Afternoon Comics' Monthly Mangabon
June 1998


    This is a continuation of last months' story.  We get to know the name of his opponent and some of the other people that appeared in the last two episodes.

The Story
    We see Anotsu and his opponent in the same position that they were at the end of the last manga- Anotsu's broken wooden sword at his throat.  But the guy still looks like he's going to do something.  The laid-back looking guy (Kodzue, as we will soon find out) yells at "Iriya" to stop and drop his sword-  "Like he said.  You lost.  Your sword didn't even hit him once".  Iriya turns back to Kodzue, enraged.  "Who's side are you on, anyway?" he screams.  Obviously there's more going on here than a simple "testing the guest" exercise.
    Anyway, everyone goes silent because at that point the master of the school comes in and sees what's going on.  He walks up to Iriya, totally punches him full-force in the stomach, and tosses him across the room.  He then spends the next two pages apologizing profusely to Anotsu (in front of all the students, and thus obviously losing a little face) for his students' actions.
    A little while later, they are talking alone.  The master, Kensui Ibane (first name Kensui) again apologizes a little for the students' behavior.  He tells Anotsu that even he can't control them sometimes.  Anotsu doesn't blame Iriya, though.  Apparently (to Anotsu), somehow the students found out that he was supposed to take over the school, so they of course rejected the idea of some young new guy becoming the master.
    Then the master asks what he thought of his student's fighting style.  Anotsu tells him that Iriya was undisciplined, wild, and didn't know when to quit.  But he was good.  Anotsu says that fighting Iriya was like fighting a member of Itto-ryu.
    The master tells him that the fighting style practiced at this school is the fighting style that his master was taught, which comes from the fighting styles of battles of three hundred years ago.
    "Battle was a lot different back in those days.  Let me tell you...", he begins.  But this episode ends there.


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