[Anime Web Turnpike]
Guests' Web Picks

Special Guest: Ian Kim

HELLOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yes, as we all know, this is a Guest picks page for Ian Kim! *Ahem* We'll show you the links, but we're obligated to talk about Ian-san first! ^_^
Ian-san is our agent! ^-^
That's right! Ian-san is our agent; he promotes us to all you people, through his drawings, web designing, and communication skills!
In fact, he drew the little head art you see in front of you! ^-^ Isn't that so totally neat-o? ^o^
*nod* If I recall correctly, Ian Kim lives in your dimension, in the Milky Way, Sol system, on your planet Earth, somewhere in Ontario Kanada
That's Canada, Emiko-chan, not Kanada. ^^;
Wait a minute, how can you tell I'm spelling it wrong, when I'm talking?! Kanada and Canada sound the same! O_o
How do you know I was correcting your spelling? ¬.¬


Aaanywaay....Ian-san's been on the internet since it started (i.e. when the transition from Mosaic to Netscape was taking place), and the web site has been up since 1995. ^_^

Ian-san wants to make us famous! ^-^
Yep! ^_^ One of his goals is to turn Emiko's Genesis (and the associated comic, Genesis Chronicles), into a long running comic/animation series! You know, complete with merchandice and stuff! ^_^ Yeah, that probably won't happen any time soon, but there's always hope, no? ^_- Currently, Ian-san doesn't make enough off Genesis-related sales to make a living, so part of his time is spent doing other computer-related jobs. ^_^
Waah! If you're a big-time anime/comic production company, please e-mail us! ;_;
*Ahem* Now that the shameless self-promotion is over and done with, let's move onto the links! ^_^ Mika-chan, link one please!


All Genesis characters and Genesis related material © 1996-1999 Ian Kim
Guests' Web Picks @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-2000 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 1/1/99