Oleg says, "Go to these sites!! All of 'em! NOW!!!!" Ok, down boy.
Ok, we'll just see if I can't get this page updated! --March 8, 2000
These are sites that I enjoy, so they're worth a try! It's a rather eclectic mix of medieval pages, anime/manga-related sites, friend's pages and what-not. Have fun!The Anime Web Turnpike If you haven't been here yet, you have not yet begun to find anime sites. Remember to come up for air, when necessary...
Argustar's World This site belongs to a friend of mine. There's a Ryouga shrine, promises for a pretty big fanfic and more!
Ben's Strange Little World Another friend of mine. He's got some good role-playing links on here, and other fun stuff...
The College of Bellewode This is the local branch of the SCA that I'm in. Meet
the Smoking Scotsman and see other medieval college students...it's pleyn delit.
Fake This is a fan page for the anime/manga series Fake, which is yaoi and for that reason still mostly underground.
The Japanese/English Dictionary Online Exactly what it sounds like. Very useful.
Jenn's R&R Page This contains a very large gallery of anime and manga scans of Ranma and Ryouga from Ranma 1/2. Good show.
JJ's Homepage Man, I'm just all about plugging my friends, aren't I? ^_~ JJ is one cool, mean mother, in all her glory.
Larissa's Page Another friend of mine; she happens to have quite a bit to say about Betta fish, opals, and anime/manga. ^_^
Medieval Cartographic Maps The best source if you are ever interested in seeing what the medieval community thought the world looked like. Some of the maps are downright mysterious. Very interesting.
Old English Online This is handy for translating Old English, and I think they will try to help you figure out how to pronounce it too.
The People's Cartoonist This guy has some comics in that kind of American-manga style, which look pretty cool. He's a big They Might Be Giants fan, which I just have to respect. Check out his photo album of New York, too!
Psymanga.com These guys want to be a really big manga resource for everything existing in English translation. They also wanted to exchange links with me. Good luck, guys! ^_^
Ranma 1/2 Mega-scan Gallery This is a fan site that has translated all of the Ranma 1/2 manga that Viz hasn't gotten around to yet, all the way up throught the end of the series at Volume 38. A good site.
The Red Elvises A Russian rockabilly band. These guys rock my world. Check 'em out! Now! The picture up at top is of one of the band members. ^_^
The RRYaoi Archive If you know what "yaoi" is, this applies to the series Ranma 1/2, though there is a lot of stuff for other fandoms on here too, and some of my work as well. If you don't know what "yaoi" is, then you can either take a chance and check it out or pass...most people might pass on this. :P
Russian Foods A website with lots of Russian recipes. Yummmmm....
The Society for Creative Anachronism The main page.
The Silver Dragon's Den My friends Jenny's place--it's a good link page for RPGs, L5R, and other groovy groovy schtuff.
Six-String Samurai If you haven't heard of this movie yet, it's the *swellest* independent post-apocalyptic Soviet martial arts surf rockabilly Campbell-esque herioc legend you might find.
Slavic Deities All about Slavic Deities. Does that explain it enough?
Upside Down A conglomeration of psychotic things also known as my friend Kat's Page. She has a lot of cool Tori Amos knick-knacks: Well worth it!
Vidconn These guys sent me an email asking to put a link to my page on theirs if I did the same. They have some good naime/manga stuff, so I think it's a good recommendation. ^_^
View Askew Productions Do you love Kevin Smith as much as I do? This has all the info on what he's doing as well as a game based on your knowledge of quotes from the Jersey trilogy. "Son of Jorel, kneel before Zod! Snootchie boochies! Hehehehehe!"
The Viking Answer Lady This is a great source for Q&A about the Vikings. ^_^And, of course, it's not too late to go back to the Odd Curiosity Shop!
Agent <<H>> strikes again!