[Anime Web Turnpike]
Addition Form

Update Your Link? - Web Page Tips

Submitting your site via this form is a MUCH faster way
of adding your site to the 'Pike than via email.

If you have problems submitting your site here,
try the Finland Mirror AddForm.

You can also email it directly.
With the Subject as "AddPike"
(This is a much slower way to get listed...the form is highly recommended)

Inquiries about your link submission should be sent to add-question@anipike.com.

Links MUST be related in some way to Japanese Animation/Manga/Japan!

Web Page Link:

Web Page Title:

Short description of your web site:

Which Section of the Turnpike would you like it placed?
[If you want to add a Mailing List to the Mailing List page, use this form.]

Don't resubmit your page if it belongs in more than one category.
It will be placed in all the categories it belongs in.

Ready to Send?

* Have you taken a look at some web page tips? *

* Have you filled out all the information correctly? *

* Is your web site as complete as you would like it to be? *
(The more complete the web site the better the chance for return visitors)

Your submission will be verified and examined, and if accepted,
will be added to the Turnpike within 2 weeks.

Please look for it on the New Links page.

If you don't see your link added within 2 weeks,
then please resubmit your link.

If you don't see your link added after that,
please email us at add-question@anipike.com,
so we can inform you of the status of your submission.

Anime Web Turnpike Addition Form @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 10/19/98