Doctor Chivo's page.
Carlos D. Martínez Hinarejos.

Creo que me he equivocado; quería en español.

Crec que m'he equivocat; volia en valencià.

Well, it seems you want to know something about me; my name is Carlos David, and I took the pseudonym of Doctor Chivo from a spanish comic: "Pepe Gotera y Otilio"; in this comic (or tebeo, how is called in Spain) appears a book titled "El sentido común" ("The good sense"), whose author was Chivo Chaládez Regadera; this is a spanish pun, because "Chivo", "Chalado" and "Regadera" are synonym of fool, or crazy. So it was funny, I took it like Pepe Chivo for "La Cacería", the radio program by Producciones La Obeja Malla.

I was born in 1975, and I have lived in Mislata since one and half year later; Mislata is a town by Valencia. I always was a fatty boy, and now I'm not very slim (well, really I'm not slim); my childhood was good and peaceful, without problems (do you think I would tell you my problems if I had? I don't know who are you!), growing with my school friends, my nephews (I'm uncle since I had eight years; a beautiful experience), and the Dire Straits' songs that my brother heard at the nights.

When I graduated in my Primary School, I passed to Mislata's High School, where I've been studying for four years; after that, I go to the Politechnical University of Valencia in 1993, where I graduated in 1.998 in Engineering in Computer Science. Now I'm working as researcher at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática in this same University, where I spend my time in an apassionate theme: Automatic Speech Recognition (A.S.R.).

My first experience with Internet was with a Role-Playing game named "Nightfall", and it I was an absolutely failure; later, with the WWW, I could access with more frequecy to the net, and in 1996 I begun this page, where I put all my hobbys.

I have some hobbys; the Computer Science is one of them, because I studied it when I could have studied other course; I like listening music (I love specially the blues), I play the guitar (not very well, I'm not Mark Knopfler), and I read (but not very frequently) japanese manga, but I love "Ranma 1/2", about told me my colleague from Producciones La Obeja Malla, Jorge Montesinos. And I like going with my friends, talking, walking and making philosophy.

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© Producciones La Obeja Malla & Carlos D. Martínez Hinarejos.