Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:09:31 -0600
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:09:31 -0600 From: Yana <yana@CONCENTRIC.NET> Subject: Re: What would you like and don't like to see in ST3?
>Here's one thing that I'd SURELY like to see in ST3...
>New MALE members!! *L* I was REALLY disappointed in ST2 that Leni turned out
>to be a girl.... seriously though, before ST2 came out, I was excited that
>they finally have a new male member--- but it turned out to be another girl
>instead.... O.o;;
I was half dissapointed too. Hell, I still think of her as a boy because
her appearance and mannerisms are such that she _might as well_
be a boy since she easily could have been that instead of a girl. At
least they had more male characters in the game itself although they
all happened to be weird. ^_^;
>Please..... the story would absolutely be better if Oogami have at least a
>rival in winning the hearts of the hanagumi girls! *lol*
I agree. That's why I think ST3 should have a new main character
instead of Oogami. That and add new girls as well. ^_^ Basically
how this would work out is you and a few others are new transfers
to Hanagumi. However a new enemy appears and manages to
put Oogami out of action for a while. This puts the Hanagumi in
a state of confusion because they've become used to being led
by Oogami so it's up to the new guy to take the lead! I think this
will lead to some interesting developments because you're pretty
much starting from scratch again. Also most of the original members
will no doubt be more difficult to develope a relationship with due
to Oogami so it could be quite a challenge to get them to like the
new guy. As for stuff I'd like to see in ST3, I'd like to see Tsubomi
become a Hanagumi member. I'd also like to see a grown up Iris
just to see how she's developing as a person as well as a grown-
up Reni and Tsubomi.