More Information:

Note: I have not ordered from all the companies listed here and I am not affiliated with any of the other people whose sites I have listed here. Please use discretion when ordering anything over the Internet. However, if you do have a complaint against any of these companies, please tell me so that I can remove them from this list.

If you have your own collection of anime fansubs, I'd be more than happy to trade the fansubbed titles I have with you. My ever-growing list is at

Alternate places to find these titles:
The Place
Anime Otaku
Viz Communications -
Anime Nation
Nikaku Animart
Anime Web Turnpike's list of stores

Fansubbing Groups:

The Techno Girls
Anime Beach

Fansub Distributors:

Ken's TechnoGirls Distribution Boutique

Other Useful Links:

The Shojo Manga Homepage

Shameless Plugging:

The Project For MAS World Domination
Rhea and Julie's Story O' Rama
Janet-chan's Homepage

Back to Janet's Shojo Anime/Manga Reviews

This site was created by Frogphobiac on June 9, 1998.

Last updated on March 2, 1999.