MAIN EVENTS:    Manji and Rin meet Hyakurin and the Mugai-ryu clan.  Magatsu finds out about Oren, and gets a lead on who killed her (Shira).  Mugai-ryu gets info from their spy in Itto-ryu that Anotsu ordered 3 copies of his ID (that people need, like a passport, when they want to leave Edo), and 3 women's kimonos (for disguise).  Manji meets some yahoo in the street claiming to be Anotsu (but Manji doesn't know since he's never seen him before), and gets attacked by him (not much of a fight.  Manji wins).  Shira and Rin go off hunting after someone in a kimono carrying what looks like Anotsu's weapon.  Later, they discover that they were misled, and Shira goes psycho.  Hyakurin catches up with another of the Anotsu look-alikes, only to discover that she's been fooled, too.  Shira kills and mutilates a lot of people before Rin herself says "enough" and tells him to stop.  Shira is about to strike at her with her own sword when Manji comes in and saves the day.  Shira escapes sans right hand.  Mugairyu's head-chopping dude (Gi-ichi) confronts one of Itto-ryu's men, and questions him by putting his girlfriend neck in his sickle-thing.  But he lets her go because the Itto-ryu guy was cowardly (read smart) and told him when he needed to know- where Anotsu is going.
The guy from Itto-Ryu who's really smart and
makes all the sneaky plans
Hyakurin and Shinriji play a game of skill
Shinriji wins, unfortunately for him
 Rin can't help but to feel small, surrounded by all these powerful fighters...
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