The Teacher With An Oninote --


Huallo! We've finally made a homepage for poor (as in pathetic and broke...) ol' Nube. Just for all newbiesi information, 'oninote' means 'Hand of Ghost'. We just love the series and when we found so little homepages for this series (Jigoku Sensei Nube), we almost cried! It is so........ pathetic!! So we decided that Nube needs a little advertisement..... or A LOT of it!!! In our humble homey you'll find practically everything about this series. For oldbies, check out our art gallery for some pics! For newbies, We've provided a summary of what exactly is the purpose of this series and also an intro to most of the major characters! After checking out our page, I hope that all of you will have pity on the poor (as in patheic and broke again....) 5th grade teacher and make a homepage for him too! Enjoy!

So far there are people who are interested in our Homepage~~!!

This page is updated on 5th September 1998

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Jigoku Sensei Nube is created by Sho Makura sensei and Takeshi Okano sensei. Published by Shonen Jump and copyrighted by Toei. All information here are collected from the TV series, the manga, and Shonen Jump. No one is allowed to take advantage or copy this page by any mean....