Marital status:None
Backround:She never got to know her parents when she was an infant
her parents were killed by vampires she and her brother whould have
been killed as well but a stranger saved them her brother vowed
vengance and the stranger became their mentor and he thought them the
ways of the Shih and so her destany was decided she is a very skilled
healer and herbalist
Specail powers:Hevanly Fires ((She writes prayers on paper and lets
them loose they fly tword the target and wrap around them and explode
in flames the papers will avoid obsticals much like a heat seeking
misile but can be dodged)) she can raise her strenghth by using her
life force but it is very costly she can also see wether people are
lying to her and tell if they are Vampires werewolfs faries or other
such things
Weakness:She is very shy and usely looks at the ground and won't look
anther in the eye she is also soft hearted and will go to most any
mesure to help some one in pain
Special items:Pouch of pre-writen prayers bottle of yang orented
blood ((Elixer of healing)) Staff