Stuff that I bought

As I was going to the convention, I didn't imagine that I would buy much of anything.  I didn't think that there would be anything that I was interested in.  When I got there and started looking around, I thought that I would buy too much stuff- I was picking up this and that, and I was having more fun looking through all the amateur manga than I thought I would.  After a while, though, I realized that not very much of it was all that original- many of the stories were boring, contrived, or simply hard core sex designed to get bucks.  I actually spent a bit of time looking for a Final Fantasy 7 dojin manga that was interesting, and while there were hundreds upon hundreds of FF7 books, none of them were extraordinarilly interesting, deep, or creative.  I did manage to find some stuff that I liked, though, and spent a little money on that.

To see the Mugen no Jyuunin stuff that I bought, it's all on a seperate page.  Click HERE.

First off, I got three fantasy character laminations (not pictured here) from some video game that I didn't recognize.  They were beautifully drawn and illustrated, and I figured that I could use them as models in my fantasy writings.

The first manga I bought was a Lodoss War manga.  The art was great, and there was an interesting mini-novel in it, so I got it.  In America, I saw the Lodoss anime, and while it isn't all that creative, it is pretty decent status quo fantasy.  Hell, it was the first thing that I recognized!

Nest, I picked up all three volumes of Peruseruko (Perserk), a gag comic remake of the popular fantasy manga/anime Berserk.  The gag with the above comic is that the main character's left arm is missing, and instead he has a metallic arm.  He often switches it with a cannon or a crossbow, but in this gag comic he has a couple of accessories added to the arm...

I thought that this was pretty ingenious.  It was written by a young, shy high school girl so I actually felt good buying it- it looked like her self esteem increased when she sold it to me.  Anyway, It's called "The Pikachu".  It's a cross between Pocket Monsters and Fist of the North Star.  Kenshiro (from FOTNS) IS Pikachu- he puts on the dopey suit before he fights the villians in the wasteland.

Macross (Robotech) isn't as well known as Gundam in Japan, but there were quite a few Macross tables.  This was a "technical manga" that reviewed fictional fighter planes, as well as contained mini-manga and mini-novels.

My dreams came true!  They had a couple tables of dealers dedicated to "Sugoi yo!!! Masaru-san", my absolute most favorite manga and anime series.  I was looking forward to reading the amateur stories based on the creative, wild, totally outrageous and funny manga.  I wasn't lucky on that account, though- most tables only sold character goods, and what manga there were were homosexual manga based on the three main characters (all boys).  Since I often tease my wife for knowing so much about gay-themed manga (basically the female equivalent of the men's Large-breasted sex manga genre), I bought one for her.  That's it on the left.  The main characters are, from left to right, Masaru, Fuumin, and Machahiko.  The laminated character creature in the middle is a Mystery Creature called Meso.  He's Unnaturally Cute, and very strange.  The character on the right is Yoroshiku Kamen, "The Masked Hero of Polite Greetings", both characters from Sugoi yo!!! Masaru-san.