Universal Destiny is a story of 10 young warriors, and their struggle to escape the controlling government of their planet, and race. It begins off as three of the ten begin their trip to Earth, in order to learn about life and why there is life, etc. There are many plot twists, funny comedy, a bit of a love, and amazing fighting. These ten young warriors are accompinaied by the amazing Sailor Senshi and the reknown fighters of Dragon Ball Z. All this and more explain just a bit of the story behind these incredible and god-like youngsters.
Chapter Title Personal Rating (of 5)
Chapter 1 The Past of The Universe Chapter 2 The Gas Game Chapter 3 The Meeting Chapter 4 An Unexpected Opponent Chapter 5 A Little Reunion Chapter 6 Food & Fight Chapter 7 To The Rescue Chapter 8 Friends, Foes, AND, What The Fuck?