
Sailor Moon and its characters are not mine, but are owned by Takeuchi Naoko, Kondansha, Toei, DiC, and I am sure there are others.

About Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon was an animated series from Japan that has been dubbed in part in English. It chronicles the adventures of a junior high klutz named Usagi/Serena and her friends against various evil forces.

The Anime Web Turnpike (or AniPike) provides several Sailor Moon general information pages, some of which include episode summaries. Individual character pages are also listed. Click below on the AniPike link to access this information.

Anime Web Turnpike

This site recommends the Hitoshi Doi Sailor Moon Encyclopedia.

Hitoshi Doi Sailor Moon Encyclopedia

About Jupiter's Gone

Jupiter's Gone is a Sailor Moon fanfic set in the future of Crystal Tokyo. This has been a labor of love, and I make no money from it. All original characters, such as Sailor Jupiter Moon or the Guardians of Cignus, are mine. Please don't use them with my permission.