Gwenhyfara's Crystal Tokyo:Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon
Just so you know,
the Japanese names will be used on this page. I like
them better.
Chosen to fight evil in the name of love
and justice, she is the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. One day, a black cat
with a crescent moon on her forehead (Luna) comes up to Tsukino Usagi and
tells her she is the warrior of the moon. Of course, Usagi turns out to
be a klutzy, whiny, crying little nit. As the series progresses though,
we find out that theres more to her, as other scouts join in the fight
against the Dark Kingdom and their past and futures are revealed. For a
more complete story summary, refer to the character or season pages.
These are the characters,
just click on a name to get to it.
Moon/ Tsukino Usagi
Mercury/ Mizuno Ami
Sailor Mars/
Hino Rei
Sailor Jupiter/
Kino Makoto
Venus/ Aino Minako
Pluto/ Meiô Setsuna
Sailor Neptune/
Kaiô Michiru
Sailor Uranus/
Tenô Haruka
Saturn/ Tomoe Hotaru
Sailor Chibi-Moon/
Chibi Usa
Sailor Chibi-Chibi/
Tuxedo Kamen/
Chiba Mamoru
Sailor Starfighter/
Kou Seiya
Sailor Starmaker/
Kou Taiki Kou
Starhealer/ Kou Yaten
next, the seperate seasons. Instead of putting up different pages, I decided
to just write short summarys them on here. All the summaries are below
the picture.
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon S
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon Super
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor
Dont know
'bout you...but I just love saying that.Here I am, walking around the house,
then suddenly, out of nowhere "Moon Eternal..Make up!" At the same time
I notice a group of kids giggling outside my open window. Laymen.
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor
The first season of Sailor
Moon. All the Inner Senshi are introduced, as well as Tuxedo Kamen. This
season is basically fighting against Queen Beryl as well as her little
minion people. Also, they all gain their memories from the Silver Millenium.
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor
Moon R
In the second season, the evil
aliens thingys, Ail and Ann, are introduced. In the beggining after, the
last battle against Queen Beryl, all the senshi lost their memorys. After
its restored to them, they take on Ail and Ann, and their energy swipen'
cardians. After them comes the 4 sisters and rubius, from the Dark Moon
Kingdom. And with them comes ever-so-bratty Chibi Usa. From the future
Crystal Tokyo to find the Silver Crystal, she relentlessly hangs around
Usagi and Mamoru. Its eventually revealed that she is the daughter of Neo-Queen
Serenity and King Endymion. Also introduced in the second half, Sailor
Pluto as seen in Chibi's Luna-P.
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor
Moon S
The Death Busters make the
scene, seeking the Holy Grail so they can release el evil Pharoah 90. Of
course, the only way to do that is to find the three talismens that make
the Holy Grail. And the talismens are hidden in the pure hearts of certain
people. As it happens, the talismens are with the three Outer Senshi. After
the Grail is revealed, it transforms Sailor Moon into Super Sailor Moon.
And the 4th scout, the scout of the planet Saturn(and my personal favorite)
just happens to be possesed by el evil Mistress 9. Happy ending here.Oops
ever so funny fact: Chibi moon makes her appearance as Sailor Chibi Moon,
clad in pink and white with a sucky attack, known as "Pink Sugar Heart
Attack." Always good for a laugh.
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor
Moon Super S
New Villains-The Dead Moon
Circus(circus people scare me) Led by Queen Nepherenia, who is also Sailor
Moons aunt. They're out to capture the pegasus, who hidesin peoples lovely
dreams. Their main goal is to get their hands on the Golden Crystal which
is in Pegasus's horn. He turns out to be in Chibi's dream. Also,
all the Inners get their Super modes from Pegasus and no Outers appear:(
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor
Moon Sailor Stars
Queen Nepherenia escapes from
her exile when her soul mirror shatters. When the shards fall down to Earth,
those who get tagged in the eye become her puppets. Guess who gets one?
Mamoru. Boy couldnt take are of his-self to save his life..get it? I made
a funny. Anyway, she is defeated and turned into a child. Then comes the
Golden Senshi, Sailor Galaxia. Her goal is to take over our whole Solar
System. By stealing the Star Seeds of other Sailors, she becomes more powerful.OK,
so they saved Mamoru from Nepherenia...then he gets taken by Galaxia. What
did I tell you? Making their appearance, the Sailor Starlights and ever-so-cute
* * * *
Everything's cuter in SD..maybe even Chibi-Moon.
Who'm I kidding though...

It's SD on parade!! But if any of you
have any SD Saturns and Sailor Starlights, please send 'em to me :(
Click here
to see a very nice Sailor Moon pic. And,
as a fair warning, it might take awhile to load.
Click here to see my miniscule Sailor
Saturn Picture Shrine.
And this little link is to E-mail
me home to Gwenhyfaras Page Mokona!!