Gaijin- [guy-jean] n. foreigner; alien; me.

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Greetings Fellow Travelers- Yookoso Irasshaimashita.
       Hi-  My name's Andy Kitkowski.  I'm originally from America, but now I'm living in Japan for the next couple of years, teaching English at a local junior high school with the JET Program.  This is a little site that I made so that all my friends, as well as anyone else interested in Japanese culture or living, could share in my little day-to-day adventures in Japan.  And there are plenty of adventures to be told:  Here I am, a 22-year-old with the vocabulary and Japanese speaking/reading ability of your average infant, trying to do the sorts of things that a 22-year-old finds commonplace; eating out, making friends, hanging out, working, shopping, as well as simple day-to-day survival.  In a nutshell:

How come you don't understand me???

        Right now I'm living in Gunma prefecture (BTW prefecture is the Japanese equivalent of "state").  That's about 2 hours north of Tokyo by train or car.  I'm in a little town (relatively) of about 20,000 called Azuma village.  Azuma literally means "East village" in Japanese.  There are actually 3 Azumas in Gunma- mine is often called "Sawa-Azuma", and it lies within biking distance of the much larger cities of Isesaki and Kiryu.
       Gunma reminds me a lot of Wisconsin back in America.  It gets hellatiously cold in the winter, there's nothing to do outside of your house if you don't live ina major city, and it's inconvenient as all hell if you don't own a car.  The latter is surprising, considering the use of trains as primary transportation in Japan.  But here in Gunma, things are a little different- Gunma is the #1 prefecture for per capita car ownals.  The train system here is a lot slower and less convenient than any other place I've been to in Japan.
       However, this place definately has its bright spots- Gunma is famous for its copious amounts of hot springs and ski-slopes.  It's also famous for it's torrential thunderstorms and lightning- when it rains in Gunma, it rains like it does in the movies.  For real.  That's a plus to me because I love the rain, and the sound of thunder relaxes me to no end and helps me go to sleep (of course, this becomes a drawback when there's things that I have to do).  There's also no short supply of genuinely nice and giving people here.  No matter where I go I can be certain on running into someone, friend or stranger, who will want to speak a few words to me, and give me anything that may pop into their heads at the time:  information, food, directions to cool places...
       Well, without further ado, I present to you MY JAPAN.

By the way, I can be reached at
If you have the time, drop me a letter.  Mail, even EMAIL, really makes this Gaijin's day...