[Anime Web Turnpike]
Guests' Web Picks

Special Guest: Ian Kim

And now, link SIX!


The Hanamaru Anime/Manga College is great place for on-line manga...they have over TEN on-line mangas (count 'em, TEN!) which are updated frequently. These mangas are done by japanese artists, and translated into english so that the english-speaking population can enjoy it! ^_^ Sure, reading from right to left takes a little getting used to, but it's worth it. Ian-san's read them all, and he says they're all well done! Ranging from comedy to action to drama, there's no way you can go wrong! ^_^

Besides the manga's, there's a small art gallery, some drawing tips, and more...bookmark this puppy! Next!

Meow, link SEVEN!


Wai! Spoilers, spoilers! ^^ This page has a wot of spoilers for NEW anime coming out, wike the new El Hazard seewies, the new Nuku Nuku OAV seewies, Cowboy Bebop, and Bubble Gum Crisis TV! There are reviews of episodes, and all the genwal infomation the site maintainer can find. ^^ Hee hee, only go see if you want that kind of infomation! Some pages are veeeewy long, and sometimes a wittle difficult to figure out what is where, but the owner of the site is working on it! ^_^ Mika-saaaan!
Meow, link umm.....*looks at list of links*.....EIGHT!


Holy COW, so many images!! O_o;; From a general guestimate, I'd say there are about 20 thousand images, from almost every single anime you can think of! O.o;; I think the site is hosted by a cute purple haired elf--
--and the site displays it's images in a straightforward frame-incorporated layout. ^_^ Very pastel! So if you're looking for anything specific, or if you just have nothing better to do than look at lots of anime pictures, go here! ^_^ Uh..but keep reading here first, we're not done yet! ^_^ Next link pleeze!

Meow, link NINE!


That just about sums it up. ^^;; Yes, with over 100 categories, this is positively the BIGGEST super-deformed image collection on the net! O_o;; If you have enough stamina to look at the all the cuteness on this site, go for it! Great layout, although the server it's sitting on is a little slow. You'd better go to this site last, because it may take you some time afterwards to recover from the sugar shock. ^_-+

Whew, nine down...how much left Mika?

Mika count nine, and we do nine, so we finished!
Awww, not enough to make it to 10? That's not good...
We could use a backup link. After all, we should close off on a good number. ^_^
Mmm..sure, I guess. :P Okay Mika, draw out a link from the backup pile. ^_^
Meow! *rummages through a few folded pieces of paper* Okay, Mika see...number TEN!


Heh, this is a backup link because there really isn't that much to say about it. ^_^
But just because there's not much to say about it, that doesn't mean we don't wuv them juuust as much. ^^

*gasp* Wow, hey, we're done! ^_^ Done everything, in fact. Ne, Izumi?

Hum..Introduction...New Years celebration...talk about Ian...present links...
Check, check, check, and check!! ^-^
Great, let's pack it on outta here!
Sowwy about leaving so soon evwybody, but we have to go back to ! Emiko-sensei, you think we'll ever be in front of soooo many people again? O.o;
You betcha! In fact, why don't you all come over to sometime, we'll have a bl---
*poof* Sorry everyone, but you have exceeded the maximum number of blatant and shameless self-promotion shots for a dialog segment. I'm afraid this transmission must be terminated.
Since when--
Meow?! =O_o=;
Now wait just a---




*end tranmission*



All Genesis characters and Genesis related material © 1996-1999 Ian Kim
Guests' Web Picks @ Anime Web Turnpike™
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Last Update: 1/1/99