Feelings? (Part Two)


Disclaimer - I do not own any of these characters, just borrowing them for this fanfics sake. Please don't sue me, I've no intention of owning profits out of it just writing it for fun.



~Cherish a friend like your own life, love a sweetheart like your own soul~

by Anonymous.


It had been weeks since I last kiss those soft lips of him. I'm in desperate need of his affection. Right now, what I feel surpasses hell. This is pure torture. Somehow I could sense that he wants it too. The way he looks at me with those yearning eyes. The way he sometimes brushes against me when we’re near.  I could feel those burning desire within him. Though he rarely voice his needs. If it’s not for these minor details, I wouldn’t be able to detect.


 We promised each other that this little secret of ours would remain lock. Even from the guys. They wouldn’t understand if we suddenly say we’re in love with each other. How could they understand? This is what they say about love. It is blind, when you’re trap within it, there’s no turning back. My heart will forever be his. How could I possibly deny this intense feeling. I would rather die than being send away from him. If that were to happen I would. I would kill myself. To love is to bind the souls of two individuals. Right now, I’m in need of those lips. Desperately! I don’t care what the others might think or what they will say. I will have MY Sage tonight in MY bed and that’s final.


 My whole body is longing for his touch. I could still picture, vividly the way he made love to me the first time. He was unbelievably gentle and loving. I felt for him once again that night. He made me feel wanted, desired for some reason and I love him for that. Was it because, of my past that prevented me from loving others? I was a lonely kid back than. I was just miserable without others to accompany me. Is it because I’m not worthy of being in love that I feel so useless? The last time, my diary had been my only source to seek solace but now I have Sage. Thank you Sage, my lover, my friend, and my soul mate. I feel that he’s constantly protecting me with his aura, with his love though we can’t show it. Speaking of Sage, where is he anyway? I haven’t seen him all day. I’m beginning to miss him already.


“Rowan! Ya’ in the kitchen?” That must be Ryo.




“Your up early. Not like you at all”


“Want anything for breakfast?” I playfully asked, ignoring his comments.


“You? Cook?” He asked incredulously, his lips were gradually forming a grin.


“Yeah! So?” I made a face and feigned hurt.


“Rowan, you can’t cook man. Face it! The last time you attempt to cook, it had been hell in the kitchen.” Kento suddenly burst out laughing from nowhere. Both Ryo and me spun around to look.


“Hey! I wuz’ learning. Wacca expect?” Simultaneously throwing an apple in Kento’s direction, which he manages to catch.


“Just admit it guy! You can’t cook. Leave the cooking to Cye. At least he wouldn’t burn down the kitchen. Ah ha ha ha!” Kento laughed his ass off and Ryo follow suit.


I just glared at Ryo indicating my death-warning if he doesn’t stop laughing. Seeing this, he wasn’t a bit intimidated. They just keep on laughing. After a while of a ‘making fun of Rowan’ session, Cye eventually show up. He has this baffle expression on his face, which is so cute. I’m not forsaking my love. Just admiring the site that’s all.


“Hey, Cye! What’s with the face?” I blurted out suddenly. Everyone stopped laughing and regarded Cye.


“Um? What face? I was just sleepy. What’s going on here?” He tried to change the subject.


“You wouldn’t believe what Rowan wanna do. Try and guess!” Kento put his hand on Cye shoulders, leaning against him.




“Aw c’mon Cye. Don’t tell me you’re all that sleepy!” Kento said disappointedly and then he took a bite at his apple.


 “I really don’t know okey!” Cye rubbed his eyes and began to walk towards the refrigerator.


Kento look at Ryo then at Cye then back at Ryo again. Ryo shrugged his shoulder and made a funny face.


“Maybe he wants to cook… coz’ there’s nothing in here I could eat! ” Cye abruptly said not expecting it to be true.


At that, statement, both Ryo and Kento dropped to the ground with their feet in the air, laughing.


“That’s it! Am going for a walk!” I was just kidding; frankly I was heading for the television.


“Wow… such a longs walk. Nice one Rowan. You had me fooled!” Ryo sneered from the kitchen, his head slightly cocked to the site.


I just grin at him and perch on the couch in front of the TV. I wonder what they have on air at this hour. I pick up the remote controller; play with its buttons for a while. Frankly, I’ve no desire to do anything at this time of the day. It’s Morning, for God sake!! I’m not accustomed to the morning air. It makes me dizzy. I should still be in ‘lala’ land. Today is so different somehow. After that darn alarm clock woke me up, that’s it, I couldn’t go back to sleep! I just sit there, letting the screen watch me instead. What do I really want? Could the reason be ‘Sage’?


“Hey guys? Sage woke up already?” I asked out of the blue breaking their petty conversation.


“Huh? Wazzat Rowan?”


“Cye, you really need to clean your ears!” Kento interrupted.


“So, has he?” I repeated my question, not even looking at them.


“Has he what?” I swear I am going to kill Kento one of these days.


“Sage, you baka! Sorry Ro, I haven’t seen him this morning.” Ryo butted in just behind Kento and gave him a little smack on the head.


“Itai! That hurts!”


“Just forget it.” I sighed.


“He he ho ho! Don’t be mad Rowan; I was just playing with you. No offence eh?” Kento said, rubbing his head.


“Didn’t he tell you?” Kento asked.


“Tell me what?” I asked expectantly.


“That he went out!”


“He’s not in bed?” I spun around to face Kento.


“Nope, just his ghost.” Kento joked.


“Seriously, did he say where he was going?” Somehow I just have to know.


“Nope” Kento replied.


“Probably on a date.” Ryo suggested.


“I doubt that.” I said almost whispering.


“What was that Rowan?” Cye asked.


“Uh…no…nothing” I stumbled to gave him answer.


“Oh, okay.” Cye resumed eating his breakfast.


I didn’t know he was up early. He didn’t tell me about planning a morning walk or anything. If he informed me sooner, I would gladly join him. Maybe he wants to be alone. Sage…I miss him so much. How could I explain this? I can’t put it into words what I’m feeling. I feel…empty, all alone. I want to see him smile just for me. I want him to look into my eyes and say ‘Rowan, I love you’. I can hear his soothing voice echoing at the back of my mind, kissing my neck, tracing his fingers lightly on my jaw, nibbling my ears with his soft lips. Shit! I love him. Oh, God I love him. I want to confess to him, not just make love with him. I wanna say it out loud. I want him to know howt I feel. I want him to know that he owns me and I’ll be his forever.


Somehow, I’m not really satisfied with what we recently discovered. Not that I don’t like it, actually I was quite relieved to hear that he too have unspoken feelings towards me. Me! Out of all people. It’s just that, I was expecting something more out of him. Guess he’s not ready to face the world yet. I don’t want to force him, because I love him too much to put this blooming relationship at risk. Truthfully, I was rather disappointed when he whispered in my ears that night, telling me to keep this a secret. I just kept quiet. I felt secure in his arm; I just don’t want to spoil that moment by arguing. I think he sensed my discontentment coz’ right after that, he tighten his embrace and whispered, ‘It’s just a matter of time Ro-chan, It’s just a matter of time’. He knew me well. I almost cried.


“Rowan? You okey?” Ryo suddenly broke my reverie.


“Hm…yeah. Am alright.” I quickly wiped my eyes, just in time before the tears fell down.


“You sure? Are you crying?” Ryo perched down beside me on the couch.


My answer wasn’t that convincing. Fortunately, the movie they’re playing at the time was a sad drama about an orphan boy who suffered a lot of shit in live. I’ve watched it a few times so I remember some of the parts.


“It had you didn’t it?” Ryo asked all of a sudden.


“Hmm…Yeah, it had me. I can’t stand watching heartrending drama.” I grinned.


Ryo sat watching beside me for a while. I think he doesn’t really prefer sad movies because he slowly beginning to rose. I wasn’t really into this movie. I was just pretending to be engrossed about it to avoid suspicion that’s all.


“Where you going Ryo? Come watch with me.” I insisted.


“Naw, I don’t like to be in the middle of some programs. Maybe I’ll rent the tape or something. I gotta take a leak!” Ryo trotted to the toilet.


No sooner after Ryo left, Cye inform me that Kento and him are going for a walk. Great, now I’m all by myself. I hate this! I wish Sage were here. At least he knows what to do with me. I smile at the thought of being in his arms.


“Ringgg!!!!! RINGGGG!!” Darn phone.


“Coming!” I screamed to no one in particular.


I dropped the pillow and the remote controller I was holding and headed for the phone. Who could it be?




“…” There was no answer.


“Hellooo?” I tried again.


“…bizzz” there was still no answer but this time it was accompanied by a rather disturbing noise.


“Hello! Who ever this is, just stop playing games alright!!” I sarcastically said, loosing my temper.


“bizz…Listen carefully Rowan.” A mans’ voice. It was pretty rough and It doesn’t belong to anyone I know.


“Who is this? How do you know my name?”


“Who I am isn’t important. I’ve been monitoring your every move since the beginning of this year and I know quite a lot about you. I’ve got your friends and you have exactly one hour to get here. If you fail, there’s no telling what I’ll do to them. Kill them maybe.” The unfamiliar voice stated solemnly.


‘What?! Why does this man want me? What did I do to him in the past that he would somehow kidnap my friends to get me? Have I injured him or killed someone he loved? I can barely remember killing innocence souls. Maybe he’s one of the bad guys. How did he know my name and where did he get my phone number? Gotta be some hidden device in this house. ‘


“Nani?! I don’t believe you. Put them on the line!!” I shouted.


A few seconds later, “Rowan, don’t come he…ulp!” That was undoubtedly Kento’s voice. He didn’t finish what he was saying. Oh, God! What did they do to deserve this? Why didn’t the man just kidnap me!!


“Kento?!! Kento!” I was apprehensive.


It wasn’t Kento anymore “Do you comply?” The man asked again.


“If you hurt them in anyway, I swear I’m going to hunt you down!” I said in my most serious tone.


“Do you have any idea what your saying?” He said coldly.


“I mean it!!” I screamed.


“Hush! They will die if you tell a single soul about this call and if you do not show up on time!” the man said.


“I’ll be there! Just don’t hurt them okay?” I said without even thinking. I calmed down a little, my hands a bit clammy from the sweat.


“We’ll see. Now, listen carefully. I’m just going to read the address once. There’s no repeating it twice. Once it’s done it’s done! If you don’t hear it, that’s your problem. Your friends lives are in my hands!” He reminded me.


There was a short gap before I have the guts to answer, “Give me the address,” I demanded.




I didn’t tell anyone about this occurrence not even Ryo. I told Ryo to look after the house while everyone was away and that I was going to a friends’ house. After closing the front door and locked it. I kept looking at the house for a few minutes, absorbing its every structure in my mind. Who knows what might happen. Maybe I’ll never see it again. The man didn’t give me anymore further instruction or information. I hope Sage isn’t one of the hostages. What am I thinking! There’re all my friends. I can’t be selfish. What ever it is, I gotta save them. It is me he wanted not them. I can’t forgive myself if anything is to happen to them. What shall I do? Think Rowan! Think! I can’t even concentrate; everyone around me seems to be the enemy. No one to trust, no one! Can’t call the police either.


This is the place and I bet that’s the storage house he was talking about. I check on the address again just to make sure. I began to look around for any sign of movement but none exist. This place seems to be abandon or something. No one could possibly live here anymore.  I inhale deeply and started walking slowly, headed for the old mansion. I was instantaneously set in an alert mode. My eyes travel all around the area to detect any odd situation. I don’t trust this man! I can’t afford to lose, not now when my friends are in danger. They’re counting on me to put an end to this. The man also warned me not to bring any kind of weapon, which I reluctantly agreed. What I have in store now is just faith. Faith alone. I stare at the wooden door for a moment. Lifted my hand to knock on it.


‘You sure you want to do it’ one side of me said.


‘You have to save your friends! You must do it! You must knock now!’ the other side opposed.


‘You’re not ready for this!’


 ‘You MUST do it! He’ll kill them if you’re not in time!’


Suddenly, to my consternation the wooden door cracked open by itself. I stumble back a few steps to avoid attacks. Looks like there isn’t one. I then slowly set forth.


‘Was it the wind? Couldn’t have.’


I just realize that the front porch is a bit dusty and there’re cracks everywhere. I made a mental note to be extra careful not to…


“Arggghhhh!! Shiiii..t…t…tttt!!”


…accidentally step into one of the cracks. The pain is too intense for me endure. My leg is bleeding. I clench my teeth tightly almost to point of hurting myself.


‘ I can’t black out now, nooo! I mustn’t but I can’t …Oh! I can’t anymore. It hurts….’ Blackness’


To Be Continue...

:::Feelings 1:::Eccentricity:::Fanfics:::Feelings 3:::


Animes Characters ©1999 their respective rights holders, none of it is mine. Written stuff, graphics, fan arts and animation©1999 Luv Angel. This fan site is purely for entertainment purposes only, and in no way is it intended to make a profit.
