Full Name: Amelia Wil Telsa Sailune
Age: 14
Hair: purplish-black
Eyes: blue
Clan: human
Magic: Astral, White, Black. is also a priestess (shaman? I'm not sure
of the exact word in English)
Weapons: her fist?
Other Objects: nothing in particular - some pink balls on her wrist and waist,
which look really weird
Something Special: big eyes, just like Lina, a big breast, and
a very deeply grooved fingerprint .....
Intelligence: pretty high, I think, but her maturity is another question
Relatives: Prince Phil (father), an uncle (I forgot his name), a lost sister
Hobbies: making Sailormoon-like speeches about justice
Talents: Astral, White Magic, acting like a klutz
Love Life: Zelgadis seems to be (considering the ending sequence of the last
ep of Try) but Goddess forbid me to say for sure (puts up a forcefield against
irate Zel worshippers)
Desires: ::shrug:: to be a messenger of justice?
Phrases Used Too Often: "You'll be punished in the name of justice!"
The youngest member of the Slayers
gang, Amelia is often branded as annoying and too perky. Hey, she's a princess,
what do you expect? This girl's full of ideals about justice, and loves to make
impressive speeches in the midst of the most dire situations. She may be annoying
from time to time, but she tries her best at whatever she does, and geez, she's
only 14, give her a break, people. (Waaaay too young for Zel if you ask me ...
he looks better with Dera... ^^;) Slayers would be alot less comical without
her, though whether that's good or bad you may judge for yourself. Every character
in Slayers has their good and bad points, and however annoying she may be, Slayers
wouldn't be Slayers without our Messenger of Justice.