Welcome to

Updated on March 8, 2000


Hey-ho, Daddy-o!  Some cats really know how to swing.  Zen is jive; zen is funky like a mean mother.  This page is all about the zen, baby.  Nurture it.  Love it.  Let it be.

This is a revision, or an improvement, or an update if you will, on the older House of Zen.  I decided it was time for a change.

"Yeah. . . now that's some zen right there. . . I'm not all that sure what zen is, but yep:  that's zen."
House of Zen Activity #1 (revised):
Find some sand.  Pour water over the sand.  Wiggle your toes in said mixture of water and sand.  Then go to work like that.  If your boss doesn't like it, that's because he/she is jealous of your relaxed, Zen-like sense of peace and would like for you to share the wealth.  Try to rub some of your sandy toe goo on his/her desk.

Yahoo Serious wants to join my new Rock-n-Zen band.
Sheesh.  Just what will this world come to when long-haired freaks think that they could ever understand either Zen or Rock music?  Mmm, ok, so he's cute in a bucket of suds.  I guess he can live.

House of Zen Activity #2 (revised):
Go to the nearest mall with a video camera and a microphone.  Act like you're from the local news show and you're surveying all the random people at the mall.  So when you find people who are willing to participate, hit the "record" button and ask:
"How are babies born?"

Here's lookin' at you, kid!!

 In my Religions class last year I turned in an art project for part of my grade.  I forget what b.s. I wrote in the blurb I had to turn in with it; essentially it just explained what the hell I was thinking when I created it.  It's a picture of dogs playing poker, but with the heads of Jesus, Krishna, the Buddha, Muhammed, and Moses glued on top of the dogs' heads.  Would you like to see it?

Here's another picture of dogs playing poker, but with clothes!

The House of Zen:  Now offered at a new, discount price!
To feel the full effect, send your check, money order, or credit card number to my e-mail account, made payable to
The House of Zen, c/o Anne McKinney

Other groovy-esque sites for you to peruse:
The Jesus Home Page  This just cracks me up, but then, it should be obvious that I take religion with a sense of humor.

Religious News  Russian Cosmonauts discover Heaven!

Drew's Goat Mania  Yes, some people have too much time on their hands.

SCA siezes control of Russia!Heh heh heh...

Sorry, I just haven't added too many more interesting sites to my list yet.  At least, none worthy of mentioning on the House of Zen page.  If you would like for me to add your zany, wacky site here, let me know!

Have you ever wondered what pigs look like without their skin?

Sorry for the alarming quality of this picture.  You should have seen me when I picked up a plastic bag and realized that the object inside was staring back at me...no, not the guy in the hat...they *do* look alike though, so I could understand the confusion.

House of Zen Activity #3 (new):
I think it's about time you considered madness as a plausible option.

  Ahhh...a classic moment of Zen.

If I had a counter on this page, you would know just how many people before you had also been confused by this site.
Anyway, thanks for comin'!
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