Welcome to the Gunsmith Cats Character voting page!!

This is where you can vote for your favorite character.
This page doesn't have many votes, but the more I get the better it will be!
I can't put a form up yet so I ask you put a few things in.
Please put "Vote" in the subject bar. Do not underline it please!
State your name in the first line. Then put "favorite" and the character after that on the second line.
On the third line put a reason for the vote. Then on the next lines put the least favorite in the same format.
If you do not put a name in the first line my form messes up on me, so please follow the guidelines. Arigatou Gozaimasu!!!
Your name:
Favorite: Character Name:
Short reason.................

Remember, you must choose, but choose the one your sure of!
One vote for favorite only please.
To send a vote send it here to Minnie_May@geocities.com
And now the results!..Even though it'd be nice if there were more votes...

Now a running count of who is getting the most votes!
Rally Vincent
Minnie May
Bean Bandit
Roy Coleman
Misty Brown
Becky Farrah
Bill Collin's
Natasha Radinov
Goldy Musou
Riff Raff
Mr. V (Vincent)
Jonathan Washington

Minnie May
Minnie May
I'm cute,recless, and have cute hair,.. I'm just so cool!
Natasha Radinov
Ben Smith
Minnie May
She's cute, has cool hair, likes explosives, and she' the best.
Riding Bean
Bean Bandit
He's tha muthaphuckin man....and he wears all kevlar..(even his boxers)
Timothy Morgan
Rally Vincent
She is really cute. Like her car as well.
Glen Haasdyk
Bean Bandit
Lead Foot, nuff' said!
Natasha Radinov
A crazy girl with a gun, like a Puma ^¬^
Lord Randall
Minnie May
She's so darn cute...
Alyx Charis
Bean Bandit
One hell of a driver, good-looking, way kewl personality and attitude, and loves kids. ^-^
Minnie May
She's cute likes explosives, and is hella kool
Rally Vincent
She's killer! Has a killer car to match! She's killer! Has a killer car to match!
Jason P.
Rally Vincent
I think she is the best cause she is darn striat fine smart and just my type of girl makes me want to wish i was 20!
Rally Vincent
-no reason?-
Bean Bandit
To even the odds
Bean Bandit
he's a bad ass motha phuka,...motha phuka!
Strike Fiss
Minnie May
She's got a Volkswagon! WHEEEE!!! :P
Minnie May
She is cute, she got bombs and she did "20 frightin times" at one of the comics ;)
Dougal Robertson
Rally Vincentt
She has superb taste in firearms, and is almost a sociopath, can't beat that!
Bill Collins
Bill is obsessed with Rally so me and my friend like to make fun of him.
Bill Collins
Cause he`s sooooo kawaii!! An` cause my hunny likes `im.
Rally Vincent
co'z she's the best drawn character by K. Sonoda in GSC !
Rally Vincent
She's fine.
Jeffrey Vince-Cruz
Rally Vincent
Though minnie may is no doubt the sexier of the two, Rally and I havemore in common. She's confident, sure of her self and a true woman of action. Besides I'm also a advid shooter though my favorite firearm is a Glock 17c. But when it comes down to it Rally could teach me alot of things about guns, and I... I would/could teach her a few things, if you know what I mean.
Emperor Stephen "The Mega Man" Schlueter
Becky Farrah
Someone has to vote for the people with glasses, right?
Minnie May
Shes cute, funny and likes to blow up things.
Rally Vincent
She's smart, sexy, and very independent.
Minnie May
She is just so cool! what more could you ask for in a woman.
Bean Bandit
Kick ass car! Super strength and all round nice guy. Tossing a Mini Cooper in the anime is pretty cool.
Rally Vincent
I just do, so there!
Darin Brown
Riff Raff
She's died twice and she's still kickin.
Nick the Stick
She's so kawaii! I think she would make a great girlfriend if only I were old enough!
Minnie May
She is forever cute and likes pyro like me. It also helps to have a boyfriend with the same first name as myself.
George Irwin
Riff Raff
This gal cna drive like Bean, and she has got one cool Cobra!
Chris Tugwell
Natasha Radinov
A tough lady, nowhere near as wimpy as Rally or May
Don Sellers
Minnie May
duh,who else..
David " Ryoga " Henriques
Minnie May
Otaku no Napalm !!!!!!! Sugoiiiii ne? Beside that she drives a very cool car :)
Bean Bandit
He drives a cool car, wears that stylin bullet proof jacket, and a top notch driver who even out-manuvered the great Rally herself ((Return of Gray Volume 7))
Ryan Eaton (WakKo)
Minnie May
What girl has the innocent look of a 14 year old, and thedeadly rating of a black widow?? Besides, as an avid explosives aficianado, I have to stick to my pack.
Bean Takashi
Rally Vincent
Because she's so hot!!
Rei Vincent
Rally Vincent
ally is competent, loves firearms, and her personality and temper is similair to mine (I'm not related to her... I think). She's kawaii, I like her reflexes to surprises, and would love to meet her in person again (but not at the end of each other's guns this time). Besides, I like guns, and Rally Vincent is cool. ~_^
Samir Dyman
Bean Bandit
Big,tough,and an awesome driver!
Rally Vincent
I like Rally because I myself am a big gun fan, and I like the way the weapons are drawn and brought into the anime.
Minnie May
I like Minnie May
Misty Brown
(-No reason given-)
Bean Bandit
Favorite Bean Bandit couse I like people who give cops pain in there asses.

May's Comment's...
*giggle*Strike Fiss, I have a Fiat Mini, not a Volkswagen, thanks for the vote though ^_~

*winks* And yes, Bill is obsessed with Rally. Kinda like her with Roy.

*laughs* Yes, yes Jeffery, I'm sure you COULD teach her a few things, considering you were standing long enough.

*laughs* No, no Faust, you have it ALL wrong, I don't like blowing things up, I love it!

Geez RoBUTTnik, Rally may be smart, sexy and indipendent, but, I'd sleep with ya for dinner and a movie...not.

Nikki! If you just do! Then you could have just voted for me!

What is wrong? You don't like the winners? So vote! You can change things.
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