Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui!
Irasshai minna-sama wa omieninaru:
Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui!
Irasshai minna-sama wa omieninaru: Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui - Rajio engi!
Alright, I know my japanese is not the greatest, and that probably is not right either, but for now, it shall have to do, for to my japanese needs practice..! ^^ Well, I just wanted to welcome you to my Original Radio Play - Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui - also known as Goddess Rank Number 1: Anrui - So far, 3 roles have been taken by talented people *i shall disclude myself, thank you! * Heather Roche, and Kele-Michelle! ^^ Well, I shall let you get on with the page..! ^^
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Alright, Alright...the page is not the greatest, but i wanted this up, and fast! ^^ please forgive me..! ^^