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"I believe that all wars and politics turn to ashes then blow away. And I feel in my soul it is only great art that will live forever. "

Narcasse / Narsus Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan OVA1


Arslan Senki / / Heroic Legend of Arislan is an anime series that started in 1991, based on serial novels by Yoshiki Tanaka. I'm sad to say that I've seen OVA5 and 6... And I've finally gotten around to write about them. See it in the 'What's new' section.

As in all anime series, in Arislan there are many discrepancies when it comes to character's names, from the dubbed version to the original, and even from the official romaji to the actual phonetics of the real Japanese names. Taking for example, our young Prince / hero, he is referred to as Arislan, Arslan, Arslaan, Arusuran (...) to name a few. It is the same for his multi-named protector, Dariun, Darun, Dariuhn, Daryoon...

To get this all straight (and logical), I arbitrarily chose the 'official' romaji spellings of the names throughout this site, and improvised my own for characters or places lacking those. I also cut off most long vowels because some names having more than three, the spelling becomes horrid. And in my opinion, obsessive accuracy is secondary to ease of reading.


What's new?

Jan 8th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan Characters, Quishwald and Sam added.

Dec 13th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan OVA summaries: OVA6 aka Age of Legends part 2 "A lone figure on a warhorse" summary completed.

Nov 5th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan OVA summaries: OVA5 aka Age of Legends part 1 "A lone figure on a warhorse" summary completed.

Oct 23rd: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan characters: Isfan, Lord Lucian, Qbad, and Zaravant added.

Oct 20th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan OVA summaries: Arslan Senki: Age of heroes (OVA 5-6) review has been posted.

Oct 16th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan OVA summaries: OVA4 added. And it uses 48 screen grabs!

Sept 19th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan Characters: Maruyamu characters finished (Irina / Ilina and Johanna), but also Guiscard.

Sept 19th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan OVA summaries: OVA3 added. And it uses 47 screen grabs!

Sept 17th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan links added

Sept 11th: Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan Characters: Hirumes is now online.


What's planned?


* Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan characters: Finish all Pars characters

* Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan themes: "Legitimacy in Arslan Senki"


Thank you for being the th visitor to support Arslan Senki


1. To the people who visit this site: I am aware that on this main page I repeat 'Arslan Senki / Heroic Legend of Arislan ' A LOT, but it's just to rise my relevancy rating in search engines. Because most of you didn't get here by typing Japanese names. Gomenasai.

2. To the rest of the world: These characters are the property of Yoshiki Tanaka and Kadokawa productions and a lot of others. This page only seeks to show how impressed I am with this particular anime, and inspire a few people to watch it. I'm sorry if in doing so I might have overstepped boudaries I was not aware of.