Cinerarium Scriptorium
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First Created:  4.23.98

Undramatic Explaination Ahead

    The Cinerarium Scriptorium is a library and a reference center for Role Playing Games and gamers.  Unlike many other sites, this site is open to all role playing systems and all genres.  And it focuses on whole or partial Role Playing Campaigns, campaign ideas, and the exchange of these ideas.  The actual amount of core rules and the like will be limited in favor of ideas to help other gamers and writers push themselves and make their works more creative projects of storytelling.

What is Cinerarium?

    Cinerarium (which by the way is Funky Latin for "Burned Earth") is the name of a fantasy campaign for AD&D that my best friend and "mentor" Steve Chalfant wrote some six years ago.  These pages will include major works from this Campaign as well as other works produced by him, myself, and whoever else feels like giving us their works.

More about this Page
    I want to be real specific about this point: this page is not necisserily for COMPLETED WORKS only.  To tell the truth, many completed works that we've seen published on the Net are a hodgepodge of rules and ramblings that are about as interesting and filled with creative potential as a handful of chopped celery.  Other times completed works, like fantasy campaigns and the like, are simple (but expansive) "pulp fantasy" style worlds: Many tend to be the same, but just answer the basic fantasy campaign questions differently (Who's at war with whom here?  Who's the God of War, Love, Death, etc. on THIS world?  What are the Dragons there like?  Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?).
    Creativity is the core of this page.  If it's completely recycled, it doesn't really blong here.  If it makes us think in a new way, even just a little, it stays here.  If it's a small blurb about one aspect of a game, a treatise on an overdone Sci-Fi/Fantasy element, or just a little idea to get us moving, send it our way.  That's what we're looking for.
    Later, once this page is expanded more, this introduction will be stored elsewhere.  Thanks for reading this.  If you're still here then you're probably interested in what's offered here.  Please feel free to look around, and give me feedback so that I can make these pages a Kickass Source of Thought.
Please EMAIL all Submissions here:
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