Leda/Sailor Jupiter Moon |
At nineteen years old at the series beginning, Leda Kino is facing a lot of problems. Her mother, the Princess of Jupiter, has disappeared. Her stepfather has stepped down from the throne, leaving her in charge of the planet's government. At night, she dreams that her mother has died.
It's a lot to ask anyone to handle, least of all a teenager. But Leda is a strong soul. With the help of her sisters and her best friend Paul, she overcomes her obstacles. Again and again, she proves that Jupiter is a force to be reckoned with. |
As Sailor Jupiter's heir, Leda has inherited a great deal of power.
Her weakest form is that of Sailor Leda, weilding the power of storms. Fitting for Sailor Jupiter's daughter. As Neo-Sailor Jupiter, Leda holds the formidable powers of her mother. She uses this form much more often than that of Sailor Leda. Her most common form is Sailor Jupiter Moon. Being Sailor Jupiter Moon allows Leda to combine the powers of Neo-Sailor Jupiter with the powers of her sisters' Sailor forms. This gives her devastating attacks. But Leda has greater power still. She can call upon more power as the Princess of Jupiter but usually not without harm to herself. Her father's legacy gives her additional strength and emotional powers, such as visions. However, Leda may never reach the full potential of her power. |