I cannot believe that the heroine of this series has so little shrines! On the other hand, Zel shrines are so thick that you trip over them. I love Zel, but there are limits.
Lina Shrines -
Gourry Shrines -
Hikari O! The Gourry Gabriev
Kell's Gourry Shrine
Zelgadis Shrines -
Zellina's Zelgadiss Gallery
Zelgadis Takes Over the World
All Zel, all the time!
The Ultimate Zelgadis Shrine
Amelia Shrines -
Amelia's Fortess
The Amelia Shrine
My Amelia Shrine
Other Shrines -
Filia's Teahouse
The Ultimate Princess of Power: Naga!
Thane's Naga Shrine
Mazoku University
Couple Shrines -
A Shrine to Lina and Zelgadis
Obsession :: a lina-zel couple shrine
Church Against Amelia and Zel
The Rezo and Zelgadiss Shrine
Zel-Lina Shrine
Zelgadis and Amelia's Shrine of Cuteness