Jose Barragán (devilot@WORLDNET.ATT.NET)
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 01:47:20 -0400
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 01:47:20 -0400 From: Jose Barragán <devilot@WORLDNET.ATT.NET> Subject: Re: Hi!
-----Original Message-----
From: John Hokanson Jr. <isamu@USAGI.COM>
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 1:30 AM
Subject: Hi!
>Hi, I'm new to the list, and I own Sakura Wars 1, and am looking forward to
>picking up 2 when I get enough money. I'm also looking
>very much forward to the anime coming out from A.D. Vision.
Hey, welcome to the list! I own both ST games, as well as Tsushin and
Hanagumi Columns. I wanna get the anime series when it comes out as well,
and I have fansubbed editions of the first two episodes.
>Just thought I'd announce my presense. Moonprince told me about this list
>yesterday, but I haven't gotten any posts since I've subscribed. :P
It's been pretty quiet for a while. If you wanna converse, there's a
channel on Dalnet by the name of #Sakurataisen which you can drop by on most
nights and find at least a couple people there. We talk about Sakura
Taisen, but also about a lot of other video games (Capcom, Sega, mostly).
>Sayonara for now. ^_^
Bye, and welcome to the list!
>John "Gameman" Hokanson Jr.
> -
>"As with all things, the joy is in the going. We all know
>we're going to die, that as the poet said, "we are born
>astride the grave." But knowing that inevitable
>reality has never stopped human endeavor before...."
> - Joseph Michael Straczynski