STILL GOING THROUGH A MAJOR UPDATE. (Builing another page ^_^) I would like to apoligize to some of the people who sent me stories to add to my page. I have been very busy and now I have the time to add stories to my page. I will be updating for the next week. So everything will be up. I'm sorry for the inconvenice.
Welcome. I am Predator, your host. As you can see I have created a new homepage but with the same name. I was having trouble adding on to the old one so I have decide to make a new page. Hope you like it. (I have decide to change my name to Predator. So nothing as really changed execpt the eamil address and host name of the site.)
I am a big fun of Sailor Moon. One thing I like to do is write short stories and long stories using Sailor Moon characters and my own characters (One of them is GoldenClaw). I have finally add a story of my own to the Story section. It is called The Rabbit and the Lion. Please read the Author's note for more information on the characters that I created. I have ALOT of space on my homepage. So if you would like to contribute a picture to the picture section of my page, just email me and the picture and I will put a section up of people who have sent me their favorite pics. Plus I would like to make my links sections a little bigger. So email me your favorite site.
Please check out my Picture page. I will be adding more pictures soon.
I have a friend who is also writing a story. She likes to combine Sailor Moon and Star Trek togather. Her name is the Mercurian Lover. Send mail to Mercurian Lover if you have any questions. Her story is under the Story section at the bottom of the page.
Prince Darien has asked me if I could put his story, The End of it All on my page. I told him I would be happy to. His story is under the Story section at the bottom of the page also. Send mail to Prince Darien if you have any questions. Added a new story by Prince Darien to the Story section. It is called Eternal Love. It is rated PG-13. So read at your own risk.
Added a new story called Timeless Treasures by Tristan to the Story section. If you have any questions, email her at Tristan. Enjoy.
A touching story by Sailor Unico, called: The End of the Sailor Soliders. [Even made me shed a tear :`( ] Make sure to have something to dry your eyes. This story will touch your heart. Email Sailor Unico if you have any questions.
Please sign my guest book. I would love to know who you are.
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Recent Additions:
6-26-98: Added chapters 3 and 4 to Eternal Love.
7-8-98: Added chapter 5 to Eternal Love.
7-17-98: Changed Eternal Love to The End of it All 2:Familiar Faces.
7-17-98: Added The End of the Sailor Soliders. (Complete)
7-18-98: Added 9 pictures to the picture page.
8-23-98: Changed my host name and email address to Predator. (Email address is
10-9-98: Added the rest of the chapter to The End of it All 2:Familiar Faces. (Complete)
10-14-98: Added a Bannered Link Section to the Links page, added a page of what Senshi I adopted and added my banner on the bottom of my links page for people to link to on there pages.
Let the Young Sailor Senshi take you to the Link Section.
Let Sailor Venus take you to the Story Section.
Click on Baby Usagi to see the Senshi that I have adopted.
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I have added a Sailor Search to my page. So if you need to find something about Sailor Moon use the Sailor Search.
And if you need an advanced search to look for Sailor Moon stuff.
Here are the clubs I have joined.
Looking for Sailor Moon North American Vedios for a low price? Then just type in Sailor Moon in the REEL search.
Page updated on 10-14-98
If you have any comments or ideas. Send them to me by clicking on Predator
©1998 Predator