasan?" Shuuichi narrowed his eyes. 
"Shuu-chan, Miura is in the hospital," Shiori told the boy. "What!?" 
Shuuichi's eyes widened, all his bags and stuffs dropped to the floor.

 	"I don't know much. But your brother picked up the phone just now 
and he came down telling me to tell you that Miura was in the 
hospital," Shiori told Shuuichi. "Niisan is home? Miura in hospital?" 
he blinked. Shiori nodded. He was numb all over for a second. But then 
his muscles started to respond with his brain and he ran out of the 
house, still in his school uniform.

 	:… Miura! I leave you alone for an hour and you're in the 
hospital already? …:


 	Kurama looked at Hiei, the fire youkai was so tired. So was 
himself. Kurama sighed and brushed Hiei's hair. They didn't sleep well 
and today was such a weird day. 

 	Hiei who was leaning on his lover, looked around wearily. People 
were staring at them from time to time. Especially those nurses at the 
counter. Giggling all the way. He had thought of making Kurama wear a 
sign saying that the fox was his. A smile crept on his face upon thinking about that stupid idea. 

 	"Shuuichi is involved with the blue eyed boy, isn't he?" asked 
Hiei. Kurama arched his brow at Hiei. "Well, he was crying for your 
brother's name just now," Hiei took Kurama's hand and breathed into it. 
A faint scent of rose could be detected. "I think so. First, he thought 
that I was Shuu-kun. He called me Shuu-koi," Kurama smiled.

 	Then the floor vibrated. Kurama and Hiei turned around and saw 
Shuuichi entering the place. "Shuu-chan! Here!" Kurama hollered. 
Shuuichi spotted his redhead brother and went over to him.

 	"Niisan!" Shuuichi exclaimed and sat next to him. "He's already 
been taken in. The doctor haven't come out yet," Kurama told Shuuichi. 
Shuuichi nodded. "Thank you," he uttered. 

 	They were quiet and tense for a while. Then Kurama turned to his 
brother. "You… you with Miura now?" asked the redhead. Shuuichi 
blinked. "He told you?" asked the boy. "He told Hiei," Kurama smiled. 
"Hiei-san?" Shuuichi leaned over to look at the being sitting close to 
his brother.

 	"Kind of," and the fire youkai stood up. "The doctor's out," Hiei 

 	Shuuichi and Kurama stood as well and looked at the guy in the 
white robe who just came out of the door, very cute looking. "Doc? 
How's my friend?" asked Shuuichi. The doctor looked at Shuuichi then 
at Kurama and Hiei. He was about to speak but gleamed at the fire 
youkai as he saw that he seemed to be hugging Kurama's middle. 

	 "Any one of you guys, his family?" asked the doctor with a 
smile. They shook their head. The doctor arched his brow. "I'm his… 
boyfriend," Shuuichi told the doctor. "Ahh… ja. Well, he needed to be 
operated. His appendix are inflated. We need someone over 18 to sign 
the paper," the doctor told them. 

 	"I'll sign for him. I'm his brother," Kurama offered pointing at 
Shuuichi. The doctor nodded and walked over to the counter. He asked 
the nurses for the form and they were all puppy eyed, ready to serve 
the doctor. "Doumo," he uttered and turned around. 

 	Just as he turned, a pair of arms wrapped around his middle. 
Another doctor in his white robe grinned at the doctor. "Itoshii! Lunch 
time," he smiled. The doctor gave him a quick peck and shook his head. 
"I have an appendix patient. Immediate attention needed," he smiled. 
The other doctor pouted. "Say, we can always use extra help. After 
that, we'll have lunch. How about it?" asked the doctor who was holding the form, he was still in his lover's embrace. 

 	The other doctor nodded. "What room?" he asked. "OT4," the other 
one replied. "Ja, meet you there," he gave the doctor a kiss and 
released him, walking over to the lift.

 	The doctor came back to Kurama-tachi. "Sorry," he blushed. "Here, 
fill in this particulars and sign it," he smiled, handing the form and 
pen to Kurama. Hiei let go of Kurama's middle and both Kurama and 
Shuuichi walked further to fill the form.

 	Hiei stayed where he was and looked at Kurama, then at the 
doctor. "Say, cute girlfriend," the doctor smiled, missing Kurama's 
fact about him being Shuuichi's brother. "He's my 'boyfriend'," Hiei 
stressed it out to him. The doctor blinked. 

 	"Sou da yo? Saa… you're gay, your lover's brother is gay, I'm 
gay, nice world we're living in, ne? Hahaha…" joked the doctor. Hiei 
narrowed his eyes. "What's 'gay'?" The doctor blinked. 

 	Kurama came back and handed the form to the doctor. He was kind 
of jealous that the doctor was having a conversation with his lover. 
Quickly, Kurama slipped a hand around Hiei's shoulder. "There you go," 
he smiled. 

 	The doctor nodded. "I'm going to get him ready for the 
operation," with that he sent the form to the counter and walked to the 


 	Next day…

 	Kurama opened the door. Shuuichi peered from behind his brother. 
A sleeping figure of Miura was laying peacefully on the bed. "Miura-
koi!" exclaimed Shuuichi. Kurama knocked his brother's head. "Mundou 
muyou kudasai," he hissed. Shuuichi nodded. "Gomen ne," he rushed 
towards his lover who stirred awake. 

 	Miura blinked and focused his bearings. "Shuu-koi," he said 
softly. "Are you feeling okay?" asked Shuuichi. Miura nodded. "Hai, 
daijobu da yo. Everything's okay when you're here," he told Shuuichi. 
Kurama blinked. :… It would be wonderful if Hiei's half as romantic as 
this boy …: Shuuichi scratched his head. "Honto ne?"

 	"Do yo want anything to eat? Chocolates?" Kurama grinned 
mischievously. Miura nodded. "Okay, I'll get it for you," with that, 
Kurama left the two lovebirds alone for a while.


 	"He's over you," Kurama suddenly said. Hiei stroked Kurama's 
stomach and looked into those deep emerald eyed. Cheerful, contented 
weary eyes. "So?" he asked, face still blushed out of their love. Best 
one since the 'Shuuichi like's Hiei incident'. "So, I think he went 
through a few painful things to learn that," Kurama told the youkai, 
hands running over his naked firm ass.

 	"So?" the same repetitious answer. "So…" Kurama trailed off, 
straightening himself bringing Hiei up with him. Both sat on the bed, 
stark naked in front of each other. Kurama smiled softly and cupped the 
fire youkai's face. 

 	"You are so beautiful do you know that?" asked the redhead. Hiei 
just blinked once. He looked so innocent. So pure, yet Kurama knew 
better. Don't judge a book by it's cover, you'll never know if it's 
good or not until you read it. 

 	Kurama already read this book named 'Hiei'. Read it well, very 
well indeed.

 	Shuuichi was back to his normal self. Normal as in not head over 
heels over Hiei. Miura came over a lot lately after recovering from his 
appendix operation and both seemed to be locked up in Shuuichi's room 
doing god knows what. 

 	Kurama leaned closer… closer… trying to close the space between 
himself and the lithe youkai.

 	Just as his nose was about to touch Hiei's a frantic knock was 
heard on the window. Both looked towards the window. 


 	She let herself in. How? No one knows. "Erm… gomen ne!" she 
scratched her head upon seeing two indecently 'dressed' figures. She 
turned to her back and tried to tell them what happened. "Koenma-sama 
needs you right now! … quick!" she struggled not to giggle to much. 

 	"Again…" both sighed. They got dressed and Hiei walked pass 
Botan. "You do that again, I'll make you pay big for it," He snorted 
and disappeared out the window into the darkness. 

 	Botan turned. Kurama gave her a weary smile. "Shall we?" he 
gestured her to go out first. Botan nodded.

 	They made their way to Reikai. Everything got back to normal 
again. Normal.

Owari… ^_^

Damn! This is huge! Finally finished it. Started it on 4th February and 
ended it on 19th March. A long time, ne? Still, I think it turned out 
okay, not too bad as I suspected though. And it's plot is like… so long 
and all. But this is no match for my huge Dragonball Z fanfic with a 
record of more than 300 pages. Haahahahha… But then, If I add up all 
the YYH fanfics I wrote, I will end up with about 1000 pages worth of 

Critics and Comments are welcomed. Very much! This humungus piece of 
writing is dedicated to a few people. Wong Siew Lee, Sylvia, Rose-chan 
and last but not least… my Neko. He's a black cat with a white star-
burst on his forehead(resembles Hiei's hair), a white neck(Hiei's white 
scarf) and white socks on his four toes(socks maybe?) and me! Also to 
all in the Yuu Yuu Hakusho Mailing List! May our brain waves travel in 
the same frequency forever!

I plan to make this a simple fic, but then it turned out so humungus! 
Like a big ant colony. Go here and there, twisting the plot up and 
down… I hope no one's mad at me. And about all the couples in this 
story made gays… forgive me. I'm demented about this stuff. 
Enough… I ramble too much!

Bulma Briefs -> The official keeper of Kurama and Hiei's love. So, I 
                have the right to play with it!
UIN# 13254597