Afternoon Comics' Monthly Mangabon
December 1998

Manji, still recovering from the fight with the three Itto-ryu guys, is bedridden at Master Sori's place.  We continue that story...
Manji's strength has been recovering gradually since his disasterous fight against the three Itto-ryu guys.  In fact, he is so strong now that he can singlehandedly, with pure, raw power alone, crush in his mighty hand...
...a small eggplant.
Master Sori's been watching his strength return, and asks some questions to Manji about the kessenchuu.  Apparently, the kessenchuu (or, "blood worms" in the Dark Horse comic version) can quickly reattatch any limb or repair any cut, but if the limb is not attatched soon, then there is a chance that the limb cannot be reattatched at all.  Also, the longer that the limb is away from the body, the longer it takes to recover movement in that limb.  I guess Manji's been working on fine motor movements and the like.
Sori tells Manji that he's off to draw pictures for a day.  He'd like Manji to stay around for another day (Sori has a daughter and is kind of worried about her), but Manji's kind of feeling guilty for not being by Rin for so long.  Sori's daughter comes in and starts digging around for a new futon.  Manji's like, "What's the problem? There's just me and Sori, right?"  Sori's daughter tells Manji that there's another customer staying for the night.  Manji is surprised, but then he remembers a conversation he had a while back with Sori about it.  He sorta remembers and sorta doesn't.
Anyway, Manji swings his swords around a couple times, and then lays down to sleep.  He hears the other customer talking to the daughter (just simple stuff- "your luggage is over there"... "oh, thank you"...)
And Manji bolts upright, realizing that he's heard that voice before.
He grabs his sword, sneaks up to the customer's door, and before he can slide it open, the "customer" opens it from the other side.
And there they are, shocked as hell, but face-to-face again.  Manji and Magatsu!
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