Note- if the following texr looks normal and in no way scratchy and cool like brushed-on blood,
then you have not yet downloaded THIS FONT... DO IT NOW!!!

last modified 3.17 Bunny.

welcome to the
Mugen no Jyuunin

Blade of the Immortal
Story Site

From 3/18 to 3/28, I will be on vacation.
My dad is finally coming to see Japan.  Gonna show him around Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hiroshima.  Anyway, I won't be able to reply to your messages until after that.  By that time, a new Afternoon should be out, so expect another update then!
Any worthwhile events that occour will eventually be put up on my Virtual Gaijin page, which is horribly outdated at the moment, but you can follow the link to it below...


There is a spoiler on this page of something that happened in the latest episode of MnJ, written above in flashing purple letters, backwards and in German.


3.17 Bunny- Added yet another annoying message, above. Also put up a link (by demand) to my Virtual Gaijin page.
2.28 Bunny- added pictures to the previously pictureless March summary, added the April summary, added some art to the Art Section, and added two new locations.  Enjoy!

Why I didn't update this site in the last 3 weeks:
Well, I was busy with the stuff referred to by the giant blinking letters above.  Aside from that, the main reason is that I updated my wife's computer (from which this homepage was written) with Windows 98J (don't ask- it had to be done).  In the process I wiped out the hard drive because all this old crap from 95 kept creeping back in and screwing up the system.  It simply took forever to redownload the FTP and page-writing software- partly because of other obligations but mostly because we were busy playing IQ Final on the Playstation I got as a wedding present.  Damn those black tumbling blocks.
Anyway, I was going to write an apology saying "I won't update this site until I download some FTP software", but to do so would have required FTP software.  Irony.

Other Awesome Manga (keep watching this spot)

Coming Soon:
EDEN                    Sugoi Yo!!! Masaru San
Dr. Kishiwada's Scientific Affection
Aren't I ambitious?

NEW!The Story of Andy and Orie's Marrige - Doesn't have much to do with MnJ, and it's not like you care, but this is MY webpage so I can put whatever I want on it!  Nyaah!

NEW!My First Manga Convention - The second biggest Manga convention in the world, in Tokyo.

SOONAndy's Guide to Japanese Resources- Learning Japanese?  I'll tell you which books you need and which you should avoid...


Visual Summary of Manga/Mangabon - This is what you're here for!

Check out some Interior Art

Links to other MnJ webpages

About the Translator (me)

NEW! Do you want to buy the Original Japanese Mugen no Jyuunin Set (or other Japanese Stuff)? Click HERE for details...

EVEN NEWER! Want to read witty, irreverent stories about life as a Gaijin in Japan? Check out my Virtual Gaijin Site!  Warning: Totally old, with no new interesting stories yet.  I will update it in the next month, though.  PROMISE!!!!

See the Limited Edition MnJ POSTCARD Section (offsite at John's BOI Gallery)

All Characters, stories, and art copyright © 1997 Hiroaki Samura and Kodansha.

Questions or Comments?  EMAIL me at

Return to Perihelion...

About this page
NOTERIETY:  Mugen no Jyuunin is not really known or read in Japan.  It's not a very mainstream manga, even though it's sold just about everywhere.  Most average readers pass over it in favor of the status quo manga (guns, cute monsters, fighting robots, girls with large breasts, toilet humor, baseball, or all of the above).  But the people who have found Mugen no Jyuunin really like it.  I've never met anyone who's read it and hasn't found it thoroughly enjoyable.
Afternoon Comics (MnJ's puclisher) isn't very well known.  They're the manga equivalent of a "minor label".  However, I've noticed that Afternoon puts out the greatest number of awesome comics (so says me), much much more than more mainstream companies like Jump Comics.  Afternoon also puts out BLAME!, Discommunication, Dr. Kishiwada's Scientific Affection, God-Dog, Eden, Fortress School, Parasyte (Kiseijuu), Jiraishin (ice knife), and other awesome, or at least not completely predictable and uninteresting, manga.

This site is dedicated to the Mugen no Jyunin (lit. "Resident of Infinity") manga that are currently being released in Japan.  "Blade of the Immortal" is the name that Dark Horse comics has been using as they have been releasing Mugen no Jyunin into an American "comic" format, after being translated by Studeio Proteus. It is written (and illustrated) by Hiroaki Samura.

Right now, there are 7 (latest one was October 23, 97) Japanese-style manga in Japan, one released about every year or so for the past six years.  Each one runs a little over 200 pages and costs about $5.25 in American currency (Japanese 530 yen).  Normally you can go to a used manga shop and get them for about 300 yen.  The Dark Horse comic counterpart splits each of the 4-5 stories contained in each Manga into about 2-3 comics, each costing about 3 dollars.  Do the Math and go for the Manga.  You can order the original Japanese comic from most comic shops- most carry catalogs with a fairly extensive overseas section, which often includes MnJ.  If you really enjoy the art of Mugen no Jyunin, I suggest you try and order them, even if you can't read Japanese.

Anyway, Dark Horse has only translated and released up to halfway through the third Japanese manga.  That means there's over 1,000+ pages of story that is as of yet untranslated.  I don't have the time or the skill to translate every frame, but with the help of my friend Shigeru and my girlfriend Orie, I hope to throw down at least the rough story of what happens from where Dark Horse stops.

Also, in the Manga versions of Mugen no Jyuunin, there's always interior and cover art that doesn't appear in the American comic versions, as well as some extremely cool art/explanations that Samura sticks in the back of each Manga.