Afternoon Comics' Monthly Mangabon
October 1998


This continues the story of Anotsu's life in the mountain dojo.  The Master of the sword school asked Anotsu to get married to his only daughter, Hisoka.  Here we find out why.

The Story
You want to live hardcore?  Try Master Ibane's workout- get up at the break of dawn and practice swordfighting, then dowse yourself in cold water.  That's what he was up to when Anotsu comes over to see him.
Anotsu tells Ibane that he was thinking about what Ibane was proposing.  He wants to know why he would give his only daughter, plus his sword school, to a guy he barely knows.  Ibane tells him that he did a little looking into Anotsu's affairs.  Anotsu did some incredible things in a very short period of time.  In just two years, he destroyed over fifty sword schools and/or claimed them for Itto-ryu.  In other words, he is a very strong and powerful man, as well as a good leader.  Anotsu asks him what if he knows what kind of people Itto-ryu are.  Ibane knows what kind of people that Itto-ryu employs, but it doesn't matter to him.  To Ibane, Anotsu is a strong man who has the good of the country as one of his highest values (Anotsu's main goal seems to be to strengthen Japan from within against attack or invasion).
But something that Anotsu doesn't have is a successor.  Itto-ryu is like a giant house with one strong support beam.  If Anotsu, that central beam, is taken out at this point, there is no one who could keep Itto-ryu stable.  It would completely fall apart.  Ibane thinks that Anotsu is destined for great things.  But he thinks that he should have some children, some descendants who will be able to help him when Anotsu is older.

Finally, Ibane simply bids Anotsu to have a talk with Hisoka to see what she's like.  Then he's on his way...
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